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other stuff on the web


A collection of links to related websites.

Ab Irato publications by Charles Reeve and others (in French)

El Acratador news from the Iberian peninsula (in Spanish and English)

AK Press  great source of radical publications

alt.eRED now defunct Australian collective exploring contemporary class composition

Antagonism Home Page anti capitalist & anti state struggle, for world human community

Anti-Economy Anti-Capital Net essays and leaflets of a left-marxist or situationist persuasion

Aufheben British journal influential in ultra-left and autonomist circles

Autonomedia - the pathbreaking press and excellent discussion site.

Break Their Haughty Power essays new and old by Loren Goldner

CHAOS a Turin-based journal that seems to have closed down

Harry Cleaver's home page lots of useful information about autonomist marxism

Collective Action Notes rich source of articles concerning workplace conflict and class self-organisation

Collegamenti/Wobbly long running Italian journal devoted to workers self-activity

Common Sense fine British journal, now sadly defunct

Conference of Socialist Economists publishers of Capital & Class.

Council Communist Archive historical materials in English, German and Dutch

Counter Information news sheet on social conflict from Scotland

Dans Le Monde Une Classe En Lutte round up of global class struggle (in French)

Derive Approdi articles from the social centres and a range of Italian writers

di Base discussion journal within Italy's movement of alternative unions and COBAS

Endpage - extensive archive of interesting stuff.

EZLN read the latest from the Zapatistas (in English and Spanish)

John Gray many historical and contemporary communist texts

Generation Online discussion of the writings of Negri, Deleuze, et al.

Haringey Solidarity Group North London circle producing excellent local newsletter

Herramienta Argentinian journal promoting debate on a range of topics, including John Holloway's latest book

Internationalists home page of Battaglia Comunista

Isole nelle Rete European Counter Network's gateway to the Italian movement

IWW the Wobblies are alive and kicking!

Kolinko Class composition studies, with an emphasis on call centre workers

Left-wing Communism a large archive in a variety of languages

Long Haul Infoshop wealth of links, including prison, native and anti-racist activism

Il Manifesto often carries news from Italy's social centres and radical worker groups

Marx/Engels Archive what can we say?

Mercati esplosivi home to many publications of Italy's radical left

Mersey Docks Dispute (UK) Dave Graham's running account of the historic Liverpool dockers struggle

Mid-Atlantic Infoshop Page premier left libertarian web site

Midnight Notes longstanding opponents of the Planetary Work Machine

Plawiuk Pontificates extensive collection of documents concerning class struggle past and present

Practical History a miscellany of antiquarian documents intended to be of some use to levellers, ranters, road diggers, ne'erdowells and others who would turn the world upside down

Race Traitor journal of the New Abolitionism

Reclaim The Streets Britain's innovative (anti-) road warriors

Red & Black Notes Canadian council communist magazine, with essays old and new

Samizdat keep up to date with contemporary social struggles in France

Sherwood Tribune news from the autonomist network of North-Eastern Italy

Situationist Archive Guy Debord and his pals go cyber

Skatta contains the classic Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement

Spunk Press enormous on-line anarchist/anti-authoritarian archive

Subversion libertarian and council communism on the web 

TAO check out the @-infos news list and other goodies

TMC Crew guide to Rome's radical left

Wildcat (Germany) explorations of global class composition 

Workers Solidarity Movement home page of prolific Irish anarchist group

xborder because no one is illegal

.ZIP! another cyberzine based in Turin



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