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Updates and Tabler Lineup for Green Scare Anarchist Bookfair May 11-12th Boyceville, Wi

  • Posted on: 14 February 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

When we first put the call out for table submissions we were overwhelmed. It is good to see so many people were interested in tabling this event. Many didn't get back to us in time before others confirmed. But here is the good news: (unless we get locked up or some shit like that) we doin' this event again next year! Anyone who didn't make it this year and still interested will get first pick for next year. So here is the official lineup!

North American Animal Liberation Press Office
Viscera Print Goods and Ephemera
Oogle Insurrection Distro
Burning Bridges Distro
Warzone Distro
Green House Distro
Days of Rage Patches
Intellectual Vagabond Editions
Anarcho Mofo Books
Milwaukee Prison Abolitionists
A Boulder on the Tracks Mobile Bookstore
Contagion Press


We really want/wanted to have bands play in the carpeted basement downstairs for this event. We only have one band confirmed and like 4 maybes. We were aiming for 8 bands. We will continue to keep band submissions open but it IS possible there won't be live music for this event. But that could change in the next few months. We shall see and keep everyone posted.


We have at least 3 different speakers confirmed. Details of what they will be speaking about are still a bit too fuzzy to post here. If they are reading this and want to post in the comments what they will be talking about, that would be cool. Submissions for other speakers are still welcomed.


Attendees are welcomed to either:
-sleep inside the venue (Blasphemy Collective)
-sleep outside in the (big) backyard
-set up camp outside at a *free* camping park one block away


There is a facebook event page that is set to private/invite only.

Dangerous Space Policy:

The Green Scare Anarchist Bookfair will be eschewing a 'safer spaces' policy in favor of a Dangerous Space Policy.

This means that we expect all attendees and vendors to be responsible for their own actions, and the potential repercussions of their actions. As hosts of this event, we refuse to assume the role of "police" or "security" to mediate conflicts that happen between people. We personally will not be used as a security apparatus to kick anyone out of this event, unless the conflict is with us directly. Everyone who attends is expected to utilize their own individual agency in directly dealing with and solving their problems with others.Therefore, this event is a dangerous space for anyone who disrespects the space and those occupying it.

We accept that oppression based on identity exists in our present society, but we are not interested in perpetuating this paradigm. All voices here are weighed based on the merit of their experience, not the identity of the person who voiced them.

This should go without sayin' but to make it abundantly clear, this is an anti-capitalist, anti-fascist event.

Any questions, concerns and hate mail please send an email to the address on the flyer.