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  1. 44 minuti fa

    this is what AFP are raiding political reporters for go on 😡 try your hardest.. your Home Affairs Department goon Mike Pezzullo, won’t scare me into silence i’m doubling down - everyone should know about this👇🏻 we’re !!!

  2. 7 ore fa

    That’s be right....LNP arsehole

  3. 9 ore fa

    What’s next...public stoning, firing squad, the gallows Boycott Harvey Norman!

  4. 3 giu

    Um, why is the newly re-elected government announcing all kind of policies that were never mentioned during the campaign?

  5. 3 giu

    Contrary to reports on Friday, House turnout currently sits at 91.3%, an increase on 91.0% in 2016. Though the number will fall slightly once provisional voters are added back into the total enrolment.

  6. 3 giu

    Turnout for has now passed 2016 turnout. 2016: 91.006% 2019 now at 91.007%

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  7. 1 giu

    This is very good. Putting someone in their place who thinks poverty is a budgeting issue. Someone should have this conversation with Morrison.

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  8. 31 mag

    Besides from ads, the 3 ‘news’ stories on my feed are: is it good for Bill Shorten to stay in Parliament?; Bill Shorten’s ‘poor track record’; & Bill Shorten’s alleged leadership ambitions. Isn’t there a government to be holding to account?

  9. 31 mag

    Looks like “corporate leviathans” and a “financial behemoth” have been at for a while! About 1.5 million Labor votes have been lost in 12 years.

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  10. 30 mag

    Dear Australian Media (most anyway) could you please, now that is done & the won, could you maybe start pushing the gov on its policies with the same vigor as you're pushing the ALP's theirs? the ones that wont be implemented for 3yrs if they're elected.

  11. 29 mag

    Anyone else get the feeling that the government is set on destroying the joint? 😐

  12. 28 mag

    Like Democrats claiming the American college electoral system was rigged against them, the moral legitimacy of the just-elected Morrison government is already being questioned by the left-wing media.

  13. 28 mag

    these cases must be challenged, not simply because a successful case might lead to a by-election that Labor could win. This sort of deception needs to be confronted on the basis of principle.

  14. 28 mag

    Many of you have been asking whether I am still a Senator. My response below.

  15. 28 mag

    When I was young, in my first proper job, during the Howard era, my late and great boss told me once, ‘Long periods of Conservative governments can get depressing.’ I now know what he meant.

  16. 27 mag
  17. 26 mag

    The reaction to the common sense victory of conservative values over the Left in last Saturday's election has highlighted the spiteful nature of the socialist class when they don't get their own way.

  18. 26 mag

    Sussan Ley is back in cabinet she’ll become Environment Minister this is the MP who was sacked in 2016 after she went to Qld for a meeting..yet came back with a $700,000 apartment she’d bought her excuse? she “did not expect” to buy a new property

  19. 26 mag

    Conservative Party leader says climate change alarmism is a nonsense promoted by the United Nations to ultimately give it more power and redistribute global wealth.

  20. 25 mag

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