You are here: Home > Register
April 23 2020 10.58pm


Please take the time to enter the following information, and then hit the 'next' button at the bottom of the screen.

If you have any problems in signing up then please mail

NB. The personal details you submit on this registration form will not be passed on to any third party companies.

Required Information - Step 1 of 2

Enter a username you wish to be known as on the site. Min. 2 characters, max. 20 characters.

Enter a password. Case Sensitive. Min. 4 characters, max. 10 characters.

Retype Password
Re-type the password above.

Email Address
Your email address. NB. Make sure it's correct, as an email will be sent to this address, asking to confirm your registration.

First Name
Your firstname and lastname are used for internal purposes only, and are not displayed to the public.

Last Name

Select the country where you are currently visting this site from (not where you were born). Select 'Other' from the bottom of the list if your country is not listed.

Enter the first name of the current Palace manager:

You are here: Home > Register