Feedback for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology

For people with disabilities or for those with technological constraints who are having difficulty accessing this site you may provide feedback to the Bureau by other means such as phone/email/facsimile.

Couldn't find what you were looking for?

Have you checked the Help or the Frequently Asked Questions pages?

Or fill in the feedback form…

N.B. Links () in the form will take you to the most relevant section of the site for the topic linked.

What is your feedback regarding?


The best way to access the Bureau's climate data archive is via the new Weather Station Directory

please specify


*Read further information on the Bureau's Commercial Advertising

N.B. If you find a fully or partially inflated Weather Balloon please call 000 and ask for Fire Brigade assistance.

The Bureau is interested to know if you find a balloon. Please add the following details to the "Message" text-box below; the Date, Location, Equipment found (e.g. Balloon, Radiosonde etc.) and the Radiosonde serial number. A Radiosonde is the measuring instrument and radio transmitter carried by the weather balloon.

(ocean currents & temperatures)

— Before sending radar feedback please read our Radar Help Page, FAQs

(not Radar images)

of type , specify *

*If "Thunderstorm" selected, see Severe Weather Knowledge Centre for more information.

* (fill in URL)

*If "Specific Web Content" was selected, specify


please specify type


*Before sending feedback please read the information on Changes to your state Weather and Warnings pages.



Which role below best describes you?

Which of the following best describes the content of your message?


*Emailed forecast service not available.

If you're enquiring about the appearance/functionality of the website:
Which operating system and browser you are using?

The easiest way to do this is to click the "Get my browser info." button which will get the details from your browser and put them in the text-box below.

If this is not the browser/operating system the issue happens on; please tell us, at least, the name and version (number) of the Browser and Operating System you experienced it on. e.g. "Windows 8, IE 10" or "OS X Mountain Lion, Safari 6"

N.B. 250 character limit. Text only please. HTML mark-up will be stripped from your message.

Your message relates to?

Please select state or territory:

Please provide your name, state and valid email address:

Do you need a response to this feedback?

Yes, I would like a response

No, I don't need a response

N.B. 4000 character limit. Text only please. HTML mark-up will be stripped from your message.

Verify your feedback; answer the following question:

To acknowledge your feedback, after clicking on the Send Feedback button you will be presented with a page with the details of your feedback. You will also be sent an email confirming we have received your feedback. If you do not receive the confirmation email then check the email address you specified as it is probably incorrect.
