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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 20, 2019

How Caravan Paranoia Tore the Border Militia Movement Apart

Intelligence Report

Meet the members of Congress who traffic in hate and extremism.

February 20, 2019
Intelligence Report

As trans and gender nonconforming people are violently killed, a community struggles to trust law enforcement.

February 20, 2019
Intelligence Report

Vice President Mike Pence pitches himself as a “cheerful partisan” and a “happy warrior.” 

February 20, 2019
Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 20, 2019

"Through international networks of influence, Americans are helping hateful allies make concrete gains across the globe."

Intelligence Report

White supremacy flourishes amid fears of immigration and nation's shifting demographics.

February 20, 2019
Intelligence Report

As the country rapidly diversifies, our history reveals two different paths Americans have taken in reaction to demographic change — one filled with hate, and one with hope.

February 20, 2019
Intelligence Report

Each issue, the Intelligence Report’s Hatewatch section will expose the most disturbing corners of the radical right. In this issue, we investigate how violence that has traditionally been in the shadows of racist extremism is increasingly taking to the streets.

February 20, 2019


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