

“Carry on the struggle, until Gods good time, the New World with all its power & might steps forth to rescue & liberation of the Old”

Joined February 2018


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    11 May 2018

    You were given everything you need Right at the beginning Q drop #1332

  2. 19 minutes ago

    No The Catholic influx into major northern cities put Wilson in power who implemented the Fed. Who created the bubble so welfare could be created to reel in more slaves for the DNC The Catholic influx was artificially orchestrated & carefully plan w methodical precision

  3. 22 minutes ago

    King was a staunch conservative The DS tried to sell him as a Socialist He remained in his tracks So he was erased, painted & remembered as a Socialist

  4. 24 minutes ago
  5. 32 minutes ago

    Malcom X conservative? Dr. King conservative? Did they warn blks? Did they attempt ? Connect the dots DNC = Evil = Bringer of death It’s been happening for a long time

  6. 36 minutes ago

    How did the DNC re-emerge after civil war? Statue of Liberty + Ellis Island = Immigration of Catholics who’d vote differently then Northern Republican Protestants into NYC Boston Philadelphia DC Chicago The switch It’s been happening for a long time You been fooled Connect dots

  7. 1 hour ago

    Non whites are most often the easiest to manipulate It is not by change the DNC target blks & hispanics as a vehicle for the Commie tactics For that same reason they’re the groups that suffer the most The DS is using indigenous ppl of Bolivia against themselves Be

  8. Retweeted

    Clinton WhistleBlower: FEDS Probe Adam Schiff Dressed like Egyptian at Bizarre “Sacrafice” Parties at Ed Buck’s Meth Mansion

  9. 3 hours ago

    The signor Hussein? Brennan? Clapper? Whoever authorized is at the top of the food chain Thus when FISA Declass He/she who was at the top & authorized will be implicated w fraud & treason News will shock the world

  10. Retweeted

    Democrat icon Michael Avenatti slapped with another charge.

  11. Retweeted
    Nov 13

    I knew South Park wouldn't disappoint this week 😂

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  12. Retweeted

    Remember when the media attempted to ridicule me in 2017 for highlighting Sweden's massive problems with violent crime & integration in no go zone migrant areas. Not so funny now is it?

  13. 10 hours ago

    Their back up plan was the shooting in CA

  14. 10 hours ago
  15. Retweeted
    16 hours ago

    BIG IF TRUE Trusted source tells me former Mayor Pugh is allegedly disclosing information implicating Baltimore elected officials in corruption/pay-to-play deals. Their words, “she’s singing like a bird”. -On The Case of the Missing Millions with Kimberly Klacik 🕵🏾‍♀️

  16. 10 hours ago

    People are waking up to the fact that the DNC Was Founded by a foreign entity with the goal of divide, destroy, conquer America thru subversion using Socialist tactics at the behest of the Empire. & it is still so to this day

  17. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    Adam Schiff's friend was just "arrested for allegedly asking a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually explicit photos"... Here's Schiff praising and shaking hands with yet another pervert...

  18. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    After over 5 hours of Adam Schiff attempting to convince voters that he has something on President Trump, yesterday’s hearing verified that Schiff has nothing.

  19. Nov 13

    Read article Connect dots Who is Zibgnews daughter? Was Zibgniews a 🤡? 🤡s own mockingbird? Who they met in Pakistan during group trip? On behalf of? GHWB? Obama = Osama 17 Letters of separation For? 911 blueprint? All connected Bigger than most can imagine

  20. Nov 13

    Who is Hussein?? All questions=answers All dots connected Hussein was a 🤡 from birth His mother was a 🤡 Groomed Controlled from inception America was fooled They thought they elected a President They voted for a puppet Manchurian Candidate? Connect dots

  21. Nov 13

    Search: Zbigniew Brzezinski John Brennan Barrack Obama Pakistan Connect dots Hussein was groomed by Brennan


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