Blown Away

Ask your MP to help bring back onshore wind.

Onshore wind is cheap, popular, and a vital part of tackling climate change. But a group of MPs have been campaigning against it - and they’ve persuaded the government to block new wind projects from even getting started.

To bring back onshore wind, we need to show the government that most MPs agree with the British public - they want to see more wind power in the UK. So we’re launching a public letter from MPs to the prime minister - asking her to remove the blocks that have been standing in the way of wind power. 

Will you email your MP asking them to sign the letter?

We’ve got a template email for you to use. If you’re able to add your personal experiences and reasons for supporting wind, that will really help you to get your MP’s attention.

To read the letter and see which MPs have already signed up click here.

MPs are already signing up to support wind. If your MP is one of them, send them a thank you.


Resources and tips to get your MP backing wind.
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Find out how much electricity is being generated from UK wind turbines right now.
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Some of the most common criticisms of wind power and the best way to answer.
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