  1. 1. März

    Es sind übrigens nicht nur ein paar australische Politiker. Auch in Kommentarbereichen findet man viele freiwillige . Bei Missbrauchstätern ohne Kardinalswürde wäre das undenkbar.

  2. 4. Mai

    WTAF!!! The Royal Commission found that the Catholic Church raped 1000's of children over generations & covered it up. The LNP have screwed CSA survivors redress, rewarded the church with billions, defended Pell & now this...

  3. 8. Apr.

    On crazed, factually incorrect conspiracy theories that are desperately hurtful to survivors of clergy abuse: Do not share links. It only gives people the attention they so desperately crave. They are yelling at clouds. They are yesterday's men. Let them yell.

  4. 14. März

    I've blocked who repeatedly spread demonstrably fake news, who describe a woman as an ugly bitch, allege bizarre anti-Catholic conspiracy, anonymous bots w no followers & those who threaten violence. It really is a charming bunch which defends the Cardinal's virtue

  5. 14. März

    In court sometimes there's a voice with a ring of truth, like a bell. I've heard it hundreds of times. It comes from special witnesses with unshakeable credibility. I believe Pell's appeal is hopeless & he should withdraw it and end his victim J's suffering.

  6. 9. März

    I reckon Andrew Bolt & other should join a panel discussion in Ballarat, chaired by David Coleman, to discuss Milo Yiannopoulos' proposal that boys can learn a lot by being raped by older men. $14.88 tickets will be sold via Damien Costas/.

    Diesen Thread anzeigen
  7. 6. März

    In the chorus of criticisms of 's conviction, there is a disturbing echo of the denials by religious leaders which precipitated the Catholic Church's current crisis. Patrick Parkinson warns not to repeat the mistakes of the past:

  8. 4. März

    Francis Sullivan CEO of Truth Justice and Healing Council, on Q&A, refers to the "We don't want to put the victim on trial, by suggesting what they said, was wrong. For too long in the Catholic Church, people who were abused, weren't believed. They were silenced."

  9. 4. März

    Fair question. Could ANYONE watch that episode of and think is victim of a conspiracy, that it is all made up? Anyone? Lines are open. If you saw and are still one of the please tweet reasons

  10. 4. März
  11. 4. März

    Imagine if the Sydney Archbishop told his flock not to judge Ivan Milat to quickly after he'd been found guilty by a court of law.

  12. 3. März

    An institution, that protects its reputation before it protects innocent children; is an institution that is wrong

  13. 3. März

    A close friend hangs himself a month after telling me about the abuse he suffered. He was the last of a group of 7 friends who were preyed upon. 7 boys abused by priests are now all dead. My tears this week have been for them and the secrets they kept

  14. 2. März
  15. 1. März

    If it's based on evidence and not emotion, there's a chance that Pell could well win his appeal. If you know how the law works, this case is not yet done and dusted.

  16. 1. März

    Conservatives last week: refugees may be paedophiles! Conservatives this week: what's wrong with paedophiles?

  17. 27. Feb.

    I don’t ever recall any Blackfulla critiquing the NTER ever suggesting that convicted pedophiles were actually innocent yet were still framed as being indifferent and/or complicit in the abuse of Aboriginal women and children. Meanwhile

  18. 27. Feb.

    You know, even if Bolt and the other were right about the Pell verdict they can't argue against the fact that the Catholic church is a paedophile protection racket. Canon law has no more place in a secular society than Sharia law.

  19. 27. Feb.

    Miranda Devine & Andrew Bolt are both climate sceptics/denialists. They don’t care about evidence. That goes for child abuse too. It’s about ideology not facts

  20. 27. Feb.

    John Howard's personal reference for George Pell is like John Howard himself: plain and creepy.

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