The wrong people have been under surveillance - Marama Davidson

By Te Ao - Māori News

Green Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson says the wrong people have been under surveillance and the muslim community aren’t being protected from white supremacists.

“We know that tangata whenua, brown communities, muslim communities and environmental activists are all people who have been targeted for years using a lot of resource to track these people and these groups when what they’re doing is protecting the environment and their communities.”

Police have confirmed fifty people died in the Christchurch mosque shooting on Friday, the worst terror attack in New Zealand history.

Davidson told Te Ao Māori News “our surveillance at a high level and our police surveillance has completely failed.

In 2007 Police executed search warrants in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Wellington after 12 months of surveillance of activist groups. Police arrested 18 people in raids linked to alleged weapons- training camps near Ruatoki in the Bay of Plenty.

“What it says is that there is a clear bias, a systemic bias that distracts away from the very real dangers of white supremacists all around the world.”

Davidson says the Green Party will carry out an investigation into high level surveillance and police profiling.