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                    Arts and Creative Investment Partnerships

                    Man in wheelchair in artificial corridor
                    Arts and Creative Investment Partnerships (ACIP) provide two and four-year funding for medium to large arts and creative organisations, up to $100,000 and $350,000 respectively.

                    ACIP funds organisations representing diverse artforms to create and present exceptional and innovative work that engages audiences and develops markets nationally and internationally. 

                    The program prompts new ideas, connections and thinking to test, develop and realise artistic ambition. It funds ideas that showcase creative excellence, collaboration, accessibility, viability and strong governance.

                    Organisations can apply for funding for either:

                    • Two years: $30,000-$100,000 or
                    • Four years: $50,000- $350,000

                    Stage 1 EOI applications are now closed

                    ACIP has a two-stage application process.

                    1. EOI: Open expressions of interest for all organisations to submit their ideas.
                    2. Applications: Successful EOI applicants are invited to submit a full application.

                    Key dates

                    • 31 Oct 2019: Stage 1 EOI applications open 
                    • 13 and 14 Nov 2019: briefing sessions
                    • 5pm 28 Nov 2019: Stage 1 EOI applications close
                    • Dec 2019: Stage 1 EOIs notified
                    • 10 Feb 2020: Stage 2 briefing session for successful EOIs
                    • 17 Feb 2020: Stage 2 applications open
                    • 5pm 16 Mar 2020: Stage 2 applications close
                    • August 2020: funding recipients announced and notified

                    Read the Stage 1 EOI guidelines

                    Stage 1 EOI application forms

                    Arts and Creative Investment Partnerships FAQs

                    Is my organisation eligible for ACIP?

                    ​Applicants must be a not-for-profit independent, non-government arts and creative organisation.

                    What is meant by medium or large organisations?

                    ​Medium organisations are those that are reasonably dominant in their field. Large organisations are those that are dominant in their field. Size and revenue are dependent on the industry in which your organisation operates.

                    Does my organisation have to be based in the City of Melbourne to be eligible for ACIP?

                    No but the proposed activities must take place within the City of Melbourne boundaries.

                    Does my organisation have to use a Council owned venue (for example the Melbourne Town Hall)?

                    ​No. Any venue can be used provided it is located within City of Melbourne boundaries. Refer to City of Melbourne suburbs map for the boundaries and Creative Spaces.

                    Where can the funded activities take place?

                    ​Public outcomes must take place within the City of Melbourne boundaries.

                    Can the funded activities occur in outdoor spaces and the public realm?

                    ​Yes, but if the funded activities occur in an outdoor space (for example a park or street), contact the City of Melbourne Events Melbourne team on 9658 8008 to discuss the proposed site. Refer to the Event Planning Guide.

                    Will I need to apply for a permit?

                    ​For use of any outdoor space, a permit or approval (such as an event permit) must be sought and there may be cost implications that need to be included in your budget.

                    However, permits do not need to be confirmed prior to either Stage 1 EOI or Stage 2 Application.

                    Can my organisation submit more than one application?

                    ​Organisations can only submit one application to ACIP.

                    Can my organisation apply for ACIP as well as other City of Melbourne funding?

                    ​No. Activities that have already been funded by another City of Melbourne grants, sponsorship or expression-of-interest program are ineligible to apply to ACIP for the same project in the same timeframe.

                    Your organisation cannot apply for other City Of Melbourne funding if your ACIP Stage 2 application is successful.

                    How much does ACIP have to disburse?

                    ​The ACIP budget is $2.7 million.

                    For how much can my organisation apply?

                    Organisations can apply for up to $100, 000 for 2 years or up to $350,000 for 4 years.

                    Organisations must apply for the same amount for each year.

                    Who assesses ACIP?

                    ​All applications are assessed by Arts Melbourne senior staff and an independent external panel.

                    When will my organisation know if we have been successful?

                    For Stage 1 EOI, applicants will be notified of the outcome in December 2019.  

                    For Stage 2 Applications, applicants will be notified of the outcome in June 2020, subject to Council approval.

                    If my organisation is successful when do we get the funding?

                    ​Following successful applicants being notified in June 2020, payment will be made subject to receipt of all required information and documentation including a signed funding agreement and agreed key performance outputs.

                    If my organisation is successful for 2021 – 2024 funding when will the partnership commence?

                    ​The funded activities can begin 1 January 2021 and conclude by 31 December in either 2022 or 2024.

                    Who can I talk to about ACIP?

                    Please contact Michelle De Val on 9658 8430 or attend an information session.

                    ACIP operates under:

                    Image credit: Bruno Booth - Hostile Infrastructure. Photo Keelan O'Hehir.

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