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Blaine Huey

176,000 views, WHAT DID I DO RIGHT?!?
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I got 99 followers and an active user ante one.
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37,830 views? How? How many people have been to my page and why are so many people coming here? Shit's crazy. Also, good on Google for brining that back.
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I just saw the first episode of Jericho. Holy shit, so many flaws in the story alone. Such a horrible show.
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Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh boy, Google Plus now lets you pay to promote your posts. Let me guess, everything we post will be viewed less now but if we pay it'll be viewed more. Google Plus, stop trying to be Facebook.I like G+ because it ISN'T Facebook.
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97 people have me in their circles, I have one question to ask most of you...
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