Our Comrades

Under the sun and southern stars – the O’Shea victory 50 years on  

A speech on behalf of the Communist Party of Australia Marxist-Leninist at a Spirit of Eureka event celebrating the defeat of the penal powers on Friday, May 17, by Lindy Nolan.

I pay respect to the Gadigal People on whose land we meet, and to Bidgigal leader Pemulwuy, whose clan alliance ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Jun 01

Talk at 50th Anniversary of Clarrie O’Shea Penal Powers Victory. Melbourne. 15 May 2019.  

Jointly hosted by Spirit of Eureka (Victoria) and Rail Tram and Bus Union (Victorian Branch)

Shirley Winton
(Spirit of Eureka)




more...- Posted on 2019 Jun 01

“Neither power nor profit could buy the great Ted Hill.”  

On the anniversary of Ted Hill’s birth, 23 April 1915, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new website on his life and work.  Ted Hill was a founding member and Chairman of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).  He dedicated his life and work to the struggles ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 24

“Serve the People" – Learning from Ted Hill  

Ned K.        24 February 2019

Many Vanguard readers are probably aware that Ted Hill was a leader of the Communist Party of Australia in the 1940s and 1950s and initial Chairperson of the CPA -ML when it formed in the early 1960s. Vanguard readers are probably familiar ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 24

E.F. Hill Funeral Oration at Memorial Meeting for Jim Scott (September 1970)  

We gather here today to speak of our friend and comrade Jim Scott who died at the age of 84.  All of us either knew or knew of Jim Scott.

He was a person of revolutionary integrity and principle.


more...- Posted on 2018 Sep 07

E.F. (Ted) Hill  

Ted Hill (23 April 1915 -1 February 1988) occupies a pre-eminent position among Australian Marxist-Leninists.

Born Edward Fowler Hill at Mildura, he lived most of his life in Melbourne where he assumed positions of leadership in the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) and the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).


more...- Posted on 2018 Aug 26



Under the sun and southern stars – the O’Shea victory 50 years on

Talk at 50th Anniversary of Clarrie O’Shea Penal Powers Victory. Melbourne. 15 May 2019.

“Neither power nor profit could buy the great Ted Hill.”

“Serve the People" – Learning from Ted Hill

E.F. Hill Funeral Oration at Memorial Meeting for Jim Scott (September 1970)

E.F. (Ted) Hill

Bill Bird

Doreen Lorbach

Clarrie O'Shea

Ken Miller

Ted Bull

Mel Mooney

Dulcie Steffanou

Norm “The General” Gallagher

Fortis Antipas

Cedric Ralph

Comrade Frank Mulheron

Cde. John "Cummo" Cummins

Comrade Charlie McCaffrey

Betty Oke, champion of the people – A tribute

Comrade Neil McLean

Comrade Paddy Malone



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