Twitter APIs handle enormous amounts of data. The way we ensure this data is secured for developers and users alike is through authentication. There are a few methods for authentication, each listed below.

Most developers will not need to work with the details of authentication as Twitter client libraries already implement the protocol. Supported libraries >


Authentication methods

OAuth 1.0a

OAuth 1.0a

OAuth 1.0a allows an authorized Twitter developer app to access private account information or perform a Twitter action on behalf of a Twitter account.

OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token

OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token

OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token allows a Twitter developer app to access information publicly available on Twitter.

Basic authentication

Basic authentication

Many of Twitter’s enterprise APIs require the use of HTTP Basic Authentication.


When to use

The most common methods used by the Twitter Developer Platform are OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token. The best place to check the authentication method required for an endpoint is the API reference page.

Some differences between OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token methods are:


Differences OAuth 1.0a OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token
Ability to search Tweets
Ability to pull user timelines
Ability to get trends data
Ability to like/create/Retweet a Tweet on behalf of a user  
Ability to retrieve a users' email address  
Ability to read/write advertiser data  


Keys and tokens

Consumer API keys


Access token & access token secret


Consumer API keys

Rate Limits Distinct per User Distinct per Application

Please note: Consumer keys can be obtained from your Twitter apps detail page found in the developer portal, where you can also generate an access token and access token secret. To generate access tokens for a different user, you will need to go through the 3-legged OAuth process.


Additional resources



Learn how to generate tokens and authenticate requests using our integration guides.

API reference

API reference

Review our reference guides for our authentication endpoints.

Protect yourself

Protect yourself

Make sure you understand the best practices for storing your keys and tokens.



Visit our FAQs.