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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    9. März

    There is no such thing as work–life balance – it is all life. The balance has to be within you.

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    vor 15 Stunden

    1980, Sonia Gandhi enrolled for voting in Delhi. Nothing wrong in it. But there was 1 problem. She wasn't Indian Citizen yet - Guess what Rascals at election commision, didn't even check that, she went ahead & voted (as per opp). When it was revealed to public they canceled it.

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    vor 4 Stunden

    ये शानदार और चौड़ी सड़क का हिस्सा है।पहले पहाड़ो में ऐसी सड़क के बारे में सोचना भी सपने देखने जैसा था।गंगा-यमुना मैया के उदगम से लेकर केदरनाथ-बद्रीनाथ को ऐसी ही सड़क से जोड़ा जा रहा है, सफर सुकून भरा बनाने में लिए और का शुक्रिया।

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    ना बापू का हत्यारा देशभक्त हो सकता है, ना ही 10,000 सिखों का हत्यारा,दोनों ही हत्यारे है । खैर भाजपा ने तो अपना स्टैंड बापू के हत्यारे पर बता दिया अब आप अपना स्टैंड 10,000 सिखों के हत्यारे पर बताये ।

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    vor 3 Stunden

    Sadhvi did not utter a word against Gandhi why is the media yelling Sadhvi has insulted Gandhi. Why can’t Godse be a misguided patriot who assassinated Gandhi. Patriots are not saints, their acts do breach the law of the land for which they are punished after the due process.

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    Half of 7 lakh hindi populations was around that age when they were forced to live in tents because of Islamist terrorism in valley ...

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    vor 13 Stunden

    Godse killed Gandhi so his followers are facist, but worshiping Mao & stalin both this dictator killed more people than hitler are progressive, liberal and humanitarian? hypocrite aunty!

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    vor 17 Stunden

    Real Name - Mohammad Nisar Orange T-shirt, Tilak on Forhead Now you can understand many things You can also connect this to the so called "Bhagwa Goons" doing Violence during Amit Shah Road Show in Kolkata, They were all TMC Goons

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  9. hat retweetet
    vor 16 Stunden

    "Rajiv Gandhi isn't relevant." "Why?" "Because he lived 3 decades ago." "Modi didn't sell tea as a kid! He also left his wife!" "How is that relevant?" "Well he's Modi. We're Lutyens. We can say anything about him. Rake his past. Because he's made our life a living hell."

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    15. Mai

    The Trump Administration is fighting for free speech online. No matter your views, if you suspect political bias has caused you to be censored or silenced online, we want to hear about it!

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    vor 5 Stunden

    Sadhvi's statement on Godse diverted nations focus from events in Bengal. nothing more she has a right to her opinion & the freedom to state it in public like the rest of us.

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    vor 5 Stunden

    Waise has more chances to become CM if he joins bjp than he remains in Con party. Diggy has already have more hold n say in Con govt in MP than Scindia

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  13. vor 5 Stunden

    Modi: The Integrator in Command International media are unable to see in their pessimism is that the policies and programmes of the Modi government have greatly bridged divisions in Indian society across different axes writes

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  14. vor 7 Stunden

    After the death of India’s first PM his successor Lal Bahadur Shastri wasn’t allowed to move into the PM’s official residence – Teen Murti Bhavan – owing to Indira Gandhi’s insistence that the house be converted into a memorial for her father.

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    the repeated instances of products disrespectful to faith point to a lack of will on part of Amazon to put in a policy in place. A few less dollars won't hurt you. A lot more decency will help you.

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  16. vor 14 Stunden

    The Election Commission is increasingly getting tougher in dealing with the problematic West Bengal administration. The commission has removed two officials from election duty in Diamond Harbour just before the election of the seventh phase in the State

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    vor 17 Stunden
    Antwort an

    This article deals in length of genocide of Brahmins by congress after assassination of Gandhi, reasons & mysteries surrounding assassination, how Gandhi let down Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru, the remark by the Judge who tried Godse.

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  18. hat retweetet
    vor 20 Stunden

    Those who signed mercy petition of Afzal Guru are calling GODSE an anti national Afzal Guru was tried under POTA and IPC(Sedition) for waging war against India Whereas Godse was tried under sec 302 of IPC & not under any sedition laws Godse did not wage a war against India 🤣🤣

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    vor 17 Stunden

    पाँच साल के बाद आप इस गाँव की विडीओ देखिए गाँव के क़रीब क़रीब हर घर को प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना में पक्का किया जा चुका है हर घर में शौचालय का निर्माण किया जा चुका है समुचित बिजली आपूर्ति के लिए विद्युतीकरण किया जा चुका है। दोबारा इस गाँव आएँगे?

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    Under the able leadership of PM Ji and CM , development of Tripura is happening at rapid pace. Here is a short video of what is happening in Sabroom ,Tripura. -First ever railway station -Bridge Connecting India with south asia & many more

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  21. hat retweetet
    vor 18 Stunden

    16 मई 2014 का वो दिन, जब बदल गयी भारतीय राजनीति की धुरी!

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