Knoxville Radical Alliance


Community defense and mutual-aid in so called east tennessee.

Knoxville, TN
Inscrit en février 2018


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    4 avr.

    As recent events have suggested, there may be new white supremacist groups attempting to organize in Knoxville. Stay informed and alert.

  2. 14 juil.

    As Jewish groups blockade ICE concentration camps, as people clandestinely organize safe houses for undocumented people, and as an anarchist is shot dead while sabotaging ICE infrastructure, we must all support these dignified and militant acts of refusal, however we're able to.

  3. 1 juil.

    GoFundMe is still hosting a fundraiser for neo-nazis including former Knoxville regular Johan Carollo. Link to report:

  4. 27 juin

    A GoFundMe campaign with an unsubstantiated and fraudulent account of what happened is circulating to raise money for their legal defense fund. GoFundMe page: Link to report:

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  5. 27 juin

    THREAD on arrest of three Shieldwall Network nazis (including former local troll Johan Carollo) who likely intended to travel to Knoxville with Billy Roper to disrupt Knox Pride - none of them ever made it over here.

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  6. 22 juin

    Okay, how do we have money for this crap but not for the body cams we were promised after an MNPD officer murdered Jocques Clemmons? 🤔 And where is the number we call when police are the ones committing a hate crime? 🤔

  7. 23 juin

    ICE spotted heading into Knox around 4:30pm. Stay vigilant and please document anything you see.

  8. 22 juin

    LoSA and their police escorts set up by the coliseum parking garage on Howard Baker Ave

  9. 21 juin

    ATTN Knoxville: Guide to fascist groups and individuals expected to show up at tomorrow. Let’s keep each other safe!

  10. 21 juin

    Members of Shieldwall Network were arrested early this morning in Arkansas, including "Johan" Carollo and Julian Calfy. We'll see if this affects Kynan Dutton and Billy Roper's SWN presence at tomorrow.

  11. 20 juin

    UPDATE: Knox Pride Parade organizer has resigned, as Knox Pride attempts to backpedal on their controversial statements. No word yet of any actual plans to scale back on police interference.

  12. 20 juin

    There’s been a lot going on leading up to on Saturday. Here is a recap of what we know. Stay informed, stay vigilant! ✊

  13. Supprimer
  14. 20 juin

    Most recently was seen in downtown Knoxville on 5/17 with Colton, Craig Spaulding and Caleb Rose leaving an alley after carving into a local business’s back door. Have each others backs and keep your eyes peeled for this crew in Knoxville this Saturday.

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  15. 20 juin
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  16. 20 juin

    He can be seen in Legion of Saint Ambrose’s book burning video with Colton Williams, and participated in LoSA’s first public action the day after the arson at Highlander Center.

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  17. 20 juin

    He’s bragged about beating a woman and making moltov cocktails for Richard Spencer’s MSU event in 2018 shortly before the fall of TWP.

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  18. 20 juin

    He was armed at the nazi rally in Pikeville, KY April 2017 and attended the violent Unite the Right rally in August that same year.

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  19. 20 juin

    Corey has been spotted at actions in Knoxville on at least 3 separate occasions in the past few months, but is believed to be from Shively or Louisville, KY. Here he is with Colton Williams and David Branscusm holding an SS flag in 2017.

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  20. 20 juin

    THREAD CW/TW Meet Corey Scott Whittman Corey, AKA Dr. Cocopuff, was active in the now defunct TWP and more recently participated in actions with LoSA. Corey has been organizing with figures such as Matthew Heimbach since at least 2016. Here he is with Heimbach at the 2016 RNC.

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  21. 15 juin

    Excited for Pride next weekend!


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