Riot Police uses a water canon and tear gas against demonstrators during a protest against the rising of the fuel and oil prices by people wearing yellow vests. Photo by Alexandros Michailidis/



The Zapatista movement has a deep sense of community, the unquestioned assumption that the collective well being takes priority over the individual

How bad is Pharma’s brazen financial infiltration into U.S. medicine?

This self-reinforcing vicious circle endangers us all, not least those of us who live at the heart of this corrupt and ultimately self-destructive empire

A common alienation is uniting the people

Is it simply business as usual or a corporate conspiracy to destroy the planet? However one characterizes it, our planet is being cooked so already wealthy people can make even more profit

Clearly there are those who are keen to rid Lebanon of its Palestinian population

Now is the time to act boldly and courageously to defend Black communities from the destructive forces of gentrification

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A society that allows many, many people to live on less than £100 per week while a privileged few get by on over £100,000 is surely a great place to live

An open, frank public discussion about the IMF’s regrettable history and current agenda is sorely needed

Building Block for the Green New Deal

The French popular masses are furious at being taken for fools

Humanity faces two imminent existential threats: environmental catastrophe and nuclear war. These were virtually ignored in the campaign rhetoric and general coverage

Global oil prices cannot be understood apart from understanding what’s happening with other financial asset markets and prices

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About Z Magazine

Z Magazine is a radical print and online periodical dedicated to resisting injustice, eliminating repression, and creating liberty. It addresses international relations, ecology, economics, gender, race, culture, politics, etc. ZMag is twenty seven years year in print and it also appears online for Z Sustainers. The name, Z, was inspired by the movie Z, directed by Costa-Gavras, that tells the story of repression and resistance in Greece. Comrade Z has been assassinated and his killers, including the chief of police, are indicted. The prosecutor disappears and a right-wing military junta takes over. Security police set out to prevent "a mildew of the mind" and infiltration of "isms." As the closing credits roll, the filmmakers list the things banned by the junta. They include: peace movements, labor unions, long hair on men, Sophocles, Tolstoy, strikes, the Beatles, Chekhov, Mark Twain, the bar association, sociology, Becket, the free press, the new math, and the letter Z, scrawled on a sidewalk as the film's final image, symbolizing "the spirit of resistance lives."

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