Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT   


AMSANT is the peak body for Aboriginal community-controlled health services (ACCHSs) in the Northern Territory.Aboriginal Health in Aboriginal Hands :

Darwin, Northern Territory
Inscrit en avril 2014


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  3. Aboriginal Health and News Alert No 75 : May 31 Chair press release : " There is light at the end of the tunnel, not at the end of a cigarette " Plus

    , , et 7 autres
  4. 28 mai

    Latest Newsletter out: 🖤Three-step plan to lifting restrictions 🖤Quit smoking to stay strong 🖤New resources for managing well-being 🖤Our sector leading 🖤Health video messages

    , , et 7 autres
  5. 28 mai

    For my sis ! One thing I love about our mob is our sense of humour! Check out this deadly campaign ft AdamGoodes. 😂

  6. En réponse à

    . And thank you Pat for your leadership at launch Read full speech from our CEO Pat Turner launching and new website

    , , et 7 autres
  7. Aboriginal Health News Alert No 74 : May 28 : Watch champion Adam Goodes play a starring role alongside and in a fun video take on an important Message

  8. 28 mai

    See the advice for healthcare workers travelling from higher prevalence areas to low prevalence areas, particularly remote communities. They are urged to take strong measures, despite the additional burden this may place on services.

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  9. 28 mai

    We are paying close attention to how well 🇦🇺Australia respects the human rights of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders. 2020 scores are coming out on 25 June, and we've written this report on what our current data show:

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  10. James Ward and Kristy Crooks ABC interview : empowering First Nations communities on health is key in pandemic responses When coronavirus came to Australia, there were concerns that Indigenous communities could be amongst the hardest

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  12. . Aboriginal Health News Alert No 74 : May 28 : Watch champion Adam Goodes play a starring role alongside and in a fun video take on an important Message

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  13. . Aboriginal Health News Alert No 73 : May 28 FYI launches 10 Recommendations for " The impact of Covid-19 policies, policing and prisons on our First Nations communities

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  14. 27 mai

    For National Reconciliation Week, I’ve written an article abt what non-Indigenous ppl can do to progress reconciliation. Where do you fit? Tokenistic, ally – or accomplice?

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  16. 27 mai
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    Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  17. 27 mai
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  18. . Aboriginal Health and News Alert Read full speech from our CEO Pat Turner launching and new website

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  19. . Aboriginal Health News Alert Stan Grant's essays : What do coronavirus, the rise of authoritarianism and the retreat of democracy have to do with Indigenous reconciliation in Australia ? EVERYTHING !

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  20. Aboriginal Health News Alert No 71 : May 26 NACCHO in partnership with and Supporting prevention and management of COVID-19 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

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  21. 26 mai
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    Healing in Aboriginal Hands


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