ProtonMail for Business (Intro to Professional Plans)

ProtonMail’s secure email service can also be used for enterprises large and small. With our Professional Accounts, your company can now use end-to-end encryption to secure your business communications.

In this article, we will provide an overview of ProtonMail Professional accounts and how they can assist your organization in securing your email communications.

How can I use ProtonMail in my business?

Every day business employees send sensitive data through email with the assumption that the information is secure and will remain private. We have seen by the ever increasing number of data breaches, that this assumption no longer holds true. Instead a better assumption is that your organization will suffer a data breach at some point in the future. ProtonMail offers a hosted email solution to ensure your information remains secure even in the event that your business does suffer a data breach.

Getting a ProtonMail Professional Account

Signing up for ProtonMail Professional is easy, you can be up an running in a few clicks. You will first need a ProtonMail account. You can signup for a free account. Once you have your account, you can upgrade to a Professional Plan through the Dashboard tab of your account within your account Settings.

ProtonMail for Business – Benefits

ProtonMail has a relentless focus on securing the world’s information. To ensure this

  • Data control through end-to-end encryption
  • High Security
  • High Reliability
  • Low Cost

ProtonMail for Business – Pricing

No longer do you have to invest in expensive up front server costs and maintenance of legacy systems to keep your data secure. ProtonMail Professional Accounts offer simple, cost effective pricing structure that remains constant based on the number of accounts your organization needs. We do not require long term contracts – you’ll never feel stuck again.

Our per user pricing is $6.25/month when paid annually, and $8/month when paid on a month to month basis.

ProtonMail for Business – Getting Started

To get started using ProtonMail for your business you will need a ProtonMail Professional account and access to update your domain’s DNS. Domains only allow having one primary mail server meaning every email account active on your domain will need to be transferred to ProtonMail in order to continue receiving mail. Please contact us if you are looking to use ProtonMail in conjunction with your current mail system.

ProtonMail for Business – Migration Tools

Migrating your existing email data to ProtonMail may be necessary for your organization. We help you make this transition as seamlessly as possible using our import-export tool. We also offer dedicated support to business users. For more information, please write to us at

Organizations, Users, and Administrators

Professional accounts supports user hierarchy giving organization administrators the power to easily monitor and add users to your organization as well as assign administrative privileges to other users. You can learn more about how the structure works here: Organization User Roles Details

Transitioning your Business to ProtonMail

Step 1: Setting up Your Domain(s)

Step 2: Creating your Organization

Step 3: Setting up User(s)

Step 4: Migration of existing email messages (Coming 2018)

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, try checking out our Professional Plan FAQ.

Enterprise Support

Contact Us

Please contact us at if you are interested in learning more about using ProtonMail for your business.

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  1. thomas grzybowski

    I am interested in the functionality of ProtonMail for Business. Currently we have an SMTP email server associated with our CiviCRM software, hosted on

    We wish to be able to generate and send low-volume mass mailings on our server, sending them via ProtonMail for Business. Some sort of VPS bridge would be required. Is this possible?

  2. ProtonMail Support

    SMTP support in currently available via our ProtonMail Bridge app ( The officially supported clients for use with our Bridge app are Apple Mail, Outlook, and Thunderbird. Other clients may work, but we cannot make any guarantees.

  3. Yves IMBERT

    Comment modifier le langage d’un compte (passer d’anglais à français) ?

  4. ProtonMail Support

    To change the language your account uses, go to Settings > Account, scroll down to Language and select French from the drop-down menu.

  5. Estelle

    is it possible to have an automatic backup of emails on our own hard drive

  6. ProtonMail Support

    Automatic backup is currently not possible. We are working on developing our own Import/Export tool, which should be available in the near future.

  7. KD

    Is here any student plan ?

  8. ProtonMail Support

    All ProtonMail paid plans are listed at the following link: You can also go to Settings > Dashboard in the webmail to check out the exact pricing for the various options offered.

  9. Mark

    HI, how many emails can you link to the account?

  10. ProtonMail Support

    Under the Professional plan, you can add up to 5000 sub-users. Each new user increases the total address limit by 5 addresses. You can find our FAQ for the Professional plan here:

  11. zaphod

    How much space do we receive? Is it 5GB per user or more?

  12. ProtonMail Support

    Yes, each user added to the Professional plan gives you 5 extra GB of storage space that you can allocate between all users as needed.

  13. Lars Andreasen

    When I try to email my customers, It seems like I hit a ceiling of maximum 25 receivers per email. Is it really not possible to email more than 25 contacts in one go?

  14. ProtonMail Support

    The maximum recipients that can be added to a single message is 25. This includes the To, CC and BCC fields. Please be advised that ProtonMail is not designed for bulk sending.

  15. Dr. T. Allen

    I am interested in having an account that supports HIPPA requirements. I see that Proton reports that they are HIPPA compliant.
    I want to know what is the best option (plan) to choose if you support HIPPA and how to receive a BAA agreement?

    Thank you.

  16. ProtonMail Support

    All ProtonMail plans have the same level of encryption. For more information about obtaining a BAA, please visit

  17. juan salgado

    how many limit per day for send email with smtp proton mail?

  18. ProtonMail Support

    SMTP support is only available when using the Bridge with a desktop email client, and falls under the regular sending limits we have.

  19. a

    does the professional plan include the same benefits as the plus? and its 6.25 per person/email?

  20. ProtonMail Support

    The Professional plan also supports adding multiple users, as opposed to just aliases with Plus. Professional also provides the option to set a catch-all address.
    The pricing for Professional is per user.

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