You can be a good witness. Chick tracts can help!

Christians write, "These are the only tracts I get asked for!"

These little cartoon tracts can help you become the witness you’ve always wanted to be. We’ve all read Jesus’ command, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." The problem is how to do it.

We all have jobs, or school, or families, or something that eats up our time. A river of people go by us every day, but how on earth can we obey Jesus and reach out to them? Chick tracts can help!

Ordinary Christians who are using Chick tracts can’t get over how people love to get them, read them, and keep them. Look at what they are saying:

"...they pass around like hot cakes. I have to admit I’m thrilled with the actual mileage these little soul winners travel."
"...people keep the books to re-read them and show them to others."
"The kids as well as adults really read them."
"...most people will read these, even if they have refused to look at all other gospel tracts."
"...they were an aid to me coming to Christ."

"But I’ve been told that tracts are a waste of time."

Of course, the best thing to do is to sit down and discuss Jesus, one on one, with every person who has a shred of spiritual interest. There is just one problem . . . we don’t know who they are! In order to find them, we’ve got to advertise.

Remember, not everyone is ready to think about the Lord at a given time. All too often, people have to go through some sort of personal crisis before they are ready to listen, and think about their soul. You can pass tracts around, all over the place, and you have a pretty good chance that some of them will end up in the hands of people who are ready to listen.

The toughest problem with witnessing

Years ago, Jack Chick was a new Christian who faced a problem. Whenever he would try to witness to someone (to obey the Lord’s command) something would interrupt him. If he was in an office, the phone would ring. If he was in a home, the dog would bark, the kids would cry...it was always something! There had to be a way to reach people!

He found a way to make people listen!

Chick was a cartoonist. His entertaining cartoons were being printed in newspapers. He realized he knew a way to hold someone’s attention in a way that was "interruption-proof." He began drawing gospel cartoon tracts. They had stories that would grab the reader. The cartoons would make them chuckle. They were hooked! And then he would present the gospel. It really worked!

"I gave a man a Chick tract at a train station. Several hours later he rang our doorbell. After talking awhile, he got saved."
"HI THERE! Was read by my son as a joke —scared him silly— he belongs to Jesus now."
"A friend got saved due to THIS WAS YOUR LIFE. He had been a Satanist."
"I found a Chick tract in the restroom in high school. I was saved from reading it."

Chick found that he could give these to anyone and, if something interrupted their conversation, that tract would go into their pocket to be read later. Since the tract was full of cartoons, they didn’t seem to want to throw it away!

Even shy people can witness this way.

If you find it difficult to witness because you are shy, don’t feel like the you’re the only one. Millions of Christians struggle with the same thing. Here is how one Christian expressed it so well:

"I've been in the tract ministry for years and sure love to pass out your tracts. They have grabbing stories which cannot help but to be read. I put them everywhere because I'm too shy to talk to people. I am not very good with my words but I love everyone and don't want anyone to go to hell for eternity. I couldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

Maybe this will happen to you.

"A lady came out of the ladies room in a fancy restaurant holding one of your tracts that I had just put in there, tears streaming down her face. Her makeup was a mess. I believe she was under conviction from the message in that tract."

You just have to get started.

Since people love to receive Chick tracts (they will often thank you) it just makes it so easy! If you’re not sure how to start, order some copies of our most popular title, THIS WAS YOUR LIFE, and start leaving them around town.

If you need some ideas about where to leave them, read our free cartoon training booklet - Who Me?". It’s got some great ideas you can actually use!

Or, just click here to order a sample pack with over 130 different Chick tract titles for only $23.95 plus shipping. Your whole family will enjoy reading through them, and you will have just the right tract for anyone you meet.

It’s really fun, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are pleasing the Lord. Try it today!


People Actually Thank Me When I Witness To Them!

  • Witnessing
  • Do Tracts Work?
  • Tract Witnessing

It's all in how you do it. Chick tracts make witnessing easy, and people love to read them.

God Sees The Seed We Plant

  • Do Tracts Work?
  • Tract Witnessing

You never know where your Chick tracts may end up. Sometimes the results are surprising!

More Great Witnessing Ideas

  • Witnessing
  • Tract Passing Tips

An extensive list of ways to witness with Chick tracts. Use your imagination!


Do Tracts Work?

God Sees The Seed We Plant
You never know where your Chick tracts may end up. Sometimes the results are surprising!

It Pays to Advertise
Successful companies have learned that the most effective form of advertising is the personal testimony about the product...What's the correlation?

People Actually Thank Me When I Witness To Them!
It's all in how you do it. Chick tracts make witnessing easy, and people love to read them.

Testimonies Show Tracts Work!
Many people describe how a Chick tract led to their salvation.

Are We Losing the Next Generation?
When we are drawn to the things of this world we lose our focus as to why we are really here.

Vietcong Were Closing In. He Was Trapped . . .
The Vietcong were closing in. He was trapped and thought he was about to die. In desperation, he cried out to God. Then it happened...

Tract Disturbed Him Enough to Go Buy a Bible
When Paul Karmin set out hitchhiking to see the world in the spring of 1977, he had no idea he would find heaven, instead.

Sociologist Develops Gospel Saturation Plan
His little "experiment" proves that the distribution of no-nonsense gospel tracts can change a community.

If We Plant the Seed, God Will Give The Increase
Some claim that Gospel tracts are a waste of time. These people, who found a tract while near to suicide, beg to differ!

Does Your Church Know Tracts Work?
Did you get saved by reading a Chick Tract? Thousands of people have written to Chick Publications over the years saying that they did.


Chick Tract in Halloween Sack 'Changed My Life'
One young person wrote to us about what happened when his family passed out Chick tracts that the parents provided...

Don't Hide This Halloween
Giving out tracts on Halloween is easy! They come to you!

Halloween: Soul Winners Making Creative Use of 'Devil's Holiday'
More even than Christmas or Easter, Halloween is being turned into a major national witnessing opportunity by creative soul winners.

Creative Christians Share Christ on Hallloween
Look at the fun these Christians had on Halloween night. How about you?

Halloween: A Great Time To Teach Soul Winning
We need to introduce the next generation to the joys of soul winning —and Halloween provides the perfect opportunity.

Don't Forget the Children
If Jesus had children coming to His door one night a year, what would He do?

'We Couldn't Pass Them Out Fast Enough'
Christians having fun using Halloween for Jesus.

From Biker to "Grim Reaper"
Inspired by the Chick tract, HI THERE, Hammers recreated the Grim Reaper costume from the cover and wears it while street witnessing.

Halloween: A Little Door to a Big Temptation
Opening doors to more than children.

Halloween: Kid's Treat or Pagan Trick?
History of Halloween

Tract Witnessing

People Actually Thank Me When I Witness To Them!
It's all in how you do it. Chick tracts make witnessing easy, and people love to read them.

Soul Winners, We Must Pass It On
Pollster George Barna gives poll results showing why the coming generation of Christians is less likely to witness.

Church Finds Advantages to Using Tracts to Reach Community
Some churches have developed creative ways to use Chick tracts both to get public exposure for their church and sow the gospel into homes in their community.

A Message From Jack Chick
Today I went fishing for men and ladies. It was fun!

Chick Tracts Changed My Life -- Twice
I couldn't forget that picture from "This Was Your Life." I knew what I needed to do.

Event Evangelism: Take the Gospel Where the Crowds Are
At local ball games or world class events like the Rose Parade, Mardi Gras, and Olympic events, hundreds of thousands of Chick "paper missionaries" go into the hands of the spectators, athletes, or performers.

The Best Retirement 'Investment'
This couple found a way to make their "Golden Years" productive for eternity.

A Christian's Immediate Evangelistic Device (IED)... A Chick Tract
This Evangelistic 'Warrior' shares examples of easy ways to use tracts to 'wage spiritual war' against Satan.

Help Your Church Spread the Gospel: Use Tracts to Support Your Church's Ministry
Would you like to encourage the people you go to church with to share the gospel?

Tracting at Mardi Gras
Witnessing in difficult or hostile places sometimes requires careful selection of the right tract, and a good idea for presenting it. Tim Berends offers several.


A Christian's Immediate Evangelistic Device (IED)... A Chick Tract
This Evangelistic 'Warrior' shares examples of easy ways to use tracts to 'wage spiritual war' against Satan.

The Power of One Tract
Jose Cruz stands in the pulpit today proclaiming the power of the gospel, but his path to there was a crooked one.

Some Need to be Shocked into the Kingdom
The Chick tract angered him. He cursed and threw it away. But when he died that night eight of his co-workers were shocked into reality and turned to God.

Attorney 'Got The Message'
This was the third time this attorney was given a tract telling him he was going to hell. But this time was different.

Little Tract Resonates With 'Big Navy Guy'
When we wonder if leaving a tract somewhere really does any good, Pastor Jack Hilliard of Grace Baptist Church in Fallbrook, California is a living answer.

'Graduation Gift Helped Change My Life'
Soul winners are very creative in finding uses for gospel tracts.

Prisoners Love Chick Tracts
Another customer finds a new ministry in local prison. You can too!

Look What a Kid Started
One teen, whose email name was "SharkAttack," sent us this testimony...

42nd Street Soul Saving Station
"We don`t have to 'go unto all the world.` The world comes to us," says 42nd Street Soul Saving Station Pastor Brian Kelly.

My Life of Gangs and Drugs is Over
"Back From The Dead" ended my life of gangs and drugs.

Prison Ministry

Prisoners Grateful for 40+-Year-Old Ministry
Prisoners are ripe for the gospel. Chaplain Woody responded to the call over 40 years ago and his ministry is still going strong.

A Chick Tract Filled the Gap
"Even after 17 years in the prison ministry the Lord continually shows me new ways to use tracts."

New Ruling Opens Prisons to More Gospel Literature
Soul winners who work in prisons should be aware of a new U.S. Supreme Court ruling that will allow inmates more gospel literature.

'Chopped-up Comic' Still Leads Prisoner to Christ
The following letter came to prison ministry Mission Possible from a female prisoner in Texas.

How to Start or Support a Prison Ministry
Useful ideas and contacts to help you get a prison ministry started.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2007
The tracts went from cell to cell. 75 men were saved.

Lawsuit Opens Prison System to Bible Literature
The California prison system has agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by a prison ministry that had been stopped from sending Bible study materials to inmates who requested them.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2004
"I was thrown into the 'hole' and came across one of your tracts."

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2004
Satan owns the gangs here, but I have won 29 to the Lord.

U.S. Prisons Recruiting Muslim Chaplains
One of the most disturbing developments in Islam`s drive to conquer the world is its intrusion (and acceptance) in the U.S. prisons.

Tract Passing Tips

YOU can be a good witness
Why cartoon Chick tracts can make it easy and fun to witness for Christ.

More Great Witnessing Ideas
An extensive list of ways to witness with Chick tracts. Use your imagination!

Tract Passing Tips - Jan-2008
jury duty, repair estimates

Tract Passing Tips - March 2005
Hotels, gifts, sidewalks in front of schools

Tract Passing Tips - May 2005
S.S classes, phone book names

Event Evangelism: Take the Gospel Where the Crowds Are
At local ball games or world class events like the Rose Parade, Mardi Gras, and Olympic events, hundreds of thousands of Chick "paper missionaries" go into the hands of the spectators, athletes, or performers.

Tracting at Mardi Gras
Witnessing in difficult or hostile places sometimes requires careful selection of the right tract, and a good idea for presenting it. Tim Berends offers several.

A Message From Jack Chick
Today I went fishing for men and ladies. It was fun!

Church Finds Advantages to Using Tracts to Reach Community
Some churches have developed creative ways to use Chick tracts both to get public exposure for their church and sow the gospel into homes in their community.

Tract Passing Tips - July 2007
Business cards, pockets in clothing stores, and more.

Street Preaching

Table of Contents - Street Preachers' Manual
From "Street Preachers' Manual" - copyright 1989 by Gerald Sutek.

Ethics of Street Preaching
Here is the right way and the wrong way to conduct yourself when street preaching. From "Street Preacher's Manual" by Gerald Sutek.

Street preaching...how to stay out of jail.
Know your rights and boundaries before you go out to street preach. - From "Street Preachers' Manual" by Gerald Sutek.

Mechanics of Street Preaching
Preparing for street preaching. Steps to take to insure that your experience is successful. Includes tips about praying, placement, projection, music, and more. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Results of Street Preaching
Salvation proclaimed, souls are saved, and soldiers strengthened as a result of street preaching. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Go Where the Lost Are!
A few words from Gerald Sutek, author of "I Am Not Ashamed: Public Ministry Then and Now."

Biblical Mandate for Street Preaching
The Lord commanded his prophets to publically evangelize. America's current conditions reflect the conditions under which his prophets preached. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

'Seasoned' Soul Winners: We've Got to Pass It On
As this generation of soul winners moves on, it is critical that the next generation is inspired (and trained) in witnessing.

Event Evangelism Reaches Many People in a Short Time
If we plant the seed, God will give the increase!