This Week on CounterPunch Radio

    • HOST: Eric Draitser
    • TOPICS: Russia and Putin’s future.

Swedish Sex Pistol Aimed at Assange

In my article, Avoiding Assange, a month ago, right after the first US indictment was issued, I addressed two diversionary arguments that I knew would be used by those who want to hide their complicity with American imperialism under leftish cover—that is, those who don’t want to be seen as endorsing the United States government’s prosecution of Assange for, and intimidation of every journalist in the world from, reporting the embarrassing truth about American war crimes, but who also don’t really want to stand in the way of Assange’s extradition to the United States. More

Russiagate Trumps Environmental Catastrophe for the Dismal Democrats

If historians still exist years from now, some of them will be struck by how Donald Trump’s Democratic Party critics and their media allies obsessed over the 45th United States President’s real and alleged connections to Russia while saying comparatively little about his enactment of a soulless anti-environmental agenda that accelerated humanity’s march towards extinction in service to the United States’ own homegrown corporate polluters. More

White Nationalism and the Neoliberal Order

Two related tendencies have sown confusion over the crisis of liberalism that continues to unfold across the U.S. and Europe. On the one hand, the forces of the political right are ascendant. Right-wing leaders are being elected as an apparent rebuke of the serial failures of neoliberalism. On the other, the will of the polity is increasingly irrelevant to the formulation and concerns of nominally public policies.In the U.S., the political establishment continues to put forward candidates which its functionaries appear to believe can best perpetuate this illusion of democracy. Befuddlement at the rise of reactionary forces is met with an increasingly strident insistence that there is nothing to react against, that all is well if people would only shut up and follow the directions of their betters. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Whatever Happened to the EPA?

In this issue: Former whistleblower Evaggelos Vallianotas on the corruption of the environmental watchdog. Netanyahu’s Victory: Jennifer Matsui explores whether the Israeli right has finally gone too far. The Evolution of the Minimum Wage by David MacarayDavid Price details the legacy of forgotten CIA critic David Conde. Kent Paterson reports from the Mexican border on AMLO’s stormy first months in office. Pete Dolack on the imbalances of modern capitalism. Lee Ballinger considers the consequence of AI in the workplace. Lee Hall on the value of eastern predators in a chaotic climate. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on the plight of the Orca; Laura Carlsen on the plague of white nationalism; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on climate and gender. Chris Floyd on American despair and Andy Piascik on the journalism of Pete Hamill and Jimmy Breslin.

Rising Seas Could Generate 187 Million Climate Refugees by 2100
