Robert W. Yeh MD MBA


Cardiologist | Health services researcher | Clinical trialist | Director Opinions my own.

Harvard Medical School
Vrijeme pridruživanja: veljača 2009.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    13. pro 2018.

    BREAKING NEWS!!! In the first ever randomized clinical trial, we demonstrated that parachutes did NOT prevent death or major injury compared to control in individuals jumping from aircraft. Published today in :

    , , i još njih 5
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  2. prije 16 sati

    What do you most commonly recommend for DAPT duration after unprotected LM PCI? (I know the real answer is "it depends", but humor us - have a debate coming)

  3. prije 17 sati

    New Yorker article discussing the perils of misinterpreting statistics has an erratum at the end... correct the mistaken interpretation of what a p-value means in the original version. I guess they proved their point? 😂

  4. prije 21 sat

    Terrific digestible review of the state of evidence of national programs to incentivize higher value care, by . Features some of the work has led at Great insights from and .

  5. 22. ruj
  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    20. ruj

    One fun part of the job is telling my story of how funding was essential my career, allowing a bridge to apply for and acquire an K23. I show this support through participation in Heart Walks and other activities. Grateful for the support.

    , , i još njih 7
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  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    6. ruj

    New study by suggests that combining aspirin, statin, betablocker, and ACE-inhibitor into a single pill for 2ry prevention of CVD in low- and middle-income countries may save both lives & money. But there’s a catch. THREAD 1/

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  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    18. ruj

    In @CircCQO, we find that annual spending for beneficiaries with CVD was ≈$200 lower when cared for by ACOs with cardiologist participation (compared with those without).

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  9. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    18. ruj

    You know the grant application is going to be truly outstanding when a comes out on the table!

  10. 18. ruj
  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. ruj

    What makes CVD in men and women different? Check out our piece in ✔️Women ≠ men for 86% of CV biomarkers ✔️Hormone status is part but not all of the story Lucky to be part of a great team

  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. ruj

    **Poll** inspired by a debate today. The evidence to date suggests that the U.S.'s shift to value-based care is working (e.g. improving patient care/outcomes or reducing spending).

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  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. ruj

    Little man getting it done. (Version with less nightmarish audio)

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  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. ruj

    Spent the day interviewing cardiology fellow applicants . Such amazingly talented applicants out there! I am optimistic about the future of cardiovascular care having met all of you!

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. ruj
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  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. ruj

    In prep for our - ESC 2017 guidance class IIb level A support for use of BLEEDING SCORES - what do you use?

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    11. ruj

    Cover letter for manuscript submission

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    10. ruj

    ~2 yrs later reflects on her experience as PI of ORBITA- what began as her PhD project & ended up front page news. She explores the emotional roller coaster of the experience, having emerged stronger. An important perspective for any trialist.

    , , i još njih 7
  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    10. ruj

    Research is a team sport but career development awards are about the individual. When first person is indicated in a career development award, should one use “I” or “we”?

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  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    10. ruj

    Our () new paper published “Regulators and policy makers should consider geographic location and patient access as key factors in developing coverage decisions applicable to patients with aortic stenosis.”

  21. 10. ruj

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