Read some recent reviews of Socialist Register volumes:  of SR 2020 in Counterfire and Morning Star; of SR 2019 in Counterfire and Race & Class; of SR 2018 in Counterfire, Chartist and MBR Bookwatch; of SR 2017 in Capital & Class, Counterfire, Truthout, Midwest Book Review, Chartist and Socialist Review; of SR 2016 in Race & Class, Counterfire, People's World and The Spokesman; of SR 2015 in International Socialism and Counterfire; of SR 2014 in International Socialist Review, International Socialism, The Spokesman, as well as at Counterfire (part 1 and part 2); of SR 2013 at Counterfire as well as in The Spokesman, Red Pepper, Against the Current and the Swedish journal, Arena; of SR 2012 in The Caravan, The Spokesman and Marx & Philosophy Review of Books; of both SR 2012 and SR 2011 in Teoria politica; of SR 2011 in Labour/Le Travail, Economic & Political Weekly, The Spokesman, Permanent Revolution, and IndoProgress (translated into English here); and of SR 2010 in Red Pepper and The Spokesman.