Cardinal CTV

Cardinal “Lemur” Preview

We’re just past the halfway mark in the third season of Cardinal, “By The Time You Read This,” and Thursday night takes a deeper dive into Mama’s world as the detectives learn their current cases intersect.

Cardinal CTV

[Warning: General spoilers ahead.]

Cardinal’s sense of urgency about resolving Catherine’s death leads to an investigative misstep as Delorme separately works the ATM angle. Together, they also learn more about their victims in the lake.

Cardinal CTV

Commanda takes on protective duty for Sam and her aunt after she identifies her stalker. Mama’s crew deals with fractures within their ranks, and the titular Lemur (Nick Serino, Sleeping Giant) makes a misstep of his own.

Daniel Grou directs a script by Shannon Masters. It’s another solid episode that gives us a glimpse into the criminals the detectives are pursuing.

Similar to last year, we learn that while some are in their situation of their own choosing, others seemingly had no choice at all.

Cardinal airs Thursday night at 9pm ET on CTV. You can watch the first two seasons and the first three episodes of Season 3 now on CTV’s website and CTV Go. Click here for all of our previews and exclusive interviews.

Photos Courtesy of CTV

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