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Depression among Gen Z is skyrocketing — a troubling mental-health trend that could affect the rest of their lives.

“Connectedness and social capital together may encourage adaptive coping behaviours, increasing belongingness, personal value, and worth, to help build resilience in the face of adversity.”

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Many thanks to all the incredible people I've met and shared with on G+ over the years. It has been an inspiration and an honor to share this space with you, and I wish you all the best. You can find me in the following places going forward. See you there.


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Gerbera Noir

This is it, we made it to the end.

If you want to find me (and Billy) elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

#googleplussunsetting #gplussunsetting are hashtags created by +Ellie Kennard

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Smallfry - best breakfast in Hobart

This is it, we made it to the end.

If you want to find me (and Billy) elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

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all Halloween orange and chimney red

Title from Tom Waits song "Franks Wild Years"

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Business and Surveillance

Data Spies: the cloaked practices of Silicon Valley | Roger McNamee. The last 20 years starts with web 2.0.

"They used filter bubbles to nudge people by confirming preexisting beliefs. And they used recommendation engines to increase the probability that their forecasts would be accurate."


[ The Millennium Mafia ]

After the internet bubble burst in 2000, there was a period where the venture capital industry retrenched, and a void was left. A group of people saw an opportunity. They're now known as the PayPal Mafia. This was Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Reid Hoffman they had two of the most brilliant insights in the history of entrepreneurship.

[ Network Processing ]

The first was that the internet was about to make a pivot from being a web of pages to a web of people. They called it web 2.0. This is what created the basis for all of social networking. The second insight was probably even more powerful than that. It had turned out that for 50 years before that time, Silicon Valley had basically struggled with the limits of technology. You never had enough processing power, memory, storage, or bandwidth to do what the customer wanted. So every product had to address just a piece of the customer problem. The notion of making a global product, like Google or Facebook, never occurred to anyone because you never had enough resources to get it done. The PayPal Mafia realized that Moore's law and Metcalfe's law the two laws that talk about processing power and networks were about to hit crossing points, where there would be enough resources to do whatever you wanted to do. And it happened to coincide exactly with their insight about web 2.0.


[ Neoliberal Enterprise ]

They subscribed to a form of libertarianism that basically not only praised the individual, but it had this notion that you could disrupt; you could change things and not be responsible for the consequences of your actions, which was incredibly convenient if you're about to go out and create giant global enterprises. The notion that you could just knock things over and it was somebody else's problem, that allowed you to do pretty much anything.

[ Blitzscale Globalization ]

This notion of blitzscaling, eliminating friction of all kinds so you can grow as rapidly as possible to global scale. And the problem with eliminating friction is you eliminate the ability of populations to adjust to change. Things happened so quickly, there's no opportunity for evolution. These guys went in a decade from nothing to global. And in 15 years, they went from nothing to global domination.


[ People as Product ]

But they started with this notion that the product had to be free. You had to get rid of the friction of a purchase price. So if you're going have a free product, it's got to be supported by advertising. And if you want to have advertising be valuable, people had to pay attention. They got into this notion that they would manipulate attention, first with rewards to create habits. They would give you likes. They would give you notifications to get you to come back. And they would build habits that for many people turned into addictions.

[ Tribal Triggering ]

But the other thing they did was when they got you there, they appealed to the lizard brain, the low-level flight-or-fight emotions that cause people to become tribal. They appeal to outrage and fear. Why? Because when you're afraid or outraged, you share the source of that fear and outrage with other people. Because if they share that with you, that emotion, you're going to feel better. And that worked really, really well. It caused people to share a lot of stuff and see lots of ads. If they'd stop there, we probably would have been OK. But they didn't.


[ Behavioral Prediction ]

Google had a brilliant insight in 2003. Actually, they had it earlier. They patented in 2003, this notion of behavioral prediction. What Google discovered was that the data they captured from their users that they used to improve the search engine they captured tons of data they had nothing to do with improving the search engine. But they discovered it told them a lot about what people were going to do. It gave them a way to predict behavior.

[ Liquid Persuasion ]

Traditionally, business collected data to improve the product or a service for the person from whom they collected the data. But behavioral prediction as practiced first by Google then by Facebook and now also by Amazon and, I believe, by Microsoft, is really about taking data from one person and applying it to somebody else. So the person whose data is used gets no benefit. They could use persuasive technology to increase the probability that the prediction would be accurate, which would make it more valuable.


[ Purchasing Power ]

Let me give you an example. Let's say you're going to buy a car. You buy a car. They look at the 200 steps you take before you bought the car to see what are the things you do before you buy a car. And maybe 10 or 20 of them are about buying a car. But most of them are about other stuff.

[ Marketing Power ]

But if they compare enough people, they discover all kinds of patterns from things that don't appear to have anything to do with the car but are actually lead indicators that you're going that way. And then they take that, and they can price, they can make predictions based on where you are in those 200 steps. So if you make the first 20, that doesn't mean anything. But if you make the first 150, the probability you're going to buy a car is pretty high. If you make the first 180, if you're on that curve after 180, the odds that you're going to buy a car is really high. And 190 it's almost a certainty. So the price becomes exceptionally high.


[ Confirmation Bias ]

If they stop there, that would be great. But they didn't. They used filter bubbles, which is to say their ability to nudge people by confirming preexisting beliefs. And they used recommendation engines to increase the probability that their forecasts would be accurate.

[ Corporate Choice ]

So when you go in there and you see a recommendation engine, do you think to yourself, well, this thing is helping me find things I'm going to like? Maybe. But for certain, it's helping you find things that the person would like to sell you. And now we're starting to get into really problematic areas.


[ Total Information ]

And when you watch this business model go to its final point, they're tracking everything. So they go out there, and they buy all your credit card information. And they go and buy all your location information from the cellular carrier. And if there's health apps that they can get data from, they get that. They buy data wherever they can get it. They create this really high-resolution picture of you.

[ Machine Teaching ]

But they're also tracking what you do. Maybe you've been on one of those CAPTCHA things that Google has to identify whether you're a human or not. And they show you, can you pick out the road signs? That has nothing to do with are you a human or not. That's to train Google's self-driving car.


[ Neurologically Aware ]

So they've figured out if you're a human based on the way you move your mouse. Guess what? They're keeping a file of all your mouse movements over time. And pretty soon they're going to be able to tell if you have a neurological problem before you even know it. So your mouse slows down, maybe gets more shaky. Maybe you've got the beginning of Parkinson's.

[ Healthcare Coverage ]

If you were their customer, they would call you up and say, hey, you've got to go to a hospital. But you're just the fuel for their business. The customer is going to be the insurance company that will pay them thousands of dollars to know that you have the beginnings of a neurologic problem, which would allow them either to raise your insurance rates or terminate your coverage entirely.


[ The Data Economy ]

And I would like to think that we could have a national conversation about did we sign up for this? And the question is I want to ask is:

Why is it legal that there is commerce based on our personal financial transactions, credit cards, mortgages, and things like that? Why is that actually legal for people to trade in that information? Same question for geolocation data from cellular carriers or map products. Why is that legal? Why is it legal to have commerce in health data from apps and devices?

It's not legal to have commerce in the stuff from hospitals or doctors. These things aren't happening because these companies are bad people. They're happening because there are no rules. Nobody told them to stop. They're really smart. It's obviously a great business.

And so my basic point here is I think we should stop, have a serious conversation, figure out as a country: What are we going to do about this?

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Academics from around the world write to the Guardian about the college bribery scandal and the recent article by an anonymous academic.
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Sir Thomas Wyatt: Poems Summary and Analysis of 'Madam, Withouten Many Words'

In the first verse of the song, the narrator challenges his lady directly to decide whether she is accepting of his suit. In the first four lines he asks her to give up her tricks and rely instead on her wit to impress him and show her true worth.
He explains in the second verse that he burns with passion, and requests that if she has any compassion for him, she would tell him clearly, yes or no.

By the final verse, he says that he will be happy with the answer yes, but if she says no, they will return to being friends as they were before. She will then be free to move on to get herself a new man, and the narrator will be independent again, and no longer possessed by the lady.

The song is direct in its message, short and to the point. It is a contrast to the plaintive appeals of the wronged lover, in that the narrator asks directly for an acknowledgement of the lady’s true feelings. The opening address is polite but curt; the narrator does not wish to use many words - the implication being that many may have already been wasted on this subject.

The brevity and clarity of purpose and direction in this song is a refreshing deviation from the traditional sorrowful and grief-stricken appeal to the lost love. The narrator tells the lady to leave her ‘bourds’, or tricks, and instead reveal her wit publicly. Here Wyatt suggests that the lady who is the intended audience is more than the average court beauty - she has intelligence too, a trait not often commended in women at this time. This appeal to the lady to show her cleverness publicly would fit with the historical accounts of Anne Boleyn as a sharp and knowledgeable woman, as well as a great beauty.

In the second verse the narrator talks of himself as one who ’burns alway’. This expression could suggest that he is tortured by his rejection, but there are other implications to this phrase. The narrator could equally burn with anger, shame or even in the recognition of his sin. A likely interpretation of Wyatt’s intention would be a combination of these. Courtly liaisons were rarely private affairs for long, and Wyatt had at least two relationships that were controversial and public - one with Anne Boleyn and another with Elizabeth Darrell. In addition to this, Wyatt’s marriage was destroyed by his wife’s infidelity; the author certainly experienced being ‘burnt’ in relationships. He asks if she has pity but does not directly ask for pity. This distinction is important in affirming the strength of the narrator in the relationship.

The final verse suggests that the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ will not have dramatic implications but rather clear and purposeful ones. If she agrees to his suit, then he will be ‘fain’ (happy). There is of course a clever pun at use here as the homophone ‘feign’ means false, and it would be difficult to tell the two words apart without seeing the written word. If the narrator is rejected, he says that they will return to being friends. There is no implication that he will be destroyed by grief or will mourn forever; the result will be undramatic. The narrator callously implies that the lady will move on to another lover. He, however, will be content to be ‘mine own’ – his own man. His final words show that he will be relieved to no longer be owned by the lady. His freedom sounds much more appealing than her return to the fakery of courtly relationships, which again affirms the strength of the narrator as opposed to the audience.
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Dear Google+,
thank you for the good time, I will miss you. I always felt like a beta user. When you let us share circles and when you took that ability away from us. When you introduced events, when you took them away and when you half-heartedly put them back somewhere. When you integrated everything into Google+ and when you ripped everything apart. I liked you even when you introduced collections.
I also felt that your child G+ was not what you hoped it would be and started neglecting it more and more, and so I was not surprized when you, or rather "the media", anounced that you would shut it down. Now that time has come.
I am sad, but not devastated. I met a lot of great people. I learned a lot on here, from those people. I met many of these people in real life and made real friends with some of them. I am thankful for that opportunity.

Dear Google+ friends,
I will miss you too, however, I'm not going away, just moved. I have already met many of you on the other platforms, although none of them really attracts me like Google+ did. Slow, bad image quality, weiredest sort algorithms, too many emoticons (really, I mean, if I want to say more than a + or a thumb up, or a heart, whatever, write half of a sentence!)
Anyway. You can follow me on

and maybe MeWe

#GooglePlusSunsetting #GPlusSunsetting #DieHardsSociety #PartyAtTheEndofG+

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Twilight Approaches

The stars shine in the Milky Way as twilight approaches over the lonely Lost Mesa. Here at the twilight of G+, thanks for following along. I appreciate all the follows, comments and +1's along the way. My adventures will continue.
Be sure to follow my Flickr, IG, or Blog
IG: @wildernessphotographer
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Setting Sun and Eclipse

As the sun sets on Google+ I wanted to say thanks for following along. I appreciate all the comments and +1's along the way. My adventures will continue and I hope you might still follow my Flickr, IG, or Blog
IG: @wildernessphotographer
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One single pink rose

A new blog on my website:

Time is ticking away. Only a few more days left of Google plus. If you like what you see on this page, you can also find me here:

My website:

Subscribe to my website here:

Or here


LENS: Tamron 16-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD Macro


#photography #flowers #floral #Spring #pink #colorful #colors #rose
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Keep your phone clean and smelling fresh!

#plusonly #aprilfool
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The Lone Photographer

This is it, we made it to the end.

If you want to find me (and Billy) elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

#googleplussunsetting #gplussunsetting are hashtags created by +Ellie Kennard

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is it! The final 2 days of Google+ existence. Let's continue this journey on Twitter, FB, or all you wonderful earthlings!


“Adidas has spent the last four years curbing ocean pollution by recycling plastic beach waste into shoes – and because their customers have been so eager for the product, the company is kicking it up a notch.

Adidas produced more than five million pairs of recycled plastic waste shoes in 2018, and they plan to incorporate the waste into at least 11 million this year.

The upcycled plastic waste is made into a yarn which…”


#future = #REALnews #clean #green #sustainability #energy #tech #innovation #progress #science #design #engineering #revolution #environment #solar #climatechange #ClimateAction #renewableenergy #renewables #economy #plastic #fashion
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I've just released new Google+ Exporter version 1.8.5 fixing some problems.

Upgrade if you have had any troubles with any of previous versions.

Download from
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We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.

That quote seems appropriate here on the eve of the gplus end and i think.. no.. actually i know, that the creativity, the friendships, the memorable experiences and the interactions from plusses and comments that I have experienced here has fulfilled that goal or creating something that has and will last.

To all those in my circles and those who have been so kind to give me their time in viewing my images, plussing, commenting and reading my ramblings (they are a bit haywire sometimes :) ) thankyou.

To all those who have shared their lives and imagery here with me and allowed me to comment, view and plus your posts, thankyou.

To you Google, you are not simply a faceless organisation, you are not forgiven, not forgotten...

You will find me over here:

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Afternoon Shadows - Hobart

This is it, we made it to the end.

If you want to find me (and Billy) elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

#googleplussunsetting #gplussunsetting are hashtags created by +Ellie Kennard

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St Davids Cathedral, Hobart

This is it, we made it to the end.

If you want to find me (and Billy) elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

#googleplussunsetting #gplussunsetting are hashtags created by +Ellie Kennard

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When we have rain....

This is it, we made it to the end.

If you want to find me (and Billy) elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by adventurer and friend - +Peter Quinton

#googleplussunsetting #gplussunsetting are hashtags created by +Ellie Kennard
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