Post, retrieve, and engage with Tweets

The following API endpoints can be used to programmatically create, retrieve and delete Tweets, Retweets and Likes:

Tweets Retweets Likes (formerly favorites)
  • POST statuses/update
  • POST statuses/destroy/:id
  • GET statuses/show/:id
  • GET statuses/oembed
  • GET statuses/lookup
  • POST statuses/retweet/:id
  • POST statuses/unretweet/:id
  • GET statuses/retweets/:id
  • GET statuses/retweets_of_me
  • GET statuses/retweeters/ids
  • POST favorites/create/:id
  • POST favorites/destroy/:id
  • GET favorites/list

For more details, please see the individual endpoint information within the API reference section.


Tweet/Status - when a status message is shared on Twitter. Also see Introduction to Tweet JSON

Retweet - when a Tweet is re-shared by another specific user. Also see Introduction to Tweet JSON

Like - when a Tweet recieves a 'heart' from a specific user, formerly known as favo(u)rite or 'star'