Rohini Singh


Journalist. Politics & Policy. Views personal

New Delhi-Lucknow
Uniuse en marzo de 2011


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  1. Chío pegado
    15 de feb.

    Keep asking questions of the government. Don’t let the IT cell, threats, slander or dishonest TV anchors stop you from holding politicians accountable. This would be the most patriotic thing you do as a citizen.

  2. rechouchiou
    hai 3 horas

    ये वो सांसद हैं जिन्होंने चुनाव के लिए काला धन लेने से मना कर दिया। ये लोग हीरे हैं, इन्होंने आपकी पार्टी की इज़्ज़त बचा ली। इनका सम्मान किया जाए

  3. rechouchiou
    hai 4 horas

    He used to have a local cable based channel during 2007 & 2012 assembly polls in Guj also.

  4. rechouchiou
    hai 7 horas

    इस चुनाव का एक लैंडमार्क और गेमचेंजर मोमेंट यह हो सकता है। क्या बंगाल बीजेपी के लिए "2014 का यूपी" है ?

  5. rechouchiou
    hai 5 horas

    NaMo TV has no broadcast licence, didn't even apply for one - Obviously, Modi is above the law of the land

  6. hai 4 horas

    Imagine if NaMo TV was an venture during UPA. A channel, whose funding, details of permission and ownership is opaque, brazenly operating and making a mockery of the model code of conduct. Imagine the furore. Blog minister would have uploaded a 1000 video blogs by now!

  7. hai 4 horas

    First there is a sting video on you bragging about cash and now you are acting like the injured party! What are you upset about? That you were caught?

    Este chío non está dispoñible.
  8. rechouchiou
    hai 9 horas

    Photo on the left is from 2015, photo on the right is from 2019. Look closely, the pallu of the saree is different.

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  9. rechouchiou
    2 de abr.

    Of course, mansplain that it just takes an hour to cook for 400 students on a mud stove.

  10. rechouchiou
    hai 11 horas

    Now he says he never made a request for testing. Then how did he say there was no political will to test under UPA?

  11. hai 9 horas

    “पैसा खुदा तो नहीं पर खुदा की क़सम खुदा से काम भी नहीं”- Dilip Singh Judeo had infamously remarked in a sting once!

  12. hai 11 horas

    मीडिया पन्ना प्रमुख और बीजेपी की नजर में अब मनोरम देवी विकास की प्रतीक हो सकती है। लेकिन इसी मनोरमा देवी के बेटे रॉकी यादव ने रोड रेज में निर्दोष को गोली मार दी थी। उनके घर से शराब मिली थी। लेकिन तब जेडीयू लालू के साथ थे तो मनोरमा देवी जंगलराज थी। अब विकास की धारा है।

  13. rechouchiou

    We are talking about a 12-year old kid here. Let that sink in. ☹️

  14. rechouchiou
    hai 17 horas
  15. rechouchiou
    hai 14 horas

    Not scrapping,modification, to bring clarity on what all type of criminal offenses don't enjoy protection(Rape,bumping off &torture)

  16. rechouchiou
    hai 16 horas

    कैराना के बाद मेरठ के शोभापुर गांव में युवाओं का पलायन हुआ। 2 अप्रैल 2018 को भारत बंद के दौरान हिंसा के बाद से यहां के हालात नहीं सुधरे। नतीजा, पढ़े-लिखे युवा गांव छोड़कर दूसरे शहरों में चले गए। मेरी एक रिपोर्ट :

    , , e 7 máis
  17. rechouchiou
    hai 13 horas

    BJP MP accepts how demonetisation has destroyed everyone... on top of that bad implementation of GST has broken every household ... Modi’s own MP accepting it. U want more proof!

  18. hai 14 horas

    Wonder who in the CCS is leaking out such sensitive national security plans to the media and alerting Pakistan-

  19. rechouchiou
    hai 17 horas

    “When you work for such little wages & you cannot leave because you have to feed your family, everyone feels entitled to put a stick in your ear & a pen in your nose when you are resting,” says Sunita Devi,mid-day meal cook" rampant, no ICCs for them.

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  20. rechouchiou
    hai 16 horas

    Brand Gadkari Vs challenger Patole on the RSS home ground - The Economic Times via

  21. hai 15 horas

    Blog minister must quickly do a video blog denouncing this!


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