
Weekend Edition
June 07, 2019
Friday - Sunday
Rob Urie
Electoral Politics Versus Democracy
Missy Comley Beattie
My Abortion
Jeffrey St. Clair
The Dams That Kill Orca
Roger Harris
Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution in the Crosshairs of US Imperialism
Nick Pemberton
Mom and Pop(ulation)
Andrew Levine
Democrats Get Ready
John Feffer
The Misadventures of ‘Tariff Man’
Kenn Orphan
Angst and Madness at the End of Empire
Brian Cloughley
Britain in Crisis and Going Further Downhill
Russell Mokhiber
Boeing, Obama A Gold Watch and 346 Dead
Faramarz Farbod
Making Capitalism History
Ramzy Baroud
Facing the Facts: Israel Cannot Escape ICC Jurisdiction
David Rosen
Taking on the FCC: Unraveling a $500 Billion Rip-Off
Medea Benjamin
Travel to Cuba Falls Victim to John Bolton’s Wrath
Jessicah Pierre
Racism is a Public Health Crisis
Diana Block
Teaching Palestine in South Africa
Thomas Klikauer
The Accelerating Ecological Genocide
Binoy Kampmark
Warring Against Sources: The Australian National Security State, Journalism and the Public Interest
Isabel Marlens
The Farms of the Future
W. T. Whitney
Santrich Goes Free While Peace in Colombia Still Held Hostage
Chris Wright
The Jacobin Vision of Social Democracy Won’t Save Us
Chandra Muzaffar
Tightening the Noose on Cuba
Steve Early
Under Guise of “Choice”: Trump Launches Assault on Veterans’ Care
Gary Leupp
Joe Biden, Opportunist, Insincere Catholic
Dan Bacher
California’s Biggest Secret? How Big Oil Dominates Public Discourse to Manipulate and Deceive
Ron Jacobs
Free the Seattle 7! A Persecution From the Past
Jill Richardson
Celebrating Pride, Mindfully
Dennis Etler
Getting China Wrong, Again
James Heddle
Halting Holtec – A Challenge for Nuclear Safety Advocates
Colin Todhunter
From Glyphosate to Front Groups: Fraud, Deception and Toxic Tactics
J.P. Linstroth
Footnoting History for the Sake of History and for the Sake of Peace
Lana Habash
The Handmaid’s Tale: On Self Defense
Manuel E. Yepe
Bilderberg and the Future of Capitalism
Nejma Nefertiti
Black Water
Amadi Anene
Poor Neighborhoods Need More Than “Investment”
Wim Laven
Where is a “Tank Man” for 2019?
Lawrence Reichard
Might Humboldt Bay Fish Farm Be a Raw Deal?
Cesar Chelala
Donald Trump in the Role of His Life
Adolf Alzuphar
Diary: Neighbors
Mel Gurtov
Why the Trade War with China is So Dangerous
Louis Proyect
Gay Liberation, Gay Cinema
Eve Ottenberg
Our Dying World
Barbara Nimri Aziz
Arab Women at Work: Sculptor/Painter Simone Fattal Retrospective
David Yearsley
Songs of State
June 06, 2019
Philippe Marlière
France: The Yellow Vests’ Missed Opportunity