Legal and privacy

Website terms • Privacy • Cookies

Website Terms of use

These terms and conditions (the "Terms") are the terms on which the websites set out below at section 1.4 (each a "Website" and collectively the "Websites") are made available to you (“You” / “Your”). By accessing any of the Websites You agree to be bound by these Terms so you should read them carefully before you start to use any of the Websites. If you do not agree to these Terms you must not use any of the Websites. You should keep a copy of these Terms for future reference. We may change the Terms from time to time so you should check them regularly to ensure you are familiar with any changes.

You must read Our Privacy Policy (set out below) which contains important information about the use of your personal data and other information regarding your privacy and our security processes and policies.

1. Information about us / general info

  1. We are The 10:10 Foundation, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales with the Charity Commission under registration number 1157363 and our registered address is 10:10, c/o CMS Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, EC4N 6AF, and the address at which we are established is 8a Delancey Passage London NW1 7NN ("We"/"Us"/"Our").

  2. If You have any questions, complaints or comments about a Website then You may contact Us on

  3. If You register to use a Website then You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your password and user name and are responsible for all activities that are carried out under them. We do not have the means to check the identities of people using the Websites and will not be liable where Your password or user name is used by someone else.

  4. The Websites that these Terms apply to are:







2. Making a donation

  1. Some of the Websites give you the chance to make a donation to Us. To make a donation, simply click the donation button on the relevant Website, select the amount that you would like to donate and follow the on-screen instructions to make Your payment.

  2. For more about how We will use those funds that you donate, please see the relevant Website. Sometimes we will use the funds you have donated, in combination with other donations, to invest in community energy projects. Such investments will be in Our name, and any returns We receive will help fund Our work supporting community energy in the UK.

  3. Depending on the Website, your donation will be accepted via Paypal and Stripe only. Please read PayPal's user agreement and policies and privacy policy and / or Stripe's payment terms of use andprivacy policy (as appropriate) before making a donation as these will also apply to the payment of Your donation.

  4. You confirm that the bank account from which payment is being made is Yours. All accounts may be subject to validation checks and authorisation. If Your bank refuses to authorise payment We will not accept your donation and We are not obliged to inform you of the reason for the refusal.

  5. We are not responsible for your bank charging You as a result of our processing of Your payment in accordance with Your donation.

3. Intellectual property rights

  1. We (or our partners or licensors) own all intellectual property rights in the Websites and their contents including, without limitation, trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and text. Other than as set out below in sections 3.3 and 3.4 (Creative Commons licence), Your use of any of the Websites and their contents grants no rights to You in relation to Our intellectual property rights and if you want to use any other materials or content from a Website, do just get in touch. Otherwise, You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, record, transmit, commercially exploit, edit, communicate to the public or distribute in any way the services, web pages or materials on the Websites or the computer codes of elements comprising the Websites other than for Your own personal use. Subject to the above, You may download insubstantial excerpts of this content to Your hard disk for the purpose of viewing it provided that no more than one copy of any information is made.

  2. If you submit information, text, photos, graphics or other content to Us or any of the Websites, You grant Us a right to use such materials at Our own discretion including, without limitation, to edit, copy, reproduce, disclose, post and remove such materials from the Websites. You confirm that in relation to any material submitted to Us or posted on a Website You have the right to do so and have obtained all necessary licences and or approvals. Personal data which you post is subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy set out below.

  3. The texts of our blog posts and articles are released under a creative commons licence (please note that this does not relate to any of the images on our website or contained within any such posts or articles, just the text). The licence we use is the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. We also sometimes share or re-post articles or blog posts from third parties under other Creative Commons licences which have different terms to that mentioned above. Where applicable, we will state which licence applies and provide a link to it at bottom of the article. Before using the text of such an article or blog post, you should read the relevant licence to ensure that you comply with its terms.

  4. The full licence can be accessed here and you should read this before using the text of the blog posts or articles. By way of summary, you are free to:

  • Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and

  • Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material,

under the following terms:

4. Links to and from other websites

  1. We are happy for you to link to any of Our Websites but request that You do not remove or obscure, advertisements, the copyright notice or other notices on the Websites and that You stop providing links to the Websites if notified by Us.

  2. We may provide links to other websites from time to time on any of the Websites. These links are provided for Your ease of reference and convenience only and We do not control such third party websites and are not responsible for their contents. Our inclusion of links does not imply any endorsement of the material contained in such websites or any association with their operators. You acknowledge that We will not be party to any transaction or contract with a third party that You may enter into and We shall not be liable to You in respect of any loss or damage which You may suffer by using those websites.

5. Your use of the website / visitor material and conduct

  1. You agree that in using the Websites You will not:

    • use the Websites in any way that may lead to the encouragement, procurement or carrying out of any criminal activity;

    • email, transmit or otherwise disseminate any content which is defamatory, obscene, in breach of copyright, vulgar or indecent or may have the effect of being harassing; threatening, abusive or hateful or that otherwise degrades or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age or disability;

    • advertise or promote third party or Your own products or services including by way of the distribution of 'spam' email;

    • transfer files that contain viruses, trojans or other harmful programs; or

    • access or attempt to access the accounts of other users or to penetrate or attempt to penetrate the Websites’ security measures.

  2. We reserve the right to suspend, restrict or terminate Your access to any of the Websites at any time without notice at Our discretion if we have reasonable grounds to believe You have breached any of the restrictions above.

  3. You confirm that all information and details provided by You to Us in using the Websites are true, accurate and up to date in all respects and at all times. You can update or correct your personal details at any time by contacting us via the details set out at section 1.2 of these Terms.

  4. In relation to content posted by other users of the Websites You acknowledge that We have limited control over the nature and content of such content. Although We reserve the right to do so, We may not monitor such content in the usual course of business and will not be liable for any such content. If You have a complaint about another user or content posted on any of the Websites please contact Us via the details set out at section 1.2 of these Terms.

  5. By submitting information, text, photos, graphics or other content to us via the Websites, You grant us a right to use this material as we like without any further obligation to You. This includes allowing Us to edit, copy, reproduce, disclose, post and remove the material from the Websites.

  6. We reserve the right to review and remove content on the Website in whole or in part and at any time, at Our discretion and without any obligation to do so, regardless of whether or not it is, in the opinion of anyone else, in breach of these Terms.

6. General 

  1. We accept responsibility for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or that of our employees and agents. We do not seek to exclude any responsibility for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us or our employees or agents.

  2. Whilst We use all reasonable endeavours to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable once they have been brought to Our attention, We do not promise that the information on the Websites will be free from errors or omissions. We also do not promise that the Websites will be available uninterrupted and in a fully operating condition. Access to the Websites may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons reasonably beyond our control.

  3. All content and services on the Websites are provided on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis. We do not make any representation or give any promise (whether express or implied) in respect of the Websites or their content, including, without limitation, any advice given (on a personal or general basis) and statements made by partner organisations on or via the Websites. Any decisions or action taken by You on the basis of information provided on or via the Websites are at Your sole discretion and risk and You should obtain individual professional advice where necessary. Nothing in this section 6 shall restrict Your statutory rights (including Your rights to receive a reasonable standard of service).

  4. You have certain rights under the law. These include that we will provide any services to a reasonable standard and within a reasonable time. Nothing in these Terms is intended to affect these statutory rights. For more information about your statutory rights contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards Office.

  5. If the digital content 10:10 supplies on the Website causes damage to your device or to other digital content on that device and the damage is of a kind that would not have occurred if 10:10 had exercised reasonable skill and care in supplying the content, you are entitled to have the damage repaired within a reasonable time and without significant inconvenience or to be compensated with an appropriate payment. Any such repair or compensation shall be limited to £200.

  6. We are not responsible for: losses not caused by Our breach; indirect losses which are a side effect of the main loss or damage and which are not reasonably foreseeable by You and Us at the time of entering into these Terms, for example loss of profits or loss of opportunity; failure to provide the Websites and service or to meet any of Our obligations under these Terms where such failure is due to Events Beyond our Control. “Events Beyond Our Control” means any cause beyond Our reasonable control which prevents Us from providing the service or fulfilling any of Our other obligations under these Terms and includes but is not limited to fire, flood, storm, riot, civil disturbance, war, nuclear accident, terrorist activity and acts of God.

  7. Our liability in tort, contract, negligence, pre-contract or other representations or otherwise arising out of or in connection with and/or these Terms shall be limited in aggregate to £1,000 (one thousand pounds).

  8. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court or a regulator to be invalid or unenforceable the other provisions shall continue to apply.

  9. In the event of any dispute between You and Us concerning these Terms, relevant United Kingdom law will apply. If You wish to take court proceedings against Us You must do so within the United Kingdom.

Privacy policy


Data is collected and processed by the 10:10 Foundation, registered charity number 1157363. You can contact us by emailing or ringing 0207 388 6688. This policy covers data collected on our website:

10:10 takes privacy and data protection very seriously.

We collect your data in order to inform you of the progress of the organisation, respond to actions you have taken, offer you other actions to tackle climate change, invite you to donate to the organisation and offer you personalised advice on reducing your carbon footprint. We will not hold more data than is necessary for this purpose.

We will process data when you have given your explicit consent for us to do so. We will ask for your consent at the point you give us your data. We will only communicate with you in the way(s) you have specifically consented. For example if you have consented to receiving emails from us, but not phone calls, we will email you but we won’t phone you.  

Some of your data may be transferred outside the EEA to secure servers. By giving us your data through our website, you consent to your data being transferred outside the EEA and being processed and held securely there. You can read more about this here:

In some cases, such as making a donation to 10:10, we will use the legitimate interests basis to thank donors for their gift and keep them informed about how the money is used.

You may request that your data is removed from our databases at any time by asking us, or you may choose to unsubscribe from our mailing lists by emailing or clicking the unsubscribe link in the bottom of all our emails.

We will never sell your data to third parties, share it, or make any of your data public without your explicit consent.

You may make a subject access request to us, and ask us to disclose all data that we hold on you. Contact 10:10 using the details specified above to do this. We will respond to this request within 30 days. You have the right to request that this data is corrected or deleted.

The General Data Protection Regulation sets out a number of rights you have over your data. These are:

  1. The right to be informed - we will always inform you when we are collecting your personal data.

  2. The right of access - you can ask us what information we hold on you at any time.

  3. The right to rectification - you have the right to request we correct information about you that is wrong or incomplete.

  4. The right to erasure - also known as the right to be forgotten, you can request we erase the data we hold about you.

  5. The right to restrict processing (that is, the right to request we limit the way we use your data).

  6. The right to data portability - you have the right to obtain and reuse the personal data you provided to us for other services.

  7. The right to object - if you do not believe we have processed your data in line with the legitimate interests grounds, you can object to us.

If you would like to make a complaint about our handling of your data, you can contact 10:10 using the details specified above. Complaints will be investigated by the data champion. You have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Details of how to contact them can be found here:

We will hold your data for a maximum of three years. Towards the end of this period we will request consent again in order to continue using your personal data. If you don’t consent, we will remove your data from our databases. Where you have given a donation to 10:10, we will hold your data for 6 years in line with legal requirements. In other cases we’ll hold your data for a maximum of three years.

We use cookies on our Websites, and use Google to help analyse and track usage statistics such as length of time on our Websites, clicks-throughs, time and date of access and IP addresses. We do not use this information to identify individuals, or to track their behaviour relative to their other interactions with 10:10. See section 6 of this Privacy Policy for more details of this.

1. Your data

  1. Your Data” means any information about You from which You may be personally identified including Your name, address, email address, Facebook data, shopping/donation history and delivery address, and any other information from which You can be identified and which You may disclose to Us on Our Websites, in conjunction with the Organisation or otherwise at any time.

  2. Our Websites collect some or all of the following pieces of data about You:

    • Name

    • Email

    • Postcode (when this information is given when a user signs a petition, this is not retained after a petition is handed in).

    • Which campaigns or topics you have expressed an interest in

  3. In addition, if on any of our Websites You choose to make a donation or carry out a financial transaction, some or all of the following information will be collected:

    • Name

    • Email

    • Phone number

    • Billing address

    • Card number, expiry date and CVC

    • Payment amount

    • Product purchased or project donated to

    • GiftAid declaration

    • Accompanying message

  4. In the event you provide an accompanying message, we may choose to make it or provide it to a third party. In these cases We will always ensure that the message has any personally identifying details removed from it.

  5. We may also receive information about You from other third parties that We work with (for example, business partners, subcontractors in technical and payment services, advertising networks, analytics providers, and search information providers).

  6. In addition, if, on any of Our Websites, You choose to send correspondence to a representative, public or private body, or other party, the following information will be collected.

    • Name

    • Email

    • Postal address

    • Recipient

    • Content of the letter

  7. We will always store Your letter for a minimum of thirty days. This is to ensure that the letter is sent via our systems, and to allow Us to conduct anonymous analysis of letters to establish their effectiveness. This will include data such as the number of letters sent, whether the people that sent them used any other services on our Websites, and recipient information such as open rates.

  8. We may choose to make Your letter public, or provide it to a third party (for example, handing all the correspondence written on a particular issue to the relevant government department). In these cases we will always ensure that the letter has any personally identifying details removed from it.

  9. We reserve the right to aggregate Your Data collected across our different Websites in order to ensure data accuracy and consistency, and make all efforts to prevent duplication of records. This is also to provide our employees with a single view of all our constituents and ensure that the services we offer to constituents are as relevant as possible.

2. When do we collect your data?

  1. We collect Your Data from you when you:

  • sign up to participate in, support, or receive information about the Organisation, whether through our Websites, applications, sign-up cards or sheets, or through our online store, or via Our partners;

  • make a donation or carry out a financial transaction, whether through Our Websites, pledge cards, or through personal contact with a staff member;

  • choose to post Your Data when using any of our blogs, through our Facebook pages or forums through our Websites;

  • make a complaint or enquiry or provide other feedback to Us; or

  • otherwise disclose Your Data to Us through our Websites or otherwise at any time.

3. How do we use your data?

  1. We use Your Data to:

    • publicise You as a participant in the Organisation on our Websites, but only where You have agreed to this;

    • to administer Our Websites and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing research, statistical and survey purposes;

    • monitor, develop, run and improve Our Websites and the Organisation and to measure and understand the effectiveness of advertising / marketing we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you;

    • process any requests from You to participate in, support, or receive information about the Organisation;

    • send You information by email, Facebook message or post, tweet, or other means about the Organisation if You have given your active consent for us to do so;

    • in accordance with Your marketing preferences, pass Your Data to third parties for environmental marketing purposes as set out in section 4 below;

    • process and deal with any complaints or enquiries made by or about You;

    • monitor and investigate any suspected breach by You (or otherwise relating to you) of this Privacy Policy or of the terms and conditions relating to our Websites or the Organisation; and

    • campaign on issues related to climate change and the environment where You have expressed a clear interest in such activity (e.g. sending a letter to a representative via our Websites).

  2. You have the right to ask Us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. We will always inform you (before collecting your data) for what purpose we intend to use Your Data and will seek your permission if We intend to disclose Your Data to any third party for such purposes. You can exercise Your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms We use to collect Your Data. You can also exercise the right at any time by contacting Us at Please understand that if You are receiving communications from these third parties already, You will need to refer to their privacy notice to stop receiving communications from them.

  3. You can also choose to not receive any communication from Us via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social networking site where We have a presence by removing Yourself from Our pages/feeds in line with their own privacy notices. Note that you will still need to unsubscribe Yourself from our mailing list if you wish to stop receiving communication from Us altogether.

4. Will we pass on your data to third parties?

  1. We may share Your Data with any member of Our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 1159 of the UK Companies Act 2006.

  2. We will never sell or pass on Your Data to third parties for marketing purposes without your consent. We may pass Your Data to third parties as follows:

    • we may pass Your Data to our employees, agents, and subcontractors, to help Us administer Our Websites and provide relevant information to You;

    • Your Data may be transferred to a successor company or other organisation in the event of a sale or insolvency administration (but You will be notified and offered the chance to unsubscribe if this occurs);

    • in some cases we may use subcontractors or partner organisations to conduct some processing of Your Data on our behalf, but this is always subject to strict contractual control and in compliance with UK data protection legislation; this may include using a third party to identify individuals from Our database who may be in a position to support our work further or take part in market research activities;

    • only if You have given your consent for such purpose, We may pass Your Data to third parties so that they can send Your information about other climate change campaigns and information which may be of interest to You; and

    • in exceptional circumstances We may need to disclose Your Data to the police, regulatory bodies or legal advisers in connection with any alleged criminal offence or suspected breach by You (or otherwise relating to you) of this Privacy Policy or any terms and conditions or pursuant to a court order.

  3. In addition, some general statistical information about Our user base may be passed on to reputable third parties for research purposes but these details will never include information personally identifying You.

  4. Remember that if You are using a blog comments section or forum on our Websites, any information about you which You choose to post will be available for others to see and We can’t control how they may use it. Please therefore exercise caution and think carefully before posting any personal information. Likewise, we require that You don’t post any personal information about other people without first obtaining their express consent to do so.

5. Data security, links and international transfers

  1. We will take all reasonable steps to protect Your Data. All Your Data collected by Us is stored on a secure server.

  2. Please act with caution when using blogs, forums and other applications as set out in 4.3 above.

  3. Please be aware that Our Websites may link to other websites which may be accessed by You. We are not responsible for the privacy policies, content or security of those linked websites.

  4. Your Data may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Some of Our Websites may be hosted externally in the United States, for instance, so this means that Your Data will be held in the US on those servers. By using the Website(s) you agree to this transfer, storing or processing.

  5. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although We will do Our best to protect Your Data, We cannot guarantee the security of Your Data transmitted to Our Websites; any transmission is at Your own risk. Once We have received Your Data, We will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

6. Do we use cookies?

We do use certain cookies as part of the Websites. For more information, see our Cookies Policy below.

7. Information about us

  1. We are The 10:10 Foundation, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales with the Charity Commission under registration number 1157363. Our registered address is 10:10, Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AF.

8. Your rights

  1. Our Websites may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If You follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before You submit any personal data to these websites.

  2. You have multiple rights over your data. These are: The right to be informed - we will always inform you when we are collecting your personal data.

    • The right of access - you can ask us what information we hold on you at any time. We will respond to your request within 30 days.

    • The right to rectification - you have the right to request we correct information about you that is wrong or incomplete.

    • The right to erasure - also known as the right to be forgotten, you can request we erase the data we hold about you.

    • The right to restrict processing

    • The right to data portability - you have the right to obtain and reuse the personal data you provided to us for other services.

    • The right to object - if you do not believe we have processed your data in line with the legitimate interests grounds, you can object to us.

    We will uphold these rights unless we have a legal obligation to process your information.

  3. If you have any comments or queries or complaints in connection with our Privacy Policy, or need to send Us updated or corrected information, please contact Us by email at or write to Us at 8 Delancey Passage, London, NW1 7NN.

  4. More information about data protection and Your rights of privacy can be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s Office at

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 24th May 2018.

Cookies policy

This cookies policy applies to the following websites (each a “Website” and together the “Websites”):






What are cookies and do you use them? 

Cookies are small pieces of information generated by webpage servers and stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. We use certain types of cookies to let us know how visitors use our websites and make your navigation of the websites consistent and easy. They also help make the donation process smoother. They help us to improve our websites and to deliver a better and more personalised service. If you don't want us to use certain cookies on your devices, you can opt-out or block them – for more information see below.

For more information on cookies and how to disable them see

What types of cookie are there? 

The following are the main types of cookie that exist:

Strictly necessary cookies which are required for the operation of a website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services.

Analytical/performance cookies which allow websites to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the website.

Functionality cookies which are used to recognise you when you return to a website, therefore enabling a site to personalise its content for you and to save your preferences.

Targeting cookies which record your visit to a website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. The information collected is used to personalise advertising and it may be shared with third parties.

What cookies do you use?

We use strictly necessary and analytical/performance cookies on our Websites. By using a Website you consent to us placing and using these types of cookies on your device. 

For more information about the individual cookies that we use and their purpose, please see the table below:

Name Strictly necessary cookie

Type Session ID cookies

Provider 10:10

Purpose These cookies are used to support the donation functionality, and the question form.

Duration 23 days



Name Strictly necessary cookie

Type Facebook cookies

Provider Facebook

Purpose These cookies are to enable visitors to share pages and articles on their Facebook pages

Duration 2 years



Name Strictly necessary cookie

Type Twitter cookies

Provider Twitter

Purpose These cookies enable visitors to share pages and articles on their Twitter profiles

Duration 2 years



Name Strictly necessary cookie

Type Font cookies


Purpose This allows custom fonts to load more quickly

Duration 2 years



Name Analytical cookie

Type Google analytical cookies

Provider Google Analyitcs

Purpose These cookies are provided by Google and allow the website to count the number of visitors and to see how they move around the site. 

Duration 2 years



Name Analytical cookie

Type Google analytical cookies

Provider Sumo me Analytics

Purpose These cookies are used to count the number of visitors and see how they move around the site.

Duration 2 years



Name Tracking cookie

Type Facebook pixel

Provider Facebook

Purpose Cookies and pixels help us target the most relevant adverts for you, we may also use a cookie to learn whether visits to our website were as a result of someone seeing our advert on Facebook. This information is anonymous and does not specify individuals.

Duration 28 days



Can I disable cookies?

You can choose to disable cookies (through your browser settings) although you should be aware that this may prevent you from being able to use all parts of the Websites.  

If you register with us or if you continue to use any of our Websites, you agree to our use of cookies.

Please note that advertisers on the Websites may also use cookies, over which we have no control.