LOGO_AUTEUR#: شعار المؤلف

This tag displays the logo of the author, and responds to the mouse cursor being positioned over the logo image.

This tag displays the logo of the author, and responds to the mouse cursor being positioned over the logo image.

Since SPIP 1.6, the #LOGO_AUTEUR_NORMAL and #LOGO_AUTEUR_SURVOL variants have been available to help you better manage the two variants of the author’s logo.

Since SPIP ٢.١, the method for calling the various #LOGO_xxx tags and their arguments have been modified. Please consult the page specifically describing SPIP ٢.١.

 Within a template, the logo is included as follows:


The alignment can only be left, right, center, top or bottom. This alignment will be translated into HTML code with class=" ... " (remember to define the corresponding classes in your stylesheets).
The address is the URL of the link destination for this logo (e.g. #URL_AUTEUR). If you do not provide any such address, then the logo image is not clickable.


displays the author’s logo on the left with a link to the author’s specific page address.

 The image filters may also be applied to the author’s logo.


displays the author’s logo for which the largest of height or width (if such is larger than 200px) is reduced to 200px and the other resized proportionally (refer to the المعالجة الآلية للصور filter image_reduire).

 The template file auteur.html in the ’dist’ collection displays a customised favicon on the author’s page based on the logo:


Warning: since SPIP 2.1, there is a new syntax for the arguments passed to the #LOGO_XX.

مؤلف جورج, aaddllii نُشر في: تم التحديث: 26/10/12

الترجمات: عربي, català, English, Español, français, Nederlands