Welcome to Gentoo, a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution.

Security advisories from our Security database

GLSA 201906-01 Exim: Remote command execution high
GLSA 201904-25 QEMU: Multiple vulnerabilities normal
GLSA 201904-24 Ming: Multiple vulnerabilities normal
GLSA 201904-23 GLib: Multiple vulnerabilities normal
GLSA 201904-22 OpenDKIM: Root privilege escalation normal

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

acct-group/adm System group: adm
acct-group/cdrom System group: cdrom
acct-group/tty System group: tty
acct-group/tape System group: tape
acct-group/dialout System group: dialout

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) aka ZombieLoad started by Whissi
Ext4/zh-cn started by 空空
Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3 started by Ant P.
Blas-lapack-switch started by Lumin
USE flag/ja started by Toku