
Updates and Tabler Lineup for Green Scare Anarchist Bookfair May 11-12th Boyceville, Wi

  • Posted on: 14 February 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

When we first put the call out for table submissions we were overwhelmed. It is good to see so many people were interested in tabling this event. Many didn't get back to us in time before others confirmed. But here is the good news: (unless we get locked up or some shit like that) we doin' this event again next year! Anyone who didn't make it this year and still interested will get first pick for next year. So here is the official lineup!

Call for essay submissions: "Beyond Invisible Committees, Autonomist Zones and 'The Commune'"

  • Posted on: 17 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

Call for essay submissions: "Beyond Invisible Committees, Autonomist Zones and “The Commune”: A Few Essays on Individualist Anarchy"

In the era of "rising Communes" and neo-marxism a few of us have decided to put together a compilation zine.

We are searching for essay submissions that critique communization theory, tiqqun, the invisible committee and other forms of "Commune"ism currently trending in anarchist spaces.