Can You Trust Just One Bible?

Let's start with a little reality check. There are no "NIV-only," "NAS-only," "ESV-only," or even "New King James-only" movements. Only the King James Bible in English has inspired people to trust it, to the rejection of all other English Bibles.

They trust it exclusively, because of its faithfully preserved text, as well as its faithfully written translation.

It is, they believe, exactly what God would have said, had He written down His words in Classical English. That is no minor claim. The publishers of the NIV certainly don't make it. Nor is it claimed of any other English translation.

And the stakes are high, Brothers and Sisters. History shows us, when someone stops trusting and reading the King James Bible, no other Bible takes its place. A 2014 survey ( shows that once people switch to another Bible, the vast majority stop regular reading, and trusting their new Bible. They spend more time carrying it to church than they do reading it. They are unsure of what the Bible says, and their doctrine starts drifting.


Because they have no place where they can trust that they can find God's words as their final authority and the answer to: "What is truth, what is good —and how can we know?"

When you don't trust your book, you begin to trust people, usually the people in your church. It may be your pastor, the leaders of your denomination, scholars, or publishers. But people are imperfect. Without a book to judge them by, Satan can easily slip error your way. Research done by Chick Publications illustrates this problem. Modern Bibles are filled with mistakes, omissions and contradictions. Only the KJV has a solid history, testifying to God's promise to preserve His words (Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33).

Over the years, Chick Publications has continued to research the Bible Version issue. What they found was a monstrous plot by Satan to discredit God's words. As the research developed, Chick published articles and books illustrating this plot against God's words. They can be accessed through this web page.

See list of articles


Did God Plan a Do-It-Yourself Bible?

  • King James Bible
  • Bible vs. Professor
  • History of Preservation

Do you think the Lord cared enough about His holy words to preserve them in a book His own children can read and believe today?

Was King James a homosexual?

  • King James Bible

Here is the sworn enemy who made the accusation, and why.

Would You Want These Seminary Professors Teaching Your Son or Daughter?

  • Bible vs. Professor

You won't believe what these seminary professors taught to their students. Watch how they tear down faith.


ALL ARTICLES ON bible versions

Bible Translation

Bible Translation Leader Says, "I'm In Trouble With The Lord."
Dr. Frank Logsdon, project member of the translation committee for the New American Standard Version (NASB), has denounced his work on that Bible and urged all Christians to return to the Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Bible.

Bible Versions: What Difference Does it Make?
Are there good reasons why we should be concerned about the proliferation of Bible versions, or is it "much ado about nothing?"

Translation Method for the King James Bible
The detailed system used to prevent anyone from imposing his own opinion upon the translation. From "Answers To Your Bible Version Questions" by David W. Daniels.

Do You Have an 'Almost' Bible?
Many modern scholars say "Of course I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, in the original autographs!" But they don't believe what you think they believe.

Classic Chance to Update the Bible
Ezra was presented with the perfect opportunity to update the Bible. Rather, he did what every faithful pastor should be doing.

Bible Texts - the Good and the Bad
Description of the texts used to bring us the Bible. Excerpted from "Understandable History of the Bible" by Samuel C. Gipp.

Can A Translation Be Inspired?
The Bible contains some quotations that are actually translations into Hebrew or Greek from other languages. Are they inspired Scripture? From "The Answer Book" by Samuel C. Gipp copright 1989. Reproduced by permission.

The Difference Between Translator and Teacher
Do you want a Bible translation that tells you what God 'said,' or one that tells you what the translator believes God 'meant?' Formal equivalence versus dynamic equivalence explained.

Does God Care About the "Original Autographs?"
It has gotten so weird in the last 150 years that in order to say that you believe in the Bible, you have to say, "I believe in the verbal, plenary, infallible, inerrancy of the original autographs."

How Did God Preserve His Words to this Day?
Answer: Down through history, God chose several languages to communicate His message.

Changes in Bible Versions

Classic Chance to Update the Bible
Ezra was presented with the perfect opportunity to update the Bible. Rather, he did what every faithful pastor should be doing.

Is 'Hell' Missing from Your Bible?
Why do so many modern Bibles remove hell? Does it make the translators "uncomfortable?"

If Jesus Lied, Can He be God?
By leaving out one little word, translators of many Bibles turn one of Jesus` statements into a lie. What difference a little word makes!

Is Jesus "God's Son" or "God's Servant?"
Do you see a difference between these two Bible versions?

Jesus: Creator or Middle Man?
Can one tiny word lower the position of Jesus Christ?

Look What's Missing - Even in Revelation
Would you rather your friends read a Bible that God has clearly blessed, or one He has clearly cursed?

Try Answering These From Your NIV
Fill in the blank!

Try Answering These Questions From Your NIV
Many sincere Christians carry this Bible without realizing what's missing!

How to Speed-Test a New Bible Version
David Daniels takes you through a simple test to check if your Bible is missing anything. Warning: the facts may be shocking!

'But Dad, Which One is God's Word?'
What happens when a pastor reads the Bible, but a child finds his own Bible says something different? The result does not build faith.

Counterfeit Bibles

One World Bible for One World Religion
Jesuits have been influencing Bible societies and Bible translation projects, succeeding in shifting the Bible text to accommodate Roman Catholic dogma and the push for 'unity'.

Did the Catholic Church Give Us The Bible?
Many people believe the Bible came from the Roman Catholic Church. Find out the true origin of the Bible.

Changing God's Words — What's New About That?
The new NIV Bible translation, the TNIV, has finally gotten Bible scholars' attention to God's words.

Satan's Plan For Doubt
Satan tried to stamp out the Bible and failed. So he developed a new plan . . . fix it! Here is how it works.

Why Don't They Make A Sinaiticus Bible?
Why not make a Bible out of just the 'world's oldest Bible' Codex Sinaiticus? Here's why you haven’t, and probably never will, see one.

Coming to Your Bible
The Vatican desperately needs the Apocrypha in the Bible to support some of her doctrine. How are modern Bibles increasingly slanted to support Rome's pagan dogmas?

Pope Decides It's Okay To Read the Bible
Enough doctrinal changes have been made to God's Word that the Pope can now urge his people to read the 'Bible.'

Modern Bibles Leave Room for Purgatory
'Obedience' has been substituted for 'belief.' Changing one word substitutes a behavior (work) for trust (faith). Catholicism is based on "doing things" to get to heaven.

New Bible Says Jesus Is...Who?
What if you could buy a Bible with your own church`s doctrines written between its pages? The helps in study Bibles often contain a doctrinal slant.

Chapter 7 - The Enemy
From 'Understandable History of the Bible' by Samuel C. Gipp - How the Roman Catholic Church fought against the Authorized Text.

History of Preservation

Did God Plan a Do-It-Yourself Bible?
Do you think the Lord cared enough about His holy words to preserve them in a book His own children can read and believe today?

Is 1 John 5:7 not in any Greek manuscript before the 1600s? If it is true, why is it in the KJV?
1 John 5:7 belongs in the King James Bible and was preserved by faithful Christians. But the passage was removed from many Greek manuscripts, because of the problems it seemed to cause.

Are Modern Bibles Built on a Faulty Foundation?
Is it possible one of the two pillars supporting the modern, billion-dollar Bible industry is a counterfeit?

Can You Trust 'Oldest and Best'?
People argued that the last part of the Gospel of Mark should be removed since it’s not in miniscule 2427, believed to be the oldest. Then scientific evidence proved it was a hoax.

How Did God Preserve His Words to this Day?
Answer: Down through history, God chose several languages to communicate His message.

Do the Dead Sea Scrolls render the King James Bible obsolete?
From "The Answer Book" by Samuel C. Gipp." What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? Do they disagree with the Bible?

Changing God's Words — What's New About That?
The new NIV Bible translation, the TNIV, has finally gotten Bible scholars' attention to God's words.

Didn't the first King James Bible contain the Aprocrypha?
Why the King James translators rejected the Apocrypha, placing it BETWEEN the testaments, not in them.

Does Your Church Trust a Bible that Doesn't Exist?
If your church believes only in the reliability of originals that we no longer have, it confesses faith in a Bible that does not exist.

Has the King James Bible been changed, between 1611 and the present day?
There have only been two modifications of the King James Bible. Find out what they are.

King James Bible

Are the Scriptures just the IDEAS of God, or are they His very WORDS? You decide!
God promised to preserve his WORDS, not just his ideas. See how clear he made that.

Is the KJV Inspired or Preserved?
Are only the originals inspired, or did God preserve a completely accurate Bible text for us?

Are all KJV Bibles the Same?
The differences between different publishers' King James Bibles explained.

Are Words Missing in the KJV?
Opponents of the King James Version like to say that there is an error in the text because Jesus' words "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen" are found in Matthew but not in Luke.

Aren't there archaic words in the Bible?
Aren't there archaic words in the Bible needing modern translation?

Booklet Defining KJV English Words Fits in Back of Your Bible
After deciding that the King James Bible is the only perfectly preserved Word of God, what do you do with the old English words which you don't understand?

Is 1 John 5:7 not in any Greek manuscript before the 1600s? If it is true, why is it in the KJV?
1 John 5:7 belongs in the King James Bible and was preserved by faithful Christians. But the passage was removed from many Greek manuscripts, because of the problems it seemed to cause.

Translation Method for the King James Bible
The detailed system used to prevent anyone from imposing his own opinion upon the translation. From "Answers To Your Bible Version Questions" by David W. Daniels.

Should the Bible say "Lucifer" or "morning star" in Isaiah 14:12?
Specific reasons why we know this refers to Satan.

Why Should the KJV Not Say "Passover" in Acts 12:4?
Passover is not the correct translation of pascha in this single New Testament passage.

Modern Versions

A Quick Comparison of Bible Versions
A small sampling of verse comparisions between the KJV and NIV.

Four Words That Open the Doorway to Satanism
And they are found in a commonly used Bible!

What Are Gospel Publishers Hiding?
To understand why ther are so many new Bible versions, just follow the money.

Conversation in a 'Bible' Bookstore
Is your bible the perfect word of God?

The Difference Between Translator and Teacher
Do you want a Bible translation that tells you what God 'said,' or one that tells you what the translator believes God 'meant?' Formal equivalence versus dynamic equivalence explained.

I got saved reading the NIV. How can you say it's no good?
Video transcript - If I got saved reading the NIV, why should I leave it?

New Bible Translations: Are They Really Easier To Understand?
Here, excerpted from "The Answer Book" on Bible translations by Dr. Samuel Gipp, is an interesting and thought-provoking approach to this question.

New NIV Revision to Correct 'Mistakes'
That`s right... 1200 hundred of them.

Which Bible Really Gets Read?
Researches found the KJV still used by the majority of those who actually read their Bibles.

Is 'Hell' Missing from Your Bible?
Why do so many modern Bibles remove hell? Does it make the translators "uncomfortable?"


What is the LXX?
Record of the Septuagint (LXX) comes from a single, supposedly ancient letter. Gipp shows why the story is a fraud.

What Is The "Septuagint"?
The history of the Septuagint shows it to be an attempt to replace the preserved text of the Bible with a corrupt Alexandrian text, including the Apocrypha.

Does the Apocrypha Belong in Your Bible?
The Jews rejected it as part of their Scripture (the Old Testament). But the push continues to add it to the KJV.

Spanish Bibles

New Spanish Bible Based on Trustworthy Texts
God's perfect words (unchanged, nothing removed, nothing added) are now available to the Spanish-speaking world.

RV 1960 Polluted with Roman Catholic Flavor
Many popular Spanish Bibles, including the RVR, have word changes that teach salvation by "obedience" instead of purely by faith. That`s Catholic doctrine!

RVG 2010 - New Translation or Revision?
Author Emanuel Rodriguez explains in his new book, 'God's Bible in Spanish,' that the RVG 2010 is simply a revision of the beloved Reina-Valera used by God for over 400 years.

Chick Publications' Endorsement of the RVG
Chick Publications endorses spanish Reina Valera Gomez Spanish Bible.

New Reina-Valera Gomez - Back to Purity
After years of research and collaboration, Humberto Gomez has produced a Spanish Bible version faithful to the originals that formed the KJV, yet maintaining the linguistic beauty of the RV.

Are All Reina Valeras Equal?
Are all Reina-Valeras equal, or are some better than others?

A Crucial Time in Spanish Bible History
There is a war going on right now for the preserved words of God in Spanish.

New Spanish Bible Corrects Alexandrian Pollution
New RVG Bible corrects the problems of the Reina Valera and provides a completely accurate Bible in Spanish.

Theological Importance

Jesus: Creator or Middle Man?
Can one tiny word lower the position of Jesus Christ?

The Scriptures: Eyewitness-Approved
Was Jesus married? Who are you going to trust? The eyewitnesses!

Was Jesus a Divine Sinner?
Two modern Bibles removed a single word, and present Jesus as a sinner.

Why Do We Need "Thee" and "Thou"?
In almost every language but Modern English, people knew whether the speaker was addressing one person or many.

If A Bible Has the Fundamentals, Can It Be Bad?
Many modern Bibles still contain the "fundamentals" but in a weaker state. How many times can you weaken a doctrine before you hurt faith? From 'The Answer Book' copyright 1989 by Samuel Gipp

Did Jesus lie to His own brothers?
Video transcript - By removing a single word, many Bibles record Jesus as lying to his brothers. How can He then be the perfect sacrifice for sin?

Is It Hard To Be Saved?
Just look at the differences between the KJV and the NIV.

If Jesus Lied, Can He be God?
By leaving out one little word, translators of many Bibles turn one of Jesus` statements into a lie. What difference a little word makes!

Who Needs Hell?
"Hell" is an uncomfortable word. Everybody knows what it means.

Did Jesus Give Up Being God?
Modern Bibles remove four important words that clarify an entire doctrine about Jesus being God and man. See for yourself.

Two Types of Bible Versions

Changing God's Words — What's New About That?
The new NIV Bible translation, the TNIV, has finally gotten Bible scholars' attention to God's words.

Which Bible? It's Easy to Decide
You can know which Bible to trust. A quick look at history will make the choice obvious.

How Do I Show Those Who Refuse To Hear King James Only Arguments?
The key is to show them how the broad evidence of history tells us which Greek text is correct. It then becomes easy to know which Bible we can trust.

Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin
Don`t like what the Bible says? Just choose one that justifies your sin!

Where Did the King James Bible Come From?
There are two kinds of manuscripts...Accurate and corrupted.

Who's In Charge of the Bible?
Since the Catholic Church claims to have given the world the Bible, Pope Francis has felt free to suggest some changes to the Lord's Prayer he feels will 'improve' it.

Did the Catholic Church Really Give Us the Bible?
Gail Riplinger answers this question.

Pope Decides It's Okay To Read the Bible
Enough doctrinal changes have been made to God's Word that the Pope can now urge his people to read the 'Bible.'

Who Was the King James Translated For?
The purpose of translating the King James Bible was to give the Scriptures to the common man. From "The Answer Book" by Samuel Gipp.

Westcott and Hort

Son Of Biblical Text Editor Westcott Says: 'My Father Was A Spiritualist'
Writing that his father had a lifelong "faith in what for lack of a better name, one must call Spiritualism," the son of famed biblical Greek text editor B. F. Westcott admits to considerable public alarm at his father's activity.

Who were Westcott and Hort?
A brief overview of the views of Brook Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort, who created the text used in modern Bibles.

Chapter 8: Westcott and Hort - part 1
Meet the men whose disbelief compelled them to change the Bible - Wescott and Hort. See the heresy in their own words, and why they were determined to change the text of the Scriptures. From Gipp's "Understandable History of the Bible."

Westcott and Hort - part 2
The unbiblical views of Westcott and Hort, that should have disqualified them from preparing a Bible text. From Gipp's "Understandable History of the Bible."

Westcott and Hort - part 3
Part 3: How the globalist and darwinian views of Westcott and Hort shaped their approach to the Bible. From Gipp's "Understandable History of the Bible."

Did Hort and Westcott do what they were hired to do? Or was there another agenda?
Video transcript - They were hired to make a mininal revision, but ended up replacing the entire New Testament text.

Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin
Don`t like what the Bible says? Just choose one that justifies your sin!