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  1. 23 may.

    2019 Australian Federal Election Recap

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  2. hace 9 horas
    En respuesta a

    So it was an ‘election based on a lie?’

  3. hace 18 horas

    Two things should now be clear to everyone. is both a state & federal election issue, & it is becoming a political career decider in seats which are susceptible to change.

  4. hace 19 horas

    ICYMI has called the final result with Labor having won Macquarie, denying Morrison an extra seat. L/NP: 77 seats ALP: 68 seats Greens: 1 seat KAP: 1 seat Centre Alliance: 1 seat IND: 3 seats (Clark, Indi, Warringah)

  5. hace 20 horas

    Morrison scraps Department of Human Services. It has new name: SERVICE AUSTRALIA Very appropriate from an INHUMAN GOVERNMENT! (Is this why some people think we are governed by aliens?)

  6. hace 20 horas

    "ROBODEBT is seen as punitive, ruthless and all-encompassing” Canberra Times Its worse than that! It is ILLEGAL but nobody has the guts to stand up to the LNP. With this govt laws & truth go out the window. They are lying criminals!

  7. 3 jun.

    Let the minutes reflect that the term ‘voter remorse’ was first used on this day...

  8. 3 jun.

    It may yet turn out that this was a good election to have lost | OPINION

  9. 2 jun.

    Good move to put shadow for home affairs & immigration. About time was held accountable for shambolic management of our visa & immigration system.

  10. En respuesta a

    Yes, the demise of the ABC as a courageous persistent govt watchdog has flipped our fragile democracy. was our post-truth Trump moment. Years of chronic corruption, incompetence etc have been normalised by omissions, distortions and idiotic punditry.

  11. 30 may.

    Peter Dutton is a lying scumbag. Labor never took an open borders policy to ps. I'm not endorsing offshore detention. I am calling out Dutton's blatant lie.

  12. 30 may.

    You would think the ALP drop their case against Gladys Liu given they did the same thing in Sydney

  13. 27 may.

    Where was the surge of young voters supporting climate change action and other progressive causes? Many predicted it would happen after the SSM plebiscite. But it never happened at .

  14. 26 may.

    Was deliberately biased towards at the election? It certainly did not run a balanced campaign and the nation knows it, writes Chris Mitchell.

  15. 25 may.

    This is odd on many, many levels

  16. 25 may.

    LNP did NOT win the they stole it with lies, smearing, cheating & Clive Palmer's dirty money. If Australia is to remain a decent country we must change the rules to stop this happening again.

  17. 25 may.

    With pro-gun nuts like Fraser Anning and Duncan Spender voted out. Don't forget about these two.

  18. 24 may.
  19. 24 may.

    Coal Coal Pops. The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

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