Are Catholics Truly Christian?

Quite the opposite. In the mid-1970's, when Jack Chick first began to understand what Roman Catholicism really teaches, he knew it was idolatry. He also knew that to speak out against it would be unpopular and hurt his publishing company.

After much prayer, he made the decision that, no matter what it cost him personally, he would publish the truth that Roman Catholicism is not Christian. He did it because he loves Catholics and wants them to be saved through faith in Jesus, not trusting in religious liturgy and sacraments.

He paid a price for that decision in many ways, as priests and nuns entered Christian bookstores screaming and making a scene, demanding that the store owner not stock Chick tracts on Catholicism. But that did not change the truth that worshipping a wheat wafer, praying to Mary or the "saints," or paying for your own sins in purgatory was more pagan than Biblical.

God has been faithful (as He always is) and has protected Chick Publications over the years. Jack Chick made it clear that if he had it to do over again, he wouldn't have changed a thing. The letters from so many Catholics who have gotten saved carry one theme: "Thank you for loving us enough to tell us the truth!" Those precious people make it all worthwhile.

See list of articles


Are Some Roman Catholics Saved?

  • False Religions
  • Evangelism

Even Bible-believing Christians tend to think the Roman Catholics are saved due to sincerity or to their good works. But what (or whom) do they really trust for their salvation?

Who Is The Woman Who Rides The Beast in Revelation 17?

  • End Time Prophecy
  • False Religions

A Description of the woman who rides the beast according to Rev. 17 and 18. Could she really be the Roman Church?

Pope Reaffirms 'No Salvation' Outside Catholic 'Church'

  • Ecumenism
  • Catholic Doctrine vs Scripture

The Vatican has removed all doubt about what the pope means by unity.



Alberto Rivera

Was Alberto Who He Claimed To Be?
Defense of Alberto Rivera against those who claim he was a fraud. See the evidence.

In defense of former Jesuit Alberto Rivera
Letter by James Houston responding to Christianity Today after their article claimed Alberto Rivera was a fraud.

Alberto Rivera Passes Away
Eighteen years ago, by the providence of God, the Lord put a man with a vital message together with a man who had a vehicle to spread it.

'Alberto's Death Won't Stop Us From Winning Catholics to Christ'
Week after week, testimonies pour into Chick headquarters from precious ex-Catholics rejoicing that they have learned the truth of their spiritual peril from the Alberto comics.

Publisher's Forward: Is Alberto For Real?
Why Chick Publications published the testimony of former Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera.

Statements About Alberto From Former Catholics
A former priest and nun attest to the truth of what Alberto said about Roman Catholicism.

A Message From Jack Chick About Alberto Rivera
Jack Chick discusses the Christianity Today attack on Alberto Rivera.

Does Jack Chick hate Catholics?
His anti-Catholic tracts are not an attack on the Catholic people, but rather expose the false teachings used to keep them in bondage to the Catholic Church.

Dr. Rivera's 15-Year-Old Claims Verified by Current Events
In 1985, ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera predicted that the Vatican would eventually apologize for its part in the German Holocaust, the inquisition, and the slaughter of Jews and Muslims during the Crusades.

Author Proves Jack Chick and Alberto Were Right
In the early 1970s, ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera began to tell how Rome was working behind the scenes to bring protestants back under the pope's control.

Avro Manhattan

Unholy Mother of Intolerance: The Inquisition
If Hitler should return and proclaim deep love for the Jews; or Stalin appear and declare himself a Capitalist, would we not take them with a largish pinch of salt?

Is The Vatican Broke?
From time to time, news reports surface that the Vatican will run some $50 million in the red for the current year.

Hitler's Death Camps: Holocaust... or Inquisition?
Dr. Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit priest, says "holocaust" is the wrong word. It should be "inquisition."

Pope Pushing WW II Mass Murderer for Sainthood
Pope John Paul II's recent visit to Croatia was highlighted by the beatification of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.

The Vatican's Holocaust
Avro Manhattan, world-renouned expert on the Vatican in politics, shows us the true face of Rome in his book "The Vatican's Holocaust."

Catholic Doctrine vs Scripture

Are Some Roman Catholics Saved?
Sincerity cannot save. Only faith in Jesus can.

Pope Insists that the Wafer Really is Jesus
Pope John Paul II used the Thursday before Easter to remind the world that the doctrine of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is not negotiable.

'No Salvation Outside Roman Catholicism' Says New Vatican Dictum
The Roman Catholic Church has released a 36-page declaration that she, alone, has a corner on salvation.

Purgatory: Gold Mine of the Priesthood
Much confusion exists among Protestants regarding the Roman Catholic teaching of purgatory, largely because Rome is careful not to discuss it too openly where a Protestant might hear.

Virgin Mary Goddess Again Elevated by Pope Frances
Can Catholicism be 'just another denomination' when it encourages Roman Catholics to go to the 'Virgin Mary' for favors instead of Jesus?

Catholic Priestcraft Rooted in Babylonian Idolatry
One of the striking characteristics of Roman Catholicism is that it contains a complete sacerdotal (priest based) system not supported by Scripture.

Roman Priest: 'Inferior only to God'
Evangelicals, who lack information about the Roman Catholic system, do not realize the elevated view of the priests. In America and in public, they seem more like regular guys who wear strange uniforms.

Vatican Synod Says Bible Not The Only Word of God
When Bible believers discuss the "Word of God" they assume everyone agrees they are referring to the Bible.

Pope Preaches Purgatory: More Proof that Roman Catholicism Isn't Christian
In his weekly speeches at the Vatican, Pope John Paul II took up the subject of the afterlife during July.

Pope Reaffirms 'No Salvation' Outside Catholic 'Church'
The Vatican has removed all doubt about what the pope means by unity.

Counterfeit Bibles

One World Bible for One World Religion
Jesuits have been influencing Bible societies and Bible translation projects, succeeding in shifting the Bible text to accommodate Roman Catholic dogma and the push for 'unity'.

Did the Catholic Church Give Us The Bible?
Many people believe the Bible came from the Roman Catholic Church. Find out the true origin of the Bible.

Changing God's Words — What's New About That?
The new NIV Bible translation, the TNIV, has finally gotten Bible scholars' attention to God's words.

Satan's Plan For Doubt
Satan tried to stamp out the Bible and failed. So he developed a new plan . . . fix it! Here is how it works.

Why Don't They Make A Sinaiticus Bible?
Why not make a Bible out of just the 'world's oldest Bible' Codex Sinaiticus? Here's why you haven’t, and probably never will, see one.

Coming to Your Bible
The Vatican desperately needs the Apocrypha in the Bible to support some of her doctrine. How are modern Bibles increasingly slanted to support Rome's pagan dogmas?

Pope Decides It's Okay To Read the Bible
Enough doctrinal changes have been made to God's Word that the Pope can now urge his people to read the 'Bible.'

Modern Bibles Leave Room for Purgatory
'Obedience' has been substituted for 'belief.' Changing one word substitutes a behavior (work) for trust (faith). Catholicism is based on "doing things" to get to heaven.

New Bible Says Jesus Is...Who?
What if you could buy a Bible with your own church`s doctrines written between its pages? The helps in study Bibles often contain a doctrinal slant.

Chapter 7 - The Enemy
From 'Understandable History of the Bible' by Samuel C. Gipp - How the Roman Catholic Church fought against the Authorized Text.

Counterfeit Church

Catholicism and Islam: Two Similar Gospels
Pope Francis admits Islam and Catholicism have a similar goal: conquest. That`s NOT the gospel.

Satan's New Plan to fix your Bible
Recent research uncovers hidden details of the plot to publicly discredit the Bible and create basic doubt of God`s words.

700 Club's Cult Definition Fits Catholicism
Almost every major ministry has somewhere laid out a definition of a cult. The 700 Club is no exception.

Founders of "Mainline" Churches Knew Who Anti-Christ Was
The following quotes show just how far the churches of today have strayed from the wisdom of their founding fathers.

Does Your Bible Contain Legends?
Beware of the move to insert ancient legends into the Scriptures.


Prayer Rally Tainted with Ecumenism
Leaders ignore doctrinal differences to demonstrate evangelical/Catholic unity at huge gathering on anniversary of Pentecostal Azusa Street Revival.

Chapter Two: The Hand of Rome
From 'Smokescreens' by Jack T. Chick - History has been covered up to encourage ecumenism. But the Inquisition carried out by the Catholic Church was very real.

It's All About Ecumenism
The following news items have recently appeared in several sources, chronicling the accelerating advance of ecumenism, the drive to unity needed to establish the end-time, apostate, world church.

Billy Graham Still Sending Converts Back to the Pope
"After the 1982 New England crusade, thousands of those who went forward for salvation were turned over to Catholic clergy for follow-up."

Christian Media Pushing Ecumenism
A popular Christian magazine is promoting the idea of cooperating with Rome by focusing only on things that unite us, ignoring the differences as if they do not matter. But error mixed with truth is still error.

Anglican and RC Officials Agree on Catholic Goddess
For several years, high officials of the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches have been meeting to find ways to get the two back together.

Baptist Leader Sees Christians Losing Focus on Evangelism
Evangelical Christians may be losing their focus on evangelism, according to James Merritt, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of a large Atlanta-area Church.

European Evangelicals Raising Objections to Unity With the Pope
There are still some in the world who know Rome's bloody history and recognize that only her approach, not her doctrine, has changed.

'Humble' New Pope Making Firm Push for One-World Religion
With his push for 'unity', pope Francis is laying the groundwork for a one-world religion.

Missionary Pressured to 'Unite as One' with Catholics
Ecumenism pressure is building in many parts of the mission field. This email just came from a ministry in Latin America.


Ex-Priest Describes Struggle to Believe the Wafer is Really the Flesh and Blood of Jesus
Discover Charles Chiniquy's story as a faithful priest of Rome.

Pope Insists that the Wafer Really is Jesus
Pope John Paul II used the Thursday before Easter to remind the world that the doctrine of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is not negotiable.

Wafer Worship 'Sweeping the Country'
According to the June 16, 1999 issue of the Roman Catholic weekly Our Sunday Visitor, "Eucharistic Adoration" —“prayer and meditation before the "Blessed Sacrament"— is sweeping the country."

Pope Declares 'Year of the Eucharist' — Grants Indulgences
Pope John Paul II has declared a formal "Year of the Eucharist" from October 2004 to October 2005.

If It's Not Really Jesus, It May Be A Health Hazard
British medical researchers explain why.

Catholic Leaders Pushing Perpetual Adoration of Wafer Idol
"Why would anyone get up in the middle of the night and spend an hour in a church or chapel before a 'piece of bread'?" asked L. Owen Traynor, founder of the Association of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.

Four Little Words
We all have heard of the inquisition and how so many were burned at the stake. But what was the issue which was used to decide whether someone lived or died?

Jesus Wafer Auctioned On Ebay; Priests Horrified
One seller, in Britain, received bids in the millions of pounds before the listing was removed.

The 'Twin Towers' of the Vatican
The two central teachings in which the Roman Catholic Church finds "safety" and keeps its grip on millions.

Pope Promotes 24-hour Worship of Wafer God
In his Redemptor Hominis encyclical (special letter to all the church) he urges the church leaders to make adoration of the wafer the center of church life.


Chapter Three: A 20th Century Inquisition
From 'Smokescreens' by Jack T. Chick - The Holocaust was really a 20th century Inquisition in which the Nazis cooperated with the Catholic Church to exterminate the Jews.

Part VI:- Drunk with the Martyrs' Blood
She is drunk with "the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..." (Revelation 17:6)

Part VII: More Blood Than the Pagans
Pagan Rome made sport of throwing to the lions, burning and otherwise killing thousands of Christians and not a few Jews.

Unholy Mother of Intolerance: The Inquisition
If Hitler should return and proclaim deep love for the Jews; or Stalin appear and declare himself a Capitalist, would we not take them with a largish pinch of salt?

Hitler's Death Camps: Holocaust... or Inquisition?
Dr. Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit priest, says "holocaust" is the wrong word. It should be "inquisition."

Catholic League Helps New York Turn History into 'Myth'
A new interest in the Holocaust is showing up in social studies curricula across the country.

Popular Televangelist Humbled by Catholic League Forced to Deny Vatican Anti-Semitism
Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church, in San Antonio, Texas, was pressured to state publicly that the prostitute church of Revelation 17 and 18 is not the Roman Catholic church.


Why Care About the Jesuits?
Since only 5% of Jesuits actually become priests, where are the other 95%? How are they influencing the world today?

Opportunistic Vatican On The Move Again
Pope Francis wants the world's political and religious leaders to join together against climate change. A platform to work toward global political and religious unity.

One World Bible for One World Religion
Jesuits have been influencing Bible societies and Bible translation projects, succeeding in shifting the Bible text to accommodate Roman Catholic dogma and the push for 'unity'.

New Pope Speaks for Political Salvation
The new Jesuit pope continues his campaign for unity of world religions but now has spoken in favor of the forces driving toward one-world government.

Was Alberto Who He Claimed To Be?
Defense of Alberto Rivera against those who claim he was a fraud. See the evidence.

Catholic League Helps New York Turn History into 'Myth'
A new interest in the Holocaust is showing up in social studies curricula across the country.

Political Power

Symbol of Papal Power Many Don't Know What It Means
Wherever he goes, the insignia of John Paul II is displayed, emblazoned on the "popemobile," hung from stages and high on posts at outdoor masses.

UN Has a New Plan for World Peace
It's true, the planet is in a mess. But the pope's fix is rooted in human wisdom and political power, rather than hearts changed by the Spirit of God.

Rome's New Velvet Glove Make-Over
The Vatican has finally figured out how to stop Christians from witnessing to Catholics.

Popery Moving to Fill Spiritual Vacuum in Unified Europe.
Of course, the pope's brand of "Christian" has little to do with biblical Christianity but is much about power over political leaders.

Roman 'Giant' Waking From Long Sleep in Mexico
"Like a giant waking from a long sleep, Mexico's Catholic church is beginning to stir," reports the British magazine The Economist.

As Israel and the PLO Negotiate, The Pope Makes His Bid for Jerusalem
For a diplomatic figure to stand up in Jerusalem and declare Israel's occupation of that city to be "illegal" is hardly newsworthy today.

Catholicism and Islam: Two Similar Gospels
Pope Francis admits Islam and Catholicism have a similar goal: conquest. That`s NOT the gospel.

Castro Welcomes Pope, Harasses Home Churches
Pope John Paul II's visit to Cuba was seen by the world as a giant step for "religious freedom" in this last of the closed communist societies. But for bible-believers it was business as usual.

The Pope Has A Plan To Fix the World
He recommends we concentrate political authority in a new world order under control of the U.N.

Pope Still Eyeing Jerusalem
As mankind continues to fight over the plight of Jerusalem, God has promised He will have the last word.

Prayer to Mary and Saints

New Relic Rules For An Old Idolatry
The Vatican recently updated its rules regulating the use of relics for potential saints. This 'saint' worship can be traced to the heathen practice of multiple gods for various purposes.

Indulgences Granted for Worship of Mary
Pope Benedict XVI granted plenary indulgences to anyone who worshiped before a statue of the Virgin Mary goddess before December 8, 2005.

Even Popes Have Trouble Becoming Saints
Why is it so hard to become a Roman Catholic "saint"?

Priest's Heart Visits U.S. for Relic Worship
In October this year, the actual heart of a 19th century French priest was brought to the U.S. for a worship service.

Feast Showcases Catholic Trust in Mary Idol
Early each December there is a special fiesta time in the Western Hemisphere designed to re-cement the Roman Catholic's trust in their "Goddess of the Americas."

Is Mother Theresa Really a Saint?
Who does Scripture say can really serve as a mediator between us and our Heavenly Father?

What's Wrong with this Picture?
Catholics are given two more advocates to pray to... instead of Jesus.

Is Mary Necessary for Salvation? Millions of Catholics Think So
The place of Mary in Roman Catholicism is largely ignored by modern Protestants who are blinded by the false dream of ecumenical unity.

Luke 1:28 Twisted To Favor Virgin Mary
How a simple Bible word change thrust Mary into the limelight... a goddess in her own right.

Last of Children to See Fatima Virgin Dies at 97
Lucia de Jesus dos Santo, last of the three children who claimed to see the Virgin Mary apparition at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, has died at the age of 97 in a convent in Portugal where she lived most of her life as a nun.

Witness to Catholics

You Can Win Catholics to Christ
The steady flow of converted Roman Catholics, leaving their old "church" to follow Jesus, shows that Catholics can be reached!

Catholic Sex Scandals Provide Big Soul Winning Opening
The recent pedophile scandal in the Roman Catholic church is bringing to the surface a deeper and more longstanding, widespread corruption.