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Na Twitteri od: september 2015


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    19. 6.

    | 156 babies die in 's Muzaffarpur. No action. No accountability. No sensibility. Will 'negligent' step down?

  2. pred 4 hodinami

    ., Social Activist: We have better things to work on, better things we can actually put our minds to. This is is totally irrelevant.

  3. pred 4 hodinami

    ., Senior Lawyer: This is a classic case of red-herring. They are diverting the important issues. When citizens come forward to ask for their rights, those petitions are opposed in the HC.

  4. pred 4 hodinami

    Think Right's says Sheetal Mhatre is not just talking about any mannequin. She's talking about illegal mannequins. asks then why aren't they going after going after male mannequins?

  5. pred 4 hodinami

    ., Advocate: If you want to pick up an issue for women's rights & safety advocate for compulsory sex education. Empower women with access to information about their rights. This is disrespectful to people who voted for them. They need to find better issues.

  6. pred 4 hodinami

    . hits back at BJP's Rakesh Tripathi. Says, you can mute a conversation or choose not to read what one has said but, you can't stop someone from speaking. It's a free country

  7. pred 5 hodinami

    Shiv Sena resurrects 5-year old proposal. BMC corporator wants to ban display of lingerie on mannequins & has discussed a proposal for the 8th time in 6 years Is this a case of misplaced cultural policing & priorities?

  8. pred 5 hodinami

    ., Sr SC Advocate: I'd just like tell all my friends in RSS that, an answer to a speech is speech. You can’t use your power in a manner of overkill & arrest every opponent possible

  9. pred 5 hodinami

    EDITORIAL: By fixing public healthcare sector we can make the private sector better. We appeal to the govt that Swachh Bharat has to start inside our hospital & that quality healthcare needs to be in our govt hospitals as well

  10. pred 5 hodinami

    . Lawyer & Activist: The right recourse would’ve been filing a defamation case.

  11. pred 5 hodinami

    'A true patriot is one who asks questions & not who blindly follows. If reporting crime is considered a crime, then you’re ruled by criminals.' Rapper speaks to on charges against her

  12. pred 5 hodinami

    The next time there are elections in healthcare will not be a key issue. Most Political parties aren't worried that this will come back to them during elections because there'll be many other issues obscuring this: Dr Sanjay Nagral

  13. pred 5 hodinami

    .: law is like a potato, it’ll fit into anything. No politician wants to get rid of this law because it fits into any situation. Asks , do you believe that sedition law has any place in our democracy?

  14. pred 5 hodinami

    . to BJP’s Rakesh Tripathi: Will the police give sanction for the use of in ’s case?

  15. pred 5 hodinami

    Murali Neelakantan (), Lawyer: Health insurance is not going to save people. What we need are doctors, hospitals & medicines. In all three we have made no investemebst for many years

  16. pred 5 hodinami

    ., Sr SC Advocate: I don’t think the charges apply. The facts that you’re using such harsh laws against your critics only go to show how insecure you are as a govt.

  17. pred 5 hodinami

    It is the wild west out there, within the healthcare system. You are bound to have these problems. People will rather go to private hospitals where they are being charged for medicine they don't need: Murali Neelakantan (), Lawyer

  18. pred 5 hodinami

    We don't just need to add more facilities but, you need to improve the already existing ones: @prachi_ecom, Brookings India

  19. pred 5 hodinami

    Sedition charges against an overkill? Is the Sedition law being misused?

  20. pred 6 hodinami

    BMC chief Praveen Pardeshi visits Mahul, says no family complained of pollution. The response comes as rude shock to the residents of Mahul who have been protesting from the day they have been moved. speaks the distressed residents of ,

  21. pred 6 hodinami

    BJP's says there's a lot more that needs to be done but, the govt is 100% committed to help reform the healthcare system. However, the govt, on its own, cannot repair the healthcare sector hits back!


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