14 March 2019

Volkswagen announces thousands of layoffs

By Dietmar Gaisenkersting, 14 March 2019

The slashing of up to 7,000 jobs by the world’s second largest automaker is part of an escalating assault on jobs throughout global auto industry.

US grounds Boeing 737s involved in Indonesian, Ethiopian crashes

By Barry Grey, 14 March 2019

The position of Boeing and the US carriers, backed by the Federal Aviation Administration, that the planes were perfectly safe had become untenable.

Profits over people
US refuses to ground Boeing jet despite second crash in five months

More demagogy and bluster as UAW bargaining convention adjourns

By Shannon Jones, 14 March 2019

The supposed fight proclaimed by UAW leaders to “save jobs” is based on lowering the automakers' production costs in the US by imposing new give-backs on workers.

UAW bargaining convention sets course for new round of give-backs

Closure of Brazil Ford plant to destroy up to 27,000 jobs

By Miguel Andrade, 14 March 2019

The devastating plant closure has laid bare the abysmal economic situation in Brazil and offered yet another opportunity for the unions to spread nationalist poison.

Teacher sickouts in Kentucky, protests in Maryland and Texas

By E.P. Milligan, 14 March 2019

Thousands of teachers are fighting for more school funding, higher wages, and an end to attacks on public education.

Massive cuts and layoffs loom in San Diego’s Sweetwater school district

Aiming to quash strikes, US teacher union launches campaign to prop up Democrats

More on the defense of public education »

Pelosi dismisses efforts to impeach President Trump

By Patrick Martin, 14 March 2019

The top Democrat in the House is wary of the political upheaval that impeachment could spark under conditions of a growing movement of the American working class.

Trump proposes slashing public education by $7 billion

By Shelley Connor, 14 March 2019

Trump’s proposed budget, released earlier this week, would cut education spending by over $7 billion while transferring billions to charter and private schools.

A tirade against China at US Senate committee hearing

By Nick Beams, 14 March 2019

The questioning of US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer centred almost exclusively on the content and progress of trade talks with Beijing.

West Virginia coal miner killed in fall

By Naomi Spencer, 14 March 2019

Adam DeBoard, 38, died of head injuries after falling from a highwall at a Greenbrier County, West Virginia surface mine last week.

Canada ever more deeply implicated in US-engineered coup attempt in Venezuela

By Laurent Lafrance, 14 March 2019

Like its US partner, Canadian imperialism covets Venezuela’s vast oil resources and is determined to prevent Russia, China, and other “strategic rivals” from expanding their influence in the Americas.

US withdraws embassy personnel, calling presence a “constraint” on US actions in Venezuela

Rise in UK opioid prescriptions contributes to surge in overdose fatalities

By Margor Miller, 14 March 2019

Nine out of 10 of the areas of England recording the highest number of prescriptions for opioids are in the largely de-industrialised and poverty-stricken north.

IMF endorses Sri Lankan government budget

By Saman Gunadasa, 14 March 2019

In line with the IMF’s austerity demands, the government budget contains new taxes and rate rises as well as increased spending on the military and the police.

New in Norwegian

Det algeriske regimet lover bedragersk «overgang» mens streiker brer seg

Will Morrow, 13. mars 2019

Mens Bouteflika har lovet ikke å søke en femte periode skal det oppnås ved å utsette valgene og utvide hans nåværende embetsperiode på ubestemt tid.

Algeriere i Frankrike protesterer i solidaritet med streikebølgen i Algerie

V. Gnana og Alex Lantier, 13. mars 2019

På søndag organiserte nok en gang algeriere protester i Paris og Marseille, ei uke etter at 1 000 algeriere protesterte i Montreal, Canada.

Fransk-italiensk stedfortrederkrig i Libya

Marianne Arens, 13. mars 2019

Det er konkrete materielle interesser bak de skarpe spenningene mellom Frankrike og Italia, som i februar førte til at Frankrike kalte hjem sin ambassadør til Roma.

Mark Zuckerbergs «Personvern-manifest»: Et direktiv for intensiveringen av sensur av Internett og sosialmedier

Kevin Reed, 13. mars 2019

Facebooks nye visjon, publisert den 6. mars av Mark Zuckerberg som hans «Privacy Manifesto», er del av styringselitens svar på rollen sosialmedier spiller i veksten av klassekampen internasjonalt.

Et amerikansk budsjett for verdensomspennende krig

Patric Martin, 13. mars 2019

Trump-administrasjonen forespør om et rekordhøyt militærbudsjett på $ 750 milliarder, mer enn de neste 14 landene til sammen.

Hva ligger bak kampanjen mot den renomerte dirigenten Daniel Barenboim

Clara Weiss, 13. mars 2019

Et sentralanliggende for kampanjen i Berlin mot Barenboim må være hans langvarige kritikk av israelsk okkupasjon og undertrykking av det palestinske folket.

New in French

Le profit avant tout
Les États-Unis refusent d'immobiliser le Boeing 737 Max 8 malgré un accident similaire il y a cinq mois

Barry Grey, 14 mars 2019

Les intérêts financiers liés à la rentabilité de Boeing et au cours de ses actions en bourse sont immenses et l’emportent de loin sur le danger de voir détruites plus de vies humaines et plus de souffrances pour les amis et les familles des victimes.

Les travailleurs entrent en lutte en Algérie

Alexandre Lantier, 14 mars 2019

L’éruption de grèves de masse contre le régime algérien donnent raison aux luttes du CIQI contre les groupes pablistes, qui ont dit que ce régime construirait le socialisme.

Royaume-Uni: le Parlement rejette à nouveau l'accord de May sur le Brexit

Robert Stevens, 14 mars 2019

Alors qu’il ne reste que 16 jours avant la sortie prévue du Royaume-Uni de l’UE, aucun accord n‘est conclu sur les relations commerciales après le Brexit

Les États-Unis retirent leur personnel d'ambassade au Venezuela

Bill Van Auken, 14 mars 2019

L'opération de changement de régime axée sur le pantin de droite Juan Guaidó marquant le pas, la menace grandit d'une intervention militaire américaine.

New in Spanish

La clase obrera entra en lucha en Argelia

Por Alex Lantier, 14 marzo 2019

El estallido de protestas de las masas obreras contra el régimen argelino reivindica la lucha del CICI contra las tendencias pablistas que afirmaban que este régimen construiría el socialismo.

EUA retira personal de su embajada en Venezuela por ser “restricción” para sus acciones

Por Bill Van Auken, 14 marzo 2019

A medida que fracasa la operación de cambio de régimen en torno al títere derechista de Juan Guaidó, crece el peligro de una intervención militar estadounidense.

Nueva encuesta muestra que los jóvenes estadounidenses apoyan cada vez más el socialismo

Por Trévon Austin, 14 marzo 2019

El desplazamiento hacia la izquierda entre los jóvenes es una consecuencia directa del fracaso del sistema capitalista, que ofrece solo guerra, austeridad y desastre social.

Queda expuesto el planeado involucramiento de la Universidad de Cambridge con el programa de propaganda militar

Por Emanuele Saccarelli y Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 14 marzo 2019

El periódico estudiantil Varsity ha expuesto la participación propuesta de la Universidad de Cambridge en Inglaterra en un programa de propaganda del Ministerio de Defensa.

Recortes de horas para trabajadores de Whole Foods expone fraude del aumento salarial de Amazon

Por Tom Hall, 14 marzo 2019

Un reporte en el Guardian mostró que los trabajadores en la cadena minorista propiedad de Amazon han visto una reducción en sus horas para compensar por el aumento salarial del año pasado a $15 por hora.

¿Por qué hay tan poco escepticismo en los medios de comunicación sobre “Leaving Neverland” y sus acusaciones contra Michael Jackson?

Por David Walsh, 14 marzo 2019

“Leaving Neverland” consiste principalmente de dos hombres, Wade Robson y James Safechuch, detallando sus afirmaciones que el cantante Michael Jackson abusó sexualmente de ellos sobre muchos años, en los 1980 y 1990. Todo esto asunto se ha degenerado en una miserable empresa monetaria y carrerista, que nosotros repudiamos.

New in German

Ein US-Haushalt für weltweiten Krieg

Patrick Martin, 13. März 2019

Die Trump-Regierung plant einen Haushalt mit Rekordausgaben für das Militär in Höhe von 750 Milliarden Dollar - mehr als die nächsten 14 Länder zusammen.

Streiks in Algerien gehen trotz betrügerischem Versprechen eines politischen „Übergangs“ weiter

Will Morrow, 13. März 2019

Bouteflika hat zwar den Verzicht auf eine fünfte Amtszeit angekündigt, allerdings soll dafür die Wahl ausgesetzt und die derzeitige Amtszeit auf unbestimmte Zeit verlängert werden.

Berliner Verkehrsarbeiter treten erneut in Warnstreik

Andy Niklaus, 13. März 2019

Am Dienstagabend lehnte die Tarifkommission der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe das Angebot der Arbeitgeberseite ab und rief die Busfahrer für Donnerstag den 14. März zum Streik auf.

Mahnwache vor Botschaft Ecuadors in London fordert Freiheit für Assange und Chelsea Manning

unseren Reportern, 13. März 2019

Gestern fand vor der ecuadorianischen Botschaft in London eine lebhafte Kundgebung statt, die vom Julian Assange Defence Committee einberufen und von der Socialist Equality Party (UK) und der World Socialist Web Site unterstützt wurde.

Fiktion und Realität: Das Bürgereinkommen der italienischen Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung

Marianne Arens, 13. März 2019

Das neue Bürgereinkommen entpuppt sich als italienische Variante des deutschen Hartz IV. An der krassen sozialen Polarisierung wird es nichts ändern.

New in Portuguese

O fechamento da fábrica da GM em Lordstown

Jerry White, 11 Março 2019

O fechamento da icônica fábrica, que foi palco de inúmeras greves selvagens e outras lutas militantes no início dos anos 1970, é o resultado de meio século de traições realizadas pelo sindicato UAW.

As lições políticas da manifestação pela liberdade de Assange de 3 de Março

Comitê Político do Partido Socialista pela Igualdade (Austrália), 11 Março 2019

A manifestação em Sidney ganhou amplo apoio a partir da mobilização da classe trabalhadora para defender os direitos democráticos e os prisioneiros da guerra de classes como Julian Assange.

Other Languages


The Youth Climate Strike and the fight against global warming

14 March 2019

That the demonstration planned for Friday has evoked a broad response is an indication of both the serious nature of the ecological crisis and the radicalization of youth all over the world.

Earlier Perspectives »

Free Assange and Manning!

IYSSE holds rally at University of Michigan to defend Chelsea Manning

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at University of Michigan, 14 March 2019

The rally at the University of Michigan advanced an international strategy to mobilize youth, students and the broadest layers of the working class against the imprisonment of Chelsea Manning.

Free Chelsea Manning!

By Andre Damon, 11 March 2019

Students and youth across the US demand freedom for Chelsea Manning

Voices at the London Solidarity Vigil in defence of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning
“We owe so much to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks”

By our reporters, 13 March 2019

Chris Marsden at Solidarity Vigil for Julian Assange
“Britain now plays the key role in the conspiracy to silence Julian Assange once and for all”

Emmy Butlin at London rally to defend Assange
“We need international solidarity to bring about a positive outcome in this struggle for freedom for Julian Assange”

Vigil outside London Ecuadorian embassy demands freedom for Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

Melbourne rally calls on workers and youth to defend Assange and Manning

By our reporters, 11 March 2019

Workers and young people speak out at Melbourne rally to free Assange and Manning

The political lessons of the March 3 Free Assange rally

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

The social crisis in America

Free dental clinic draws hundreds in Nashville, Tennessee

By Warren Duzak and Keisha Gibbs, 14 March 2019

A joint effort of Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry and Remote Area Medical Corps provided more than $162,000 in services to more than 330 patients last Saturday.


Extinction Rebellion: “Green” capitalism versus world socialism

By Steve James, 14 March 2019

The global environmental crisis is a powerful argument for the socialist reorganisation of society.

The struggle to stem climate change is the political fight to end capitalism!
Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!

By the IYSSE (Australia), 14 March 2019

The IYSSE will distribute the following statement tomorrow at high school student strikes demanding immediate action to resolve climate change and environmental destruction.

Netflix’s Trotsky: A toxic combination of historical fabrication and blatant anti-Semitism

By David North and Clara Weiss, 8 March 2019

Netflix is currently presenting to its worldwide audience the virulently anti-Semitic television series, Trotsky, which was originally produced by the Russian state in 2017.

The working class enters into struggle in Algeria

By Alex Lantier, 13 March 2019

A US budget for worldwide war

By Patrick Martin, 12 March 2019

The Fight Against Fascism

Attend March 17 London Book Launch of Why Are They Back?

Socialist Equality Party April meeting series: “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight it”
Christoph Vandreier, German Trotskyist and prominent opponent of fascism, to speak in US

By our reporters, 5 March 2019

Updated: Letters oppose barring of SEP panel on the fight against fascism from Historical Materialism conference

ISO and DSA bar Socialist Equality Party panel on the fight against fascism from upcoming Historical Materialism conference

By Joseph Kishore, 15 February 2019

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

New York University student paper joins in “anti-Semitism” witch-hunt against critics of Israel

By Josh Varlin and Sandy English, 13 March 2019

Cambridge University’s planned involvement with military propaganda programme exposed

By Emanuele Saccarelli and Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 13 March 2019

New poll shows American youth are increasingly supportive of socialism

By Trévon Austin, 13 March 2019

Workers Struggles

Guerrero, Mexico educators protest; Argentine garment workers strike
Workers Struggles: The Americas

14 March 2019

Teachers in the state of Guerrero demonstrated Monday against Mexico’s new education reform law, Women’s Day, San Mateo County, Inland boatmen, Amazon.

For joint action of US, Canadian and Mexican workers
Defend the Matamoros workers!

By WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 12 March 2019

SEP in Sri Lanka wins strong support for plantation workers’ conference

By our reporters, 9 March 2019

Demand the unconditional reinstatement of Sri Lankan plantation worker S. Balasubramaniyam!

By M. Thevarajah and W.A. Sunil, 7 March 2019

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party files lawsuit against German secret service

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 12 March 2019

The Socialist Equality Party’s lawsuit against Germany’s secret service

SEP meetings launch Tamil edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By our correspondents, 6 March 2019

Arts Review

69th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 6
God Exists, Her Name is Petrunya: A satire from Macedonia “between anger and melancholy”

By Verena Nees, 13 March 2019

69th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 5
Slave labour and new forms of capitalist exploitation in the 21st century

What lies behind the campaign against famed conductor Daniel Barenboim?

By Clara Weiss, 12 March 2019

25 years ago: G-7 “job creation” summit held in Detroit

On March 14, 1994, the labor and finance ministers of the Group of Seven leading industrialized countries met in Detroit, Michigan on the false promise of “creating jobs” amid the worst economic downturn and highest unemployment rates worldwide since the Great Depression.

More »

50 years ago: Nixon administration steps up Cold War militarism

On March 14, 1969 US President Richard Nixon announced the implementation of the Safeguard Program, part of a broader escalation in the scale of various cold war military conflicts.

More »

75 years ago: French Resistance adopts program for the establishment of a bourgeois republic

On March 15, 1944, the National Council of the Resistance, an umbrella body which oversaw the struggle against the Nazi occupation of France under the direction of the Allied powers—the United States, Britain and Canada—formally adopted a program for the establishment of a bourgeois republic following the overthrow of the fascist forces.

More »

100 years ago: Don Cossacks revolt against Soviets in Russian Civil War

On March 11, 1919, 30,000 Cossacks in Ukraine’s northern Donbas region revolted in the rear of the Red Army. The revolt was centered in the village of Vyoshenskaya and led by Pavel Kudinov.

More »

History of the ICFI

From the arsenal of Trotskyism
The Political Report by David North to the International Committee of the Fourth International—February 11, 1984

12 February 2019

Thirty-five years ago this week, David North, then the national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), presented at a meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International a critique of the British Workers Revolutionary Party’s abandonment of key theoretical conceptions and programmatic principles of Trotskyism.


How the ruling elite sought to suppress revolution
Renewal: Life after the First World War in Photographs

By Paul Mitchell, 22 February 2019

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

Book Review

Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA

By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018

Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.

Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four