Benson, Richard and Cindy

Cindy was born and raised in a Mormon home and was thankful for that privilege. She had a life-long goal to go on a Mormon mission, get married to a Mormon man, have children and live forever in a celestial kingdom as a goddess along with her eternal husband.

But all those dreams began to unravel the day her 53-year-old father brought home a 15-year-old girl and said he had to take her as his second wife in order to fulfill the law of eternal progression towards his own godhood.

She uses her experience from being in the Mormon church to warn others about the unbiblical teachings of Mormonism.

Burns, Dr. Cathy

Dr. Cathy Burns has a degree in Bible Philosophy and has spent the past 19 years doing extensive research on the New Age movement and related subjects.

She has written many articles, tracts, and booklets on various subjects, including nine other books: Hidden Secrets of Masonry; Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star; A One World Order Is Coming; Mormonism, Masonry and Godhood; A Scriptural View of Hell; Alcoholics Anonymous Unmasked; Pathway to Peace; Secure in Christ; and Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated.

Her name is listed in Who's Who in Religion, Two Thousand Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century, Five Hundred Notable Women, Outstanding People of the 20th Century, Who's Who in the East, Who's Who in America, World Who's Who of Women, Dictionary of International Biography, Two Thousand Notable American Women, etc. She has also done radio interviews in the United States and Canada.

Contact Info:

212 E 7th St #B
Mount Carmel, PA 17851-2211

Burton, Barry

Author Barry Burton explains why he wrote Let’s Weigh The Evidence.

"Around 1982 or 1983 we had been going to a small church in Summerville, Oregon. The church didn't have much of a youth group at the time, maybe 4 to 5 teens. The president of this youth group was very burdened, because of the lack of a Youth Pastor. One day the president of the youth group asked me if I would be their Youth Pastor. The Lord laid it upon my heart to accept his offer, and so I did.

"Over the time of one year the Lord blessed that little youth group from 5 to 35 teens. The greatest blessing was seeing those teens get saved. It was also a great growing time for me in my Christian walk, as well. I thought it would be good to start a newsletter for this youth group. We called it, 'Champions For Christ,' and they were truly Champions. I grew to love those kids so very much. I had started a Bible Study article for this newsletter, and was writing an article about which Bible is the real Word of God? And if there was such a thing, if It was perfect? "The Bible I was referring to as the Perfect Word of God is the King James Version 1611. I had to get the approval of the Pastor to print up this study for the newsletter. He did not approve of the article, and told me he didn't believe that any Bible in any language could be the Perfect, Infallible Word of God. And if I did do this article it would undermine his ministry.

"This broke my heart, because in turn I had to resign from the youth group. I was not allowed to teach that the Word of God is perfect and infallible to those teens.  The Lord put it upon my heart to do a study on His Word anyway. As the Lord led me through this study, he ended up leading me into writing a full fledged book that ended up being published. Praise God! The title of the book is , 'Lets Weigh The Evidence.' Chick Publications published it, and has sold over 150,000 copies. What Satan meant for evil, God turned around for good. The Bible says: I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: (Is.45:2)".

Cahill, Mark

Mark Cahill is an author, speaker, and evangelist. He is the founder of Mark Cahill Ministries

From the author:

Since I gave my life to the Lord, I exist to glorify the God of this universe. That includes wanting to see 7 billion people come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Second Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” God wants all people to be saved, and so should we.

Statistics reveal that too few Christians are reaching out to the lost. One Christian ministry leader has said, “Only two percent of believers in America regularly share their faith in Christ with others.” For a true Christian, that cannot be. One of the most exciting aspects of being a believer is telling other people about the Lord of your life.

I want to encourage you, challenge you, and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus. What could be more important? Be bold for what you believe!

Chick, Jack T.

Jack T. Chick was born in Boyle Heights, California, on April 13th, 1924. From early childhood, it was obvious that Jack had an ability to draw. He even failed the first grade because he was so busy drawing airplanes in battle. As he grew, Jack was constantly drawing, and honing skills that God would later use in a great way. While Jack Chick was alive, one news reporter claimed that he was likely the most widely read living author, based on nearly 900 million copies of his gospel tracts printed and distributed. The centerpiece of Jack’s 200+ gospel tract titles was, This Was Your Life, one of the most widely read gospel tracts in the history of the world. Jack went to Heaven on October 23rd, 2016, but before he died, he assembled a staff of likeminded believers who will continue the vision that God gave him.

Read full author bio.

Chiniquy, Charles

(1809 – 1899) was a Canadian Catholic priest who left the Roman Catholic Church and became a Presbyterian minister. He was born in Quebec into a middle class French Canadian Catholic family. His father died when he was young and he lived with a relative and studied for the priesthood. Highly intelligent, young Charles learned both French and English and filled several positions including parish priest.

As a child, his parents demonstrated a great respect for the Bible and as he advanced in the priesthood, became increasingly disturbed between his knowledge of God’s requirements in the Bible and what he saw in the day-to-day functions of his “church.” After seeing the effects of alcoholism on both the priesthood and parishioners, he mounted a successful nation-wide temperance campaign.

Through many adventures described in his most famous book, 50 Years in the Church of Rome, Chiniquy eventually left the priesthood and led his congregation to salvation within one of the Protestant movements. In this beautifully written autobiography, his detailed descriptions of the pivotal events of his life make a captivating read. Along the way he leaves the reader with a clear choice whether Roman Catholicism is, indeed, Christian.

Daniels, David W.

David Daniels, B.A., M.Div., is trained in Bible and linguistics. After twenty years of searching the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and studying the history of the Bible, he concluded that the King James Bible is God's preserved words in English.

Once he understood that the King James Bible is the words of God in English, David Daniels became a careful literalist who believes his Bible without reservation.

He came to realize that just because he may not have the answer to a particular Bible question, does not mean that there is no answer. That's why he never stops searching and checking his sources. He is finding that the answers to the "problems" people like to bring up about the Bible are usually found right in the context of the scripture. That's why we have to have a translation that is as literal as possible, to make sure we haven't missed anything that God actually said. That's why we trust the King James Bible.

Read full author bio.

Contact Info:

c/o Chick Publications
PO Box 3500
Ontario, CA 91761-1019

Ferrell, Vance

Ferrell has authored a number of books on various subjects.

He claims that in 1989, when the California Department of Education refused to certify the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) unless it taught evolutionary origins, Ferrell decided a definitive publication was needed defining the errors of evolutionary theory. The result was a three volume set later condensed into the 982-page paperback, The Evolution Handbook.

Frankamp, Judy

Judy grew up in a fairly typical American home. Her father was a hypocritical alcoholic that confused her childhood with drunken bouts between model church attendance. Struggling in school and bruised by the party scene, she got into a bad marriage and sought refuge in Christian counseling that turned out to be an introduction to witchcraft.

Finally, circling back to church she found one with godly, loving people and cried her surrender to Jesus. The remainder of her book, Good Ole Rotten Apples, details her life attempting to warn others of the pitfalls that she had lived through. Chapters specifically target the evils of Harry Potter and other New Age deceptions, as well as the hollowness of the mainline churches.

Contact Info:

P.O. Box 73
Blue Earth, MN 56013

Ghazoli, Mohammad Al

For years, Mohammad Al Ghazoli, a scholar and an advisor of Libyan President Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi, believed and taught Islam as the true religion.

But after reading in his Qur’an that Allah misleads whoever he wants, he wondered if one of Allah’s names is ‘the Misleader’. As he dove into the Qur’an, the Hadith and other holy books, he asked these essential questions:

  1. Is Allah the true God?
  2. Is Muhammad the prophet of God?
  3. If Allah is not God, who is the true God?

What he found disturbed him greatly. And in his heart he walked away from Islam. Eventually, he read the Bible and found the God he had sought, a God of compassion, forgiveness and honesty, who does not change or go back on His word.

Gipp, Dr. Samuel C.

Sam Gipp, a former Pastor, is an Evangelist, teacher, author and Bible Conference speaker.

He has the unique ability to digest large amounts of information and then present it in an analytical, understandable format. His humorous, informative and forceful preaching style make him popular with all ages and keeps him in demand as a Revivalist and Bible Conference speaker.

Contact Info:

Grady, William P.

Dr. William P. (Bill) Grady was born and reared in New York City as a strict Roman Catholic. After attending the University of Delaware and Goldey Beacom Business College, he sold office equipment for three years before entering the airline industry as a marketing representative for British Airways.

Dr. Grady was saved and baptized in 1974 at the Marcus Hook Baptist Church in Lynwood, Pennsylvania and called to preach later that year.

Having studied at Calvary Bible Institute and Philadelphia College of Bible, he enrolled in Hyles-Anderson College, earning a B.S. in Pastoral Theology and a M.Ed. in Christian Education. He received a D.D. from Anchor Baptist Bible College in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina, and holds a Th.M. in English Bible from Baptist International School of Theology and a Ph.D. in History from Baptist International Seminary.

He founded and pastored the Kootenai County Baptist Church in Post Falls, Idaho from 1981 tp 1986 at which time he returned to Hyles-Anderson College as a faculty member, continuing in that position through 1996.

Dr. Grady is also the author of the bestseller What Hath God Wrought: A Biblical Interpretation of American History. He presently serves on the board on International Baptist Outreach Missions, Inc. of Asheville, North Carolina and is a frequent guest speaker at churches throughout the nation.

Bill and his wife, Linda, have three children, Daniel, Sara and Paul.

Contact Info:

Grady Publications
PO Box 243
Swartz Creek, MI 48473

Heinze, Thomas

Thomas Heinze served for 34 years as an evangelical missionary in Italy with WorldVenture, first in evangelism and then directing the publishing house, Edizioni Centro Biblico.

Since retiring in Portland, Oregon, his love for souls and experience in publishing led him to prepare several gentle, but powerful witnessing tools for the various cults that he had dealt with. He has written five books and two mini-books published by Chick Publications.

He has a Bachelor's Degree from Oregon State University and a Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Contact Info:

c/o Chick Publications
PO Box 3500
Ontario, CA 91761-1019

Hislop, Alexander

(1807 - 1865) was a Free Church of Scotland minister known for his research and writings on the connection of the Roman Catholic rituals and idols to many ancient pagan origins.

Most of his life was served in the ministry and church school teaching. Not much is known of his personal life except he appears to be a typical local leader in the Reformation movement protesting against the false church in Rome. His writings show a typical depth and detail of the early 19th century scholars. Their thoroughness has given them a long life in the reference libraries of the Christian West. His most famous work, The Two Babylons, has long been used by Protestants seeking to demonstrate the unbiblical teachings of the popes.

Hunt, Dave

(1926 – 2013) Dave enjoyed the advantages of a godly upbringing and a fellowship of Christians sometimes known as Plymouth Brethren. Just before entering high school, he placed his trust in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord.

There followed a university degree in mathematics, marriage to his wife, Ruth, the birth of four children, and a career as CPA/management consultant and, later, management of several corporations. During this time Dave initiated and became involved in numerous campus ministries, with a special outreach to foreign students.

Although consistently active in church-related ministry, Dave's burning desire was to serve God fulltime. Beginning in 1973, that desire found fulfillment through his authorship and co-authorship of many books dealing with the incursion into Western culture and religion, and finally the church itself, of Eastern as well as psychological and selfist philosophies, New Age thinking, ecumenism between Catholics and Protestants, and other heretical teachings. More than 3 million copies of his books have been sold, and they have been translated into many languages.

Hunter, Sidney

Sidney Hunter was an American missionary to Australia during the time when ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera was working with Chick Publications. Like many Christian leaders at the time, he was aware of the controversy surrounding the testimony of Rivera. Conducting some of his own research to answer them he compiled the book, "Is Alberto for Real?"

After the research, he realized that he had enough information for a small book and submitted the manuscript to Chick for publication. It remains a significant part of the information verifying Alberto’s exposure of the counterfeit nature of Roman Catholicism’s “Christianity.”

Jones, Rick

Raised as a Catholic, Rick Jones found a personal relationship with Jesus Christ after learning the difference between religion and Christianity.

He now focuses on writing books to help others learn the truth and receive God's free gift of eternal life.

McElroy, Jack

Jack McElroy was raised as a Roman Catholic attending a Catholic grammar and Jesuit high school. His life changed in 1978 when he became a Born Again Christian after a 2 year search for the answer to the question: "What happens to you after you die?"

He's a businessman and entrepreneur and has been the President of McElroy Electronics Corporation for over 35 years. He co-founded and was President of Dutchess County Cellular Telephone Corporation in Poughkeepsie, NY and co-founded and was Chief Manager of Minneapolis Cellular Telephone Company LLC in Minneapolis MN. McElroy co-founded and is President of McElroy Publishing and McElroy Rare Bible Page Collections since 1991.

He has taught Bible doctrine to all age groups, from preschoolers to adults. He served as a youth leader for over 20 years and as a deacon at a Baptist church for over 12 years.

Over nearly 30 years he's studied the history of the Bible, textual criticism and translation theory. He's read books and articles by KJVonly and anti-KJV-only folks; Textus Receptus (TR) defenders; as well as Majority Text, Critical Text, and modern version supporters.

He's invested countless hours examining, comparing, and considering the differences between the 1611 King James Bible, and its subsequent reprints and modern versions. He's familiar with the arguments on all sides of the issue—from KJV only to TR only to Majority Text Preferred to Critical Text Preferred—as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each position.

And he believes that if the Lord Jesus Christ came to your church to speak he would have to choose from among all the different Bible versions out there and he'd be forced to pick just one of them.

Which one?

The evidence shows that that the differences between the King James Bible and any of the modern versions are so great that if the Lord Jesus Christ came to your church tonight, he would absolutely not use any of the modern versions and he would without any question use a King James Bible.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management from Lowell Technological Institute (now UMass Lowell).

Contact Info:

McElroy Publishing
27-33 Fredonian St
Shirley, MA 01464

McTernan, John

John McTernan, founder of Defend and Proclaim the Faith ministries, has spent thousands of hours with Jews and Muslims debating and corresponding in defense of the Gospel.

During numerous appearances on television, radio and in seminars, he has publicly defended Israel in light of Biblical prophecy. His current best selling book is As America Has Done To Israel.

Since 1975, he has been involved with the Pro-Life movement and is currently a Pro-Life leader in central Pennsylvania. And, in the early 1980's, he co-founded International Cops for Christ where he serves as an ordained chaplain and evangelist.

John holds a B.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, and a PhD in Biblical Studies from Calvary Christian College. He served 26 years as a Federal Treasury agent before retiring in 1998.

He is author of the acclaimed book God's Final Warning to America, and co-author of the bestseller Israel: The Blessing or the Curse. From his experience debating, John wrote the Only Jesus of Nazareth series. This series includes: Only Jesus of Nazareth Can Sit on the Throne of David and Only Jesus of Nazareth Can Be Israel's King Messiah. Additionally, he has written several tracts, including Muhammad or Jesus: The Prophet Like Unto Moses, and The Koran vs the Bible.

John is married and the father of four children and five grandchildren. He resides in central Pennsylvania.

Miller, Gary

Gary was raised in a Christian home, attended Bensenville Bible Church and was saved after hearing the gospel preached at Lake Geneva Youth Camp at age 8 or 9. In 1966 he was married to Lynda who attended Elmwood Park Bible Church and who was saved in Sunday school as a little girl.

As a young married couple they were active in teaching Sunday school and young people at various churches and ministries over the years.

Gary and Lynda founded the Miners Bible Club for children ages 6-13 and also wrote the eight Bible study books for the Miners. The Miners Club is available to churches and home schoolers and is offered on their church web site. They have published The Adventures of Bob and Betty a children's Bible story book containing eight children's Bible stories that teach salvation and other biblical truths. All their material is KJV with an understanding that Paul is our apostle in this "the age of grace" and that the words of God need to be rightly divided as we read in II Tim. 2:15.

The book, Why the King James Bible is the Perfect Word of God came from 5 lessons in the eighth Miners book. They have also printed a companion booklet to the KJV book entitled, How to Study the Word of Truth which is available at no cost on their church web site,

Gary and Lynda attend Grace Harbor Church in Arlington Hts, IL where Gary is a teaching elder and where they work with the children in the Sunday school and Miners club.

Contact Info:

Moshay, G. J. O.

Author of Anatomy of the Qur'an and Who Is This Allah?

Moshay has lived in a Muslim country for many years and has much experience debating and discussing Islam with Muslims.

Paris, Edmond

(1894 - 1970) was born in Paris to a Roman Catholic family of scholars.

He studied in some of the world’s best schools and traveled widely observing the ebb and flow of world affairs. This positioned him well during the upheavals of the two world wars in Europe to experience and write on the sources of some of the atrocities.

Rodriguez, Daniel

Daniel served as a second-generation pastor in El Cajon, CA, and Portland, Oregon. He attended LIFE Pacific College in Los Angeles, entered the fulltime ministry in 1987 and was ordained in 1995.

Although he has never been a Jehovah’s Witness, many in Daniel’s family have been in the Watchtower movement since the 1920’s. His experience and knowledge of the Jehovah’s Witnesses not only comes from in-depth research but by being personally affected by the Watchtower’s influence within members of his own family.

Daniel owns one of the largest private libraries of Watchtower literature dating from 1886 to the present, and it continues to grow. Since 1985, it has been used for research purposes.

After a failed attempt to win a Jehovah’s Witness friend to Christ, Daniel sought out different approaches to compromising the authority of the Watchtower. After being trained by a counter-cult ministry, his witnessing skills have since been refined and many Witnesses have left the Watchtower and have come to know Christ.

Daniel has travelled extensively in Oregon, California, West Texas, and Guatemala, taking the message to churches and Bible studies. His goal is to teach the body of Christ how to understand and overcome the power of mind control and how to effectively witness to the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Because of his expertise on the subject of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Daniel has served as a guest on various radio stations, and on Christian TV in Portland, Oregon. He was also invited as a guest on the Tim Berend’s radio talk show. Today, Daniel serves as an exit counselor with Free Minds —a ministry to ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses based out of Manhattan Beach, California. Daniel’s research and work has been endorsed by Mr. Don Nelson —a former Jehovah’s Witness who was in the Watchtower for 35-years serving as a Watchtower official (Circuit Overseer) in Brazil.

He presently resides in the Western United States and continues to research, write and hold seminars on the subject of the Watchtower.

Contact Info:

Rodriguez, Emanuel

He and his family have served as missionaries in several Latin American countries. They specialize in church planting and founding of Bible institutes training local pastors and church leaders.

Several years ago he became acquainted with Dr. Humberto Gomez who, besides pastoring, was troubled by the influence of the modern Biblical “scholarship” creeping into the Spanish language Bibles.

Gomez was attempting to create a Spanish Bible faithful to the King James stream of manuscripts. He was using the newly designed internet to enlist the input of dozens of authorities, pastors and other leaders with the same concern over the modern versions. Through much proofing and checking, they created a Spanish Bible known as the Reina-Valera Gomez (RVG) 2010.

Rodriquez was one of the facilitators of this process and, when the Bible was finally published, wrote his own account of the effort. His book is entitled: God’s Bible in Spanish: How God Preserved His Words in Spanish through the RVG. The book details Dr. Gomez’ background, his concern over the need for a purer revision, the complex process that created the RVG, and some of the endorsements for it.

Salliby, Chick

Chick Salliby has been an evangelist since 1979. He has done extensive teaching on Bible Prophecy, the Deeper Life, and Practical Christian Living.

He has also taught verse by verse studies of the Book of Acts and Revelation in a number of different churches. His wife Maureen also ministers in both testimony and song.

Tetlow, Jim

Jim Tetlow was the founder of Eternal Productions.

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Wee, Y. T.

The author is an independent Baptist, having the privilege to pastor 3 Baptist churches, two of which he had the privilege to start.

For more than 30 years, he has served in the Shalom Baptist Church, Singapore. Beside pastoring, he writes and does bible conferences in the Asia-Pacific Rim. He is happily married with four wonderful children. It is his prayers and asipiration in his sunset years to move on to the ministry of the printed page and to leave behind a lasting legacy for the future generations. A drop of ink can make a million think.

Wilson, Gina S.

Gina’s burden for Muslims began early on in life. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree and completing several short-term missions trips, she received an appointment to work in a major Muslim country. This put her in direct contact with Muslim families and coworkers on a daily basis.

She came to understand that the commonalities of life that bind all humans together are just as prevalent in Muslim societies. Through prayer and daily living out her relationship with Jesus, she found many opportunities to share the gospel. A pattern began to emerge in her witnessing that took into consideration the complexities of their culture and the open doors they provide. She has walked through those doors to effectively supply Muslims with information about the Jesus that they so misunderstand.

Contact Info:

c/o Chick Publications
PO Box 3500
Ontario, CA 91761-1019

Wingo, Earl L.

Prominent Mississippi attorney and past president of the Mississippi Bar Association (1945) who accepted Jesus early in life and dedicated much of his time in understanding the Judean society during the time of Jesus.

His profession of law led him to focus on the legal system at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus. When he compared the secret, night-time trial of Jesus to the standing Jewish law of that time, it was clearly illegal in many aspects. His book, The Illegal Trial of Jesus, became a classic reference for pastors, students and scholars, reprinted in 2009 with illustrations by Jack Chick.