Same-sex marriage rant on Facebook lands festival director in trouble

THE director of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival has come under fire over a homophobic rant on his personal Facebook account.

Ben Graham 18, 20171:30pm

Richard Wolstencroft is facing a backlash on social media. Picture: Newscorp Australia.Source:News Corp Australia

AN ANGRY tirade against the same-sex marriage vote result has been launched by the director of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival (MUFF).

Richard Wolstencroft left a lengthy message on Facebook on Tuesday, saying “the Decadence and Degeneracy of the Bourgeois Elite has been normalised and The Nation will be under direct attack”.

“This is the beginning of the End of our Great Country.- unless we fight back,” wrote Wolstencroft. “This is a horrible black day of infamy.

The status has attracted a lot of criticism. Source: Facebook.

The status has attracted a lot of criticism. Source: Facebook.Source:Facebook

“Homosexuality is created often through child abuse and it has been embraced by the Majority of Australians as normal.

“The Australian public really was fooled, bullied and cajoled in to this decision ruthlessly by the Government and Media Elite who wish to advance this abusive and destructive agenda.”

The message, in which he also speculates about “vote rigging from The Elite”, has led to call for the festival he founded and has ran since 2000 to be boycotted.

Wolstencroft said his critcs are ‘bullies’ in another Facebook rant. Picture: Newscorp Australia.

Wolstencroft said his critcs are ‘bullies’ in another Facebook rant. Picture: Newscorp Australia.Source:News Corp Australia

Aussie actor and screenwriter Lachy Hulme was one of the stars who called Wolstencroft out on Twitter.

“Just been made aware of this, and have directly contacted Mr. Wolstencroft to officially rescind my MUFF Best Actor award for ‘Four Jacks’ (2001) and terminate any association with his film festival. #YES,” he wrote.

British-born actor Harry Cook also called for a festival boycott.

Today, Wolstencroft hit back at the criticism — again on his personal Facebook page.

“The Thought Police aren’t fully in control just yet!” he wrote.

“So, until they are, go away and find someone else to bully and pick on.

“Because this black duck is not going to take it and I am going to fight this bullying, intimidation and thought policing.

“1984 is not here just yet and you dullards are not going to enslave the human mind or kill it’s sense of humour. In fact you never will. The Human Spirit is too Strong!”

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