Report from NYC

Greg Palast 

In New York City. Robert is spending this Sunday morning asking for spare change from the ladies going into the bodega. He's supplementing his part time job washing patients' food trays at the hospital. But now, at least, he won't have to worry about getting exploited in a job at Amazon. ...more

Colorado dumps Crosscheck

Greg Palast 

Colorado dumps Crosscheck, urges other states to flee the program. The newly elected Secretary of State Colorado, Jena Griswold, slammed the voter list cleansing program controlled by Kris Kobach of Kansas, for taking away the rights of eligible voters. ...more

Roger Stone Indictment: My Friend, “Person 2”

Greg Palast 

The unnamed "Person 2" in the Roger Stone indictment is my friend: comic and journalist Randy Credico. I've been in constant contact with Credico for two years as Stone tried to bully him into perjury. Trump stooge Stone is a bucket of ...more

The REAL Immigration Fight

Greg Palast 

While the two parties are playing games with slats on the border, Trump has allowed the backlog of citizenship applications to nearly double to over 730,000. In other words, he's winning the real immigration battle. ...more

The Son My Father Sent To Birmingham

Greg Palast 

My dad called me over and said, "I want you to listen to this." It was 1965 and Martin Luther King was speaking about the three kinds of love as defined by the Greek philosophers. King's philosophy lesson was given in a church surrounded by angry white men who changed their white sheets for police uniforms and were prepared to burn down the church as they had done before.

King was on a march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery.

My father told me, "You'll do that," meaning I'd go down South, I'd join the Freedom Riders, become a lawyer for King, a knight for justice in an unjust world.

But why didn't he go himself? Why didn't he join the march, join the fight? I know: kids, responsibility, furniture. He was a furniture salesman. Furniture didn't march. It sat there. It was sat upon. And the rich farted into the mattresses he sold them. The furniture store was locked from the inside by a poisonous fear of leaving life to chance.

So he put the burden of his quest on ...more