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Cloud-Jitsu: Migrating 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in 7 hours

Almost every organization uses cloud storage as part of its business data workflow, or backup and archive strategy. Getting to the next level - choosing the most efficient mix of cloud storage, bandwidth services, and content delivery services can be the key to unlocking dramatic savings for your business while providing better service to your customers.

Nodecraft, a cloud platform for multiplayer online gaming servers was already delivering their service in the cloud. In November of 2018, the company realized they could dramatically reduce their costs if they re-evaluated their cloud strategy. By moving 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in just 7 hours, Nodecraft today pays only 1/4th of what they did before for the same class of cloud storage.

In this webinar, we’ll learn how Nodecraft leveraged Backblaze’s storage and Cloudflare's rendering expansive network to excel in the already competitive field of game server hosting. Join Nodecraft, Cloudflare and Backblaze in a conversation on cloud storage, egress fees, and DDoS protection for gaming companies.
Recorded Jun 5 2019 31 mins
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Presented by
James Ross (CTO @Nodecraft), Skip Levens (Director Product Marketing @Backblaze), Jess Bailey (Partner Manager @Cloudflare)
Presentation preview: Cloud-Jitsu: Migrating 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in 7 hours

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  • Cybersecurity 2020 threat landscape and its implications Recorded: Jun 19 2020 63 mins
    Arun Singh, Product Marketing Lead, Security @ Cloudflare and Guest Speaker: Jinan Budge, Principal Analyst @ Forrester
    Cybersecurity decisions have direct implications to individuals, enterprises and organizations but also have broader societal implications than ever before. In 2020 and beyond, technology promises to change our own experience and enhance our way of life, and those of our customers, significantly. Society and humanity increasingly depend on tech to work, learn, vote, transact and socialise. But that dependence is also making our technology, and us, targets. This reliance and targeting have been magnified during COVID19, where the cybercriminals have sunk to new lows at the same time as that reliance on tech has increased.

    This session will explore how these technologies are going to change the experiences of our lives for the better and for the worse. It will explore the most recent cybersecurity breaches, predict the key security issues for 2020 and discuss current security priorities specific to Asia Pacific.
  • Debunking Myths About Malicious Bots Recorded: May 19 2020 53 mins
    Sumit Bahl, Product Marketing Manager @ Cloudflare, Poornaprajna Udupi, CTO @ Good Money, Anand Guruprasad, SE @ Cloudflare
    Today, as much as 40% of all Internet traffic consists of bots: non-human users of websites and apps. Unfortunately, much of this bot traffic is malicious. And as malicious bots become more prevalent and sophisticated, truth and fiction sometimes blur together, making it difficult to understand how bad bots can impact your organization — and what you can do to prevent them.

    Join Sumit Bahl, Product Marketing Manager for Cloudflare, Poornaprajna Udupi, Chief Technology Officer at Good Money Group, and Anand Guruprasad, Solutions Engineer at Cloudflare, to take a closer look at some of the most common false assumptions about bad bots — and how your organization can stay bot-free by taking a more informed approach to defense.
  • どこからでも高速かつ安全なリモートアクセスを実現する Recorded: Apr 14 2020 33 mins
    Sam Rhea プロダクトマネージャー Cloudflareは、
    コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受けて、多くの人々がリモートワークでお仕事をされてることは、世界中の企業のインフラストラクチャに大きな負担をもたらしています。急増する帯域使用量にVPNが対応できなくて身動きができなくなっている—あるいは単にハードウェアベースのVPNからの乗り換えを検討している—そのようなときはCloudflareがお手伝いいたします。あらゆる規模の企業が9月1日までCloudflare for Teamsを無料で利用できるようにしたのはそのためです。

    このウェビナーでは、皆様が社内で運用されているアプリケーションとインフラストラクチャを、VPNを使用せずに保護できる、Cloudflare Accessの設定方法を紹介しています。Cloudflareをはじめとした組織が、どのような形でCloudflare Accessを利用して、より高速で安全なリモートワークを実現しているかについても、例を挙げてご紹介します。
  • Why modern architecture requires modern protection Recorded: Apr 9 2020 46 mins
    James Ball, Head of Solutions Engineering, APAC @ Cloudflare
    It’s no secret that securing a modern enterprise means keeping up with a vast and constantly shifting landscape of threats. However, this task is made exponentially harder when businesses are forced to rely on traditional, appliance-based security systems that route everything through a single choke point within your data centre.

    Cloud technology is critical to most organisations’ IT networks, but many are failing to use the cloud to effectively defend them. Join Cloudflare Head of Solutions Engineering, APAC, James Ball, to find out how customers can leverage the scale and intelligence of cloud computing to make their security systems as effective and performant as the rest of their networks.
  • Making remote access faster and safer from anywhere Recorded: Mar 25 2020 33 mins
    Sam Rhea, Product Manager Cloudflare
    The Coronavirus emergency is straining the infrastructure of companies around the world as more employees work from home. If your team is hamstrung by a VPN that can’t handle the surge in usage — or you just have the itch to ditch your hardware-based VPN — Cloudflare is here to help. That’s why we made Cloudflare for Teams free for businesses of any size until September 1.

    This webinar will include a live demo showing how you can configure Cloudflare Access to protect your internally-hosted applications and infrastructure — without a VPN. We’ll also share examples of how other organizations (including Cloudflare) are using it to make remote work faster and safer from everywhere.
  • Bring speed and security to the Intranet with Cloudflare for Teams Recorded: Feb 25 2020 51 mins
    Naveen Singh, Solutions Engineer @ Cloudflare & Sophie Qiu, Customer Success Manager @ Cloudflare
    Cloudflare was started to solve one half of every IT organization's challenge: how do you ensure the resources and infrastructure that you expose to the Internet are safe from attack, fast, and reliable? To deliver that, we built one of the world's largest networks. Today our network spans more than 200 cities worldwide and is within milliseconds of nearly everyone connected to the Intranet.

    Cloudflare for Teams is a new platform designed to solve the other half of every IT organization's challenge: ensuring the people and teams within an organization can safely access the tools they need to do their job. Now you can extend Cloudflare’s speed, reliability and protection to everything your team does on the Intranet.

    In this webinar, you’ll learn:
    - Common challenges of scaling security for your growing business
    - How to extend Zero Trust security principles to your internally managed applications
    - How to make Intranet access faster and safer for your employees
  • Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Recorded: Feb 20 2020 42 mins
    Nidhi Mishra, Solutions Engineer @ Cloudflare & Krishna Zulkarnain, Marketing Director APAC @ Cloudflare
    In a highly competitive digital culture, businesses are intensifying their digital transformation efforts to expand their hybrid and multi-cloud cloud initiatives. As dependencies on legacy point solutions and architectures begin to diminish, developers are becoming increasingly influential in newly digitally transformed organizations.

    The need for increased agility, and speed is paramount. While CDNs have been a key fixture for many enterprise businesses to remediate global network latencies, new challenges have arisen with these solutions that are inhibiting agile workstyles.

    Join this webinar to learn the following:

    - The foundations of improving web performance
    - How the web performance market is evolving and the challenges faced by CDN providers
    - How Cloudflare supports your digital transformation
  • Cloudflareのソリューションを使用して悪意のあるBot対策 Recorded: Feb 7 2020 57 mins
    Hiroki Isomura(磯村広紀) / ジャパン・リージョナルセールス 営業本部長 & Makoto Nishihara (西原誠)/ ソリューション・エンジニア




    - クラウドフレアのサービス概要
    - 多重セキュリティによるレイヤー7攻撃の対策
    - Bot managementの導入方法及び導入事例
    - ダッシュボードデモ
    - Q&Aセッション
  • Cyber Security Fundamentals (Cantonese) Recorded: Feb 6 2020 57 mins
    Sunny Au, Solutions Engineer @ Cloudflare & Sophie Qiu, Customer Success Manager @ Cloudflare
    Are you aware of the current security threats to your business? Are you prepared to handle the next big DDoS attack? What can you do to be prepared?

    Join this webinar to learn about:

    - Growing threat landscape
    - Challenges to a successful security strategy
    - Business impact of attacks
    - Securing web applications from attacks
  • Cyber Security Fundamentals Recorded: Dec 4 2019 61 mins
    Gaurav Mallawat, Solutions Engineer @ Cloudflare & Sophie Qiu, Customer Success Manager @ Cloudflare
    Are you aware of the current security threats to your business? Are you prepared to handle the next big DDoS attack? What can you do to be prepared?

    Join this webinar to learn about:

    - Growing threat landscape
    - Challenges to a successful security strategy
    - Business impact of attacks
    - Securing web applications from attacks
  • 2020年に向けたセキュリティ対策はお済みですか? Recorded: Nov 22 2019 63 mins
    Hiroki Isomura(磯村広紀) / ジャパン・リージョナルセールス 営業本部長 & Makoto Nishihara (西原誠)/ ソリューション・エンジニア
  • Fight bad bots on the Internet Recorded: Oct 31 2019 40 mins
    Anand Guruprasad, Solutions Engineer @ Cloudflare & Krishna Zulkarnain, Marketing Director APAC @ Cloudflare
    The advancement in deep and machine learning, natural language understanding, and big data processing are paving the way for the rise in AI-powered bots, that are faster, getting better at understanding human interaction and can even mimic human behavior.

    Cyber criminals are harnessing the latest tools available, and constantly changing their techniques to make their attacks more effective, faster and adaptable to safeguards.

    Join this webinar to learn about:

    - What type of workloads prone to bot attacks
    - Which industries heavily affected by Bot attacks
    - Learn about Cloudflare's Machine Learning and Behavioral Analysis driven approach to solving Bot menace.
  • Web Performance Without Sacrificing Security: Featuring Forrester Guest Speaker Recorded: Aug 29 2019 40 mins
    Mark Grannan, Senior Analyst at Forrester and Jen Taylor, Head of Products at Cloudflare
    Join this webinar with guest speaker Mark Grannan, Senior Analyst at Forrester, and Jen Taylor, Head of Products at Cloudflare, as they discuss how cloud adoption transforms infrastructure and technical environments, resulting in a need for a holistic, strategic approach to performance and security.

    In this webinar, you will learn:

    -How moving to the cloud makes infrastructure and technical environments more complex
    -Why organizations cannot trade performance for security, or vice versa
    -What challenges organizations face with vendor lock-in and inconsistent security policies across cloud environments
    -Why global cloud platforms that can deliver security and performance in tandem are the new mandate
  • Web Performance Without Sacrificing Security: Featuring Forrester Guest Speaker Recorded: Aug 13 2019 41 mins
    Mark Grannan, Senior Analyst at Forrester and Jen Taylor, Head of Products at Cloudflare
    Join this webinar with guest speaker Mark Grannan, Senior Analyst at Forrester, and Jen Taylor, Head of Products at Cloudflare, as they discuss how cloud adoption transforms infrastructure and technical environments, resulting in a need for a holistic, strategic approach to performance and security.

    In this webinar, you will learn:

    -How moving to the cloud makes infrastructure and technical environments more complex
    -Why organizations cannot trade performance for security, or vice versa
    -What challenges organizations face with vendor lock-in and inconsistent security policies across cloud environments
    -Why global cloud platforms that can deliver security and performance in tandem are the new mandate
  • Trends in DDoS and Bots for 2019: Featuring Guest Speaker from IDC Recorded: Aug 7 2019 49 mins
    Tim Fong, Product Marketing, Cloudflare & Cathy Huang, Associate Research Director, Services and Security, IDC Asia/Pacific
    Join this webinar with guest speaker Cathy Huang, Associate Research Director for IDC’s Asia/Pacific Services Research Group and Cloudflare, recently named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide DDoS Prevention Solutions 2019 Vendor Assessment (Doc #US43699318, March 2019).

    In this webinar, you will learn:
    - Why defending against only volumetric layer 3 and 4 attacks will leave you vulnerable to other emerging DDoS attack vectors
    - What economic and technological shifts are making DDoS more harmful and more evasive
    - Why bot management should be considered in every DDoS mitigation strategy
    - Which types of companies in APAC are highly targeted and why
  • Cloud-Jitsu: Migrating 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in 7 hours Recorded: Jul 31 2019 30 mins
    James Ross (CTO @Nodecraft), Skip Levens (Director Product Marketing @Backblaze), Jess Bailey (Partner Manager @Cloudflare)
    Almost every organization uses cloud storage as part of its business data workflow, or backup and archive strategy. Getting to the next level - choosing the most efficient mix of cloud storage, bandwidth services, and content delivery services can be the key to unlocking dramatic savings for your business while providing better service to your customers.

    Nodecraft, a cloud platform for multiplayer online gaming servers was already delivering their service in the cloud. In November of 2018, the company realized they could dramatically reduce their costs if they re-evaluated their cloud strategy. By moving 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in just 7 hours, Nodecraft today pays only 1/4th of what they did before for the same class of cloud storage.

    In this webinar, we’ll learn how Nodecraft leveraged Backblaze’s storage and Cloudflare's rendering expansive network to excel in the already competitive field of game server hosting. Join Nodecraft, Cloudflare and Backblaze in a conversation on cloud storage, egress fees, and DDoS protection for gaming companies.
  • Building AMP Experiences that Drive Results Recorded: Jun 19 2019 40 mins
    Rudy Galfi, AMP PM @Google; Solomon Moskalenko, Director, Interactive @The Johnson Group; Gabbie Fisher, Engineer @Cloudflare
    Are you getting the results you want on mobile? Mobile is the new benchmark for understanding web performance, and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) promises to offer significantly better mobile experiences. Since AMP was first announced in 2015, the industry has responded, with 500+ contributors and over 6 billion AMP pages on the web to date.

    Join this 45-minute webinar to understand how far AMP has come, and some of its most recent updates to help you increase conversions and viewer engagement.

    -Understanding AMP architecture
    -The evolution of AMP and its support for web packaging
    -How The Johnson Group helped U.S. Xpress productize AMP to drive conversions and increase hires
    -How Cloudflare has built AMP support into its performance and security portfolio
  • Authentication, Security, and Performance for the Internet of Things Recorded: Jun 10 2019 17 mins
    Dan Goldstein, Product Strategy @Cloudflare
    Gartner estimates by the end of 2020 over 20 million Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be online. Every day the automotive, aviation, consumer goods and utilities industries (just to name a few) are pushing new boundaries in how customers interact with technology. While this evolution unlocks incredible potential, security and performance challenges put IoT device manufacturers and providers at risk of security incidents and unable to meet customers' rapidly growing expectations.

    Security-wise many devices are still treated like machines from early in the century: release patches on Tuesdays and cross our fingers our users update. Performance-wise centralized cloud providers are not built to deliver ultra low-latent responses to millions of devices with a global footprint.

    Join our webinar and take a look at how Cloudflare is helping IoT manufacturers and providers meet emerging security and performance challenges.
  • Cloud-Jitsu: Migrating 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in 7 hours Recorded: Jun 5 2019 31 mins
    James Ross (CTO @Nodecraft), Skip Levens (Director Product Marketing @Backblaze), Jess Bailey (Partner Manager @Cloudflare)
    Almost every organization uses cloud storage as part of its business data workflow, or backup and archive strategy. Getting to the next level - choosing the most efficient mix of cloud storage, bandwidth services, and content delivery services can be the key to unlocking dramatic savings for your business while providing better service to your customers.

    Nodecraft, a cloud platform for multiplayer online gaming servers was already delivering their service in the cloud. In November of 2018, the company realized they could dramatically reduce their costs if they re-evaluated their cloud strategy. By moving 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in just 7 hours, Nodecraft today pays only 1/4th of what they did before for the same class of cloud storage.

    In this webinar, we’ll learn how Nodecraft leveraged Backblaze’s storage and Cloudflare's rendering expansive network to excel in the already competitive field of game server hosting. Join Nodecraft, Cloudflare and Backblaze in a conversation on cloud storage, egress fees, and DDoS protection for gaming companies.
  • How to Build a Fast and Secure Global eCommerce Store Recorded: Jun 4 2019 39 mins
    Sam Wolf, CEO @ Lucky Vitamin & Derek Yee, Product Marketing Lead @ Cloudflare
    Building a brand, increasing buyer engagement and safeguarding customer data - all things that any successful online retailer needs to manage. Join us for this 45-minute fireside chat style webinar with Sam Wolf, the founder, and CEO of Lucky Vitamin (luckyvitamin.com); a leading global online retailer of health and wellness products based in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

    Sam will share his experience growing Lucky Vitamin from a single brick and mortar store to a leading brand in the health and wellness industry.

    -Building a brand that customers love
    -Challenges faced building a global eCommerce store
    -Safeguarding customer data and privacy
Making the Internet Work the Way It Should for Anything Online
Here at Cloudflare, we make the Internet work the way it should. Offering CDN, DNS, DDoS protection and security, find out how we can help your site.

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  • Title: Cloud-Jitsu: Migrating 23TB from AWS S3 to Backblaze B2 in 7 hours
  • Live at: Jun 5 2019 5:00 pm
  • Presented by: James Ross (CTO @Nodecraft), Skip Levens (Director Product Marketing @Backblaze), Jess Bailey (Partner Manager @Cloudflare)
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