Andy Semple


Provocateur Extraordinaire. Political Correctness Stops Here.

Kirra Beach, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Beigetreten Dezember 2016


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    15. Apr.
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  2. 30. Mai
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  3. 28. Mai
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  4. 28. Mai

    While you are over in Japan, Premier, go see for yourself one of their brand new state-of-the-art high efficiency low CO2 emission coal fire power plants. Learn from them. Wouldn't be great if we too could use our own coal, as well as export it to Japan.

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  5. hat retweetet
    28. Mai
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  6. 27. Mai

    If you like the Predator franchise, this is rather cool.

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  7. hat retweetet
    22. Mai

    Your Wish is my command

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  8. hat retweetet
    23. Mai
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  9. hat retweetet
    21. Mai
    Diese Medien könnten sensibles Material enthalten. Mehr erfahren
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  10. hat retweetet
    20. Mai

    Maybe Labor should think of Chris Bowen as its new leader, as he's the one Shadow Minister the public really listened to. When he said, "If you don't like our policies, don't vote for them", that's what people did.

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  11. hat retweetet
    20. Mai

    Delusional Bill believes he's still a Labor powerbroker sharpening his old knives for Albo's back. He also told Arnie Schwarzenegger he was Australia's next Prime. Bill - doing for Labor what he planned for Australia.

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  12. 20. Mai

    Just like the polls, these ppl have ZERO credibility

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  13. 20. Mai

    Australians aren't against Climate Change policies What Australians want are sensible CC policies not extreme policies that make Australia do significantly more than the rest of the world. we ain't going to "save" the planet by putting Australia out of business.

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  14. 20. Mai
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  15. hat retweetet
    19. Mai

    Joe Biden's old comments about building a border fence are political gold for Trump

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  16. 15. Mai

    Yet Premier your 2IC, , is hell bent on stopping QLD coal exports worth $67bn pa to appease eco loon greens Either you bat for Queensland or you side with the ecoloons

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  17. 15. Mai

    “Inclusion” is a lefty created means to actively discriminate against those people who express individualism over collectivism. As the boss of my own firm, I’m proud to say we don’t have an inclusion policy of any description.

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  18. 10. Mai

    FMD are going to spend $9.9 billion to top up childcare workers’ wages? That’s a slippery slope if I have ever seen one. The only thing this guarantees is the cost of childcare will explode higher

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  19. 10. Mai

    Why Labor can’t be allowed to form Govt The flood gates would open again with illegal immigrants

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  20. 9. Mai

    Toddler fed vegan diet was malnourished, had no teeth, court hears Radical Vegan parents nearly killed their kid Veganism is another sign of severe mental illness

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  21. 8. Mai

    Sure we all “love our Mums” Pity spent more time talking about his late Mum than his climate change costings

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