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chris murphy
An advocate that client by all means & expedients & at all hazards & costs to other persons and amongst them to himself is his first and only duty'
chris murphy 6h
Replying to @shadow2010echo
Seen it 100s of times acting for kids in kids court. Disfigured for life.
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chris murphy 7h
And if it was your child this paedophile George Pell raped? Remorseless and lying powerful sanctimonious criminal. Expect a maximum sentence. Unforgivable sin against a child proven beyond doubt.
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chris murphy Feb 24
LIB Attorney-General Christian Porter under fire for appointing a slew of former LIB MPs to the independent tribunal, which pays members up to $244,520 a year, on the final parliamentary sitting day before the April pre-election Budget.
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chris murphy Feb 24
Oh, dear, he's back clapping the Liberal Party leader "Morrison is embracing the philosophy of politics as the art of the possible." Glad to have cancelled my subscription to the Sydney Morning Herald. Lost so many good journos.
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chris murphy Feb 24
Newspoll : Labor leads Liberal losers 53:47. Buncha crooks to leave Canberra remand yard. Dead men walking.
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chris murphy Feb 20
LIB Minister for Energy Angus Taylor warns Labor’s clean energy coal use reduction will be costly for Australian families! Yeah? Same LIBs fought Labor's cigarette plain packaging. It hurt the sales of poisoners too..but at least more kids will now have grandparents.
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chris murphy Feb 19
Replying to @VHMOB @matthaig1
change your medication
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chris murphy retweeted
Mehreen Faruqi Feb 19
or we could just scrap the taxpayer funded religious chaplaincy program altogether... Schools don't need chaplains, they need qualified, secular counsellors.
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chris murphy Feb 19
Replying to @MehreenFaruqi
agree with you.
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chris murphy Feb 18
Strike me lucky! Talk about coincidences. Helloworld now says the Mathias Cormann trip was never free! They hadn't noticed they hadn't charged him and he hadn't noticed he hadn't paid them for it. Haa, haa, haa...gotta hand it to these Liberal Party guys.
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chris murphy Feb 18
So Mathias Cormann didn't know from his credit card bills that his good mate who was the boss of the travel company that won a huge contract from his Party didn't charge him for his $3000 air fare. Lucky he is only in Parliament. Wouldn't try that on in a courtroom.
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chris murphy retweeted
Nick McKim Feb 18
Late last night, the Government confirmed it intends to subvert the will of Parliament by sending people transferred under the Bill to Christmas Island.
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chris murphy Feb 17
Remember when electricity was affordably cheap, owned by the state and ran by the Electricity Commission. Here is a return to better times, maybe, with Michael Daley's climate sensitive initiative. ps I'm not a member, never have been and am not aligned to any party.
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chris murphy Feb 17
And this from the brilliant author of inspiring Reasons to Stay Alive... “A society which demands we be normal even as it drives us insane.” Children missing school to protest inaction on climate change? The future is theirs. My total support.
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chris murphy retweeted
Greg Rohan Feb 16
Replying to @chrismurphys
I cancelled mine the other day too
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chris murphy retweeted
Paul Anderson Feb 16
Replying to @chrismurphys @guardian
My subscription ended last week, I used to support Fairfax but feel the money is better spent on supporting
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chris murphy Feb 16
And now my mornings will not be soiled and my brain left open to the other sources of information not permeated with political objectives faked as news. Goodbye to the Sydney Morning Herald. Thank you for letting the brand Fairfax rest in peace.
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chris murphy Feb 15
That’s it for me! I delivered it as a paper boy school days. I wrote a page column for the Sun Herald for years. Now I end a lifetime of buying the Herald. Now just a tabloid Labor Party bashing rag. Boss an ex Liberal Party Treasurer. A matter of principle. Bye bye.
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chris murphy Feb 14
You couldn't make this stuff up.Sanctimonious bible basher PM sustains historic defeat while preaching he's saving drowning children by refusing medical treatment to refugees. Sydney Morning Herald under Nine boss ex LIB Treasurer MP Costello headlines it this way!
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chris murphy Feb 12
Bully boy loser's rort. Democratic process of Parliament passes law that demands medical treatment for seriously ill refugees on Nauru and Manus Island.Conman Scott Morrison re-opens Christmas Island to transfer the seriously ill people there to dodge the legislation.
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chris murphy Feb 11
Dux of the State in history as a school boy. Brilliant lawyer, High Court Judge and above all an extremely nice person with kindness beyond all others you might meet. Must watch this film clip and know how great an Australian can be. Michael Kirby 's insights on life.
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chris murphy Feb 11
Sailing close to the wind. Murdoch Daily Telegraph attacks judge. All that matters is that the legal decision applies the law. Contempt of court?
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chris murphy Feb 10
This A football fan but who knows priorities. $billion grandstands for games watched on television? Allianz perfectly shaped & comfortable now a gift to developers & years of construction for a handful a few hours a year?Nah! Young people's futures.
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chris murphy retweeted
Kerry Seebohm_BoomerThug Feb 10
Replying to @chrismurphys
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chris murphy Feb 10
While our Scott Morrison LNP Government rejects climate change and supports coal burning as its re-election platform coal bites the dust in Germany, Europe's greenest nation
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chris murphy Feb 9
Vomitus maximus. That grotesque Liberal Party caretaker government and its spiteful trifecta of vandalizing miscreants Dutton, Morrison & Wilson
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chris murphy Feb 8
Saw Albert Finney in Orphans in a London theatre. They stood on the seats cheering after his performance. Never seen anything like that before. Truly awesome. Sad passing.
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chris murphy Feb 7
I'm close to the edge. So many real journalists gone.
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chris murphy retweeted
L Feb 7
Replying to @chrismurphys @smh
I didn't need a secret hotline ? I was caught in a speed zone change and I had to get the fine changed to my name as I was driving. I'm sure more than one person drives the one car. What a terrible drop in standards the has become. They are loosing readers not gaining them.
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chris murphy Feb 7
Happened to you? It's happened to me. Partner driving my car accepted points loss. Exclusive! Seriously? Voters in the 'hood screaming about tearing down Allianz stadium & exLIB Costello CEO's SMH writing this twisted anti-Labor crap? via
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