Podcast: “Intentionally trying to disrupt the machine” – Ward Reilly

“Four of us from the same platoon desert[ed] together, which is the ultimate military crime,” shares Ward Reilly, US Army Vietnam era GI resister

Podcast: “I refuse to be [used] against people who dissent” – Zels Johnson

“It’s very hard for people to believe that their country would try to kill them,” explains former National Guard member Zels Johnson.

Podcast: “There were US anti-war soldiers all over the world” – Hal Muskat

“I told my command officer that I wasn’t going to, I was refusing my orders [to Vietnam] … In his rage, he thought if he court-martialed me, he’d have to stay in the Army past his discharge date.”

International Conscientious Objectors’ Day 2019 Report and Photos

Berkeley, California: Report and photos from the 13th Annual “Berkeley C.O. and War Resisters’ Day” and Peace Flag raising.

Drone warfare activist Daniel Hale facing 50 years for whistleblowing

Air Force vet, intel analyst turned anti-war activist arrested and charged with violating the Espionage Act.

Gerry Condon, Veterans For Peace, violently arrested at Venezuelan Embassy

Emergency support needed at the Venezuela Embassy in DC – “Their coups failed in Venezuela so they are trying one here.”

Podcast: “This was a war … against an entire people” – Michael Uhl

Michael Uhl led a combat intelligence team with the 11th Infantry Brigade in Vietnam during 1968-69. Afterwards, he helped expose the Phoenix Program.

Chelsea Manning from jail pledges continued grand jury refusal

“Nothing that will convince me to testify before this or any other grand jury for that matter.” – Chelsea Manning

“The Boys Who Said NO!” upcoming documentary

The Boys Who Said NO! is an upcoming documentary profiling the young people who actively opposed conscription in order to end the draft and the Vietnam War.

Podcast: “I was part of a war that I came to see as unjust, immoral, illegal” – David Cortright

“Speaking out against [the war], as an active-duty GI, would incur some risks. I might have to pay a price, but I had to do it because business as usual was not an option.”

Podcast: “Intentionally trying to disrupt the machine” – Ward Reilly

Podcast: “Intentionally trying to disrupt the machine” – Ward Reilly

"Four of us from the same platoon desert[ed] together, which is the ultimate military crime," shares Ward Reilly, US Army Vietnam era ... read more

Podcast: “I refuse to be [used] against people who dissent” – Zels Johnson

Podcast: “I refuse to be [used] against people who dissent” – Zels Johnson

"It's very hard for people to believe that their country would try to kill them," explains former National Guard member Zels Johnson. read more

Podcast: “There were US anti-war soldiers all over the world” – Hal Muskat

Podcast: “There were US anti-war soldiers all over the world” – Hal Muskat

"I told my command officer that I wasn't going to, I was refusing my orders [to Vietnam] ... In his rage, he thought if he ... read more

International Conscientious Objectors’ Day 2019 Report and Photos

International Conscientious Objectors’ Day 2019 Report and Photos

Berkeley, California: Report and photos from the 13th Annual "Berkeley C.O. and War Resisters’ Day" and Peace Flag raising. read more

Drone warfare activist Daniel Hale facing 50 years for whistleblowing

Drone warfare activist Daniel Hale facing 50 years for whistleblowing

Air Force vet, intel analyst turned anti-war activist arrested and charged with violating the Espionage Act. read more

Gerry Condon, Veterans For Peace, violently arrested at Venezuelan Embassy

Gerry Condon, Veterans For Peace, violently arrested at Venezuelan Embassy

Emergency support needed at the Venezuela Embassy in DC - "Their coups failed in Venezuela so they are trying one here." read more

Podcast: “This was a war … against an entire people” – Michael Uhl

Podcast: “This was a war … against an entire people” – Michael Uhl

Michael Uhl led a combat intelligence team with the 11th Infantry Brigade in Vietnam during 1968-69. Afterwards, he helped expose the ... read more

Chelsea Manning from jail pledges continued grand jury refusal

Chelsea Manning from jail pledges continued grand jury refusal

"Nothing that will convince me to testify before this or any other grand jury for that matter." - Chelsea Manning read more

s brian willson“In a society like the US where virtually every foreign intervention, everywhere, is grotesquely illegal and criminal, the most effective resistance is from the soldiers themselves…”

-S Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran & Peace Activist

Supporting the Troops Who Refuse to Fight

We’re a group of concerned community members, veterans and military families who support military objectors to illegal war and occupation and the policies of empire. Our People Power strategy weakens the pillars that maintain war and occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere by supporting GI resistance, counter-recruitment and draft resistance, which cuts off the supply of troops. We are autonomous from and independent of any political organization or party.

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Image“After Alex was killed in Iraq, my ex-wife told me that he didn’t want to go back … If I had known about Courage to Resist, Alex might be alive today.”

-Carlos Arredondo, Gold Star Father

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Free Chelsea Manning (again)!

Jailed for refusing to collaborate with the WikiLeaks grand jury, Chelsea declared “I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury.”

Share your story of military resistance!

We’re seeking individuals who took a stand of some kind against war in general, or a specific war, while in uniform, or who refused to be drafted.

Free Chelsea Manning (again)!

Jailed for refusing to collaborate with the WikiLeaks grand jury, Chelsea declared “I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury.”

Share your story of military resistance!

We’re seeking individuals who took a stand of some kind against war in general, or a specific war, while in uniform, or who refused to be drafted.


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