Socialist Register 2018 cover graphic. Photo of street demonstration with many arms in air, overlaid with graphic above of large hands reaching up

The Socialist Register was founded by Ralph Miliband and John Saville in 1964 as ‘an annual survey of movements and ideas’ from the standpoint of the independent new left. It is currently edited by Leo Panitch and Greg Albo, assisted by an editorial collective of eminent scholars in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Each volume is focused on a topical theme and characterized by the inclusion of relatively long, sustained analyses which cut across intellectual disciplines and geographical boundaries.

The Socialist Register is published annually in October. The complete digital archive of 56 volumes published in English, as well as 3 volumes translated into Spanish, is available here. To order or subscribe now click here.

Reviews of SR


Read some recent reviews of Socialist Register volumes:  of SR 2019 in Counterfire and Race & Class; of SR 2018 in Counterfire, Chartist and MBR Bookwatch; of SR 2017 in Capital & Class, Counterfire, Truthout, Midwest Book Review, Chartist and Socialist Review; of SR 2016 in Race & Class, Counterfire, People's World and The Spokesman; of SR 2015 in International Socialism and Counterfire; of SR 2014 in International Socialist Review, International Socialism, The Spokesman, as well as at Counterfire (part 1 and part 2); of SR 2013 at Counterfire as well as in The Spokesman, Red Pepper, Against the Current and the Swedish journal, Arena; of SR 2012 in The Caravan, The Spokesman and Marx & Philosophy Review of Books; of both SR 2012 and SR 2011 in Teoria politica; of SR 2011 in Labour/Le Travail, Economic & Political Weekly, The Spokesman, Permanent Revolution, and IndoProgress (translated into English here); and of SR 2010 in Red Pepper and The Spokesman.

Vol 56: Socialist Register 2020: Beyond Market Dystopia. New Ways of Living

Connecting with and going beyond classical socialist themes, this volume of the Socialist Register combines analysis of the severe contradictions of neoliberal capitalism with plans for new strategic, programmatic, manifesto-oriented directions for alternative ways of living. Fourteen original essays locate such utopian visions and struggles in the dystopian present.

Published: 2019-10-10

View All Issues


For print copies of the Socialist Register, individuals in the USA can order from Monthly Review Press; in Canada from Fernwood Books; and in the UK and rest of the world from Merlin Press. For online subscription options, to access the complete digital archive of over 900 essays published since 1964, click here