vass: Hothead Paisan says "FEH MUH NIST". (Hothead)
Vass ([personal profile] vass) wrote2012-09-01 03:38 pm

So much work still to do

I'm on the tram on my way back from Slutwalk. It was fine until right up to the end, when a guy from Socialist Alternative approached me.

Him: Come to our pro-choice rally!
Me: Can I have a look at the flyer?
While I'm reading it, him: You should also have a look at our women's rights charter.
Me: Look, I have a really poor opinion of Socialist Alternative, so why don't we leave it there?
Him: Why? I don't come from Melbourne, so...
Me: I don't want to go into it.
Him, sulking: Awwwww.
Me: I asked you to drop it, and you didn't, at THIS rally?
And I walked away.

For what it's worth, my opinion of Socialist Alternative is that they're an actual cult, and coopt every lefty cause they can to raise money for themselves, at the expense of the minorities they claim to be working for. Today, for instance, there were more people collecting for Socialist Alternative (who did not organise Slutwalk) than there were collecting for the actual event. And the woman collecting for Slutwalk told me that any money left over from the organising costs would go to the Coalition Against Sexual Assault, which struck me as a sharp contrast to Socialist Alternative, whom I've never heard say anything at all about where the money they collect goes.


(Anonymous) 2012-09-01 06:57 am (UTC)(link)
"For what it's worth, my opinion of Socialist Alternative is that they're an actual cult"

Feminism is not?
splodgenoodles: (Default)

Re: Cults?

[personal profile] splodgenoodles 2012-09-01 08:08 am (UTC)(link)

Although I'll have to check when I next go to the feminist meeting that we all go to to receive instructions for the next month's feminist activities.

Would you like to come along? We'd love to have you there.
lilacsigil: 12 Apostles rocks, text "Rock On" (12 Apostles)

Re: Cults?

[personal profile] lilacsigil 2012-09-01 08:43 am (UTC)(link)
The Gay Agenda is on right afterwards! We have cupcakes!
chalcopyrite: Two little folded-paper boats in the rain (Default)

[personal profile] chalcopyrite 2012-09-01 07:24 am (UTC)(link)
Me: I asked you to drop it, and you didn't, at THIS rally?

That does sum up a certain.... something. ::ickface::
lilacsigil: 12 Apostles rocks, text "Rock On" (12 Apostles)

[personal profile] lilacsigil 2012-09-01 07:43 am (UTC)(link)
A Socialist Alliance newspaper seller hit me with their paper once (I said "no thanks", they hit me in the boobs with it) and while at the time I was willing to believe they were trying to hand me the paper, everyone else's encounters with them has since made me think they weren't.
trouble: Sketch of Hermoine from Harry Potter with "Bookworms will rule the world (after we finish the background reading)" on it (Default)

[personal profile] trouble 2012-09-01 11:17 am (UTC)(link)
Oh, yes. We had a group like that in Halifax. They kept coming to things like Take Back the Night and pushing their flyers.