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Being Left

Vincent Emanuele interviews Michael Albert Activism and vision

Spanish activist David Marty interviews Albert on : Being Left

Belgian activist Paulo Rodriquez interviews Albert on: Thoughts and Deeds

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Highlighted Content for Activists

Kelly: War Against Children
Bennis: Golan Heights and Israel
Jackson: Florida’s Poll Tax
Cook: Israel's impunity
Certo: Not the Real Scandal
Hallinan: EU Elections
Fernández Campbell: Uber Strike
Gordon: Rule of Law?
Solomon: The Primary Pathway
Fuentes: Venezuela
Steinkopf-Frank: College Strike
Demanuelle-Hall Amazon Strike
Sjursen: America Is Exceptional
Brooks: ‘Different Here’ No Excuse
Helm: One Million March
Rockhill:  Yellow Vests
Whitford: DSA’s Decision
Levine: Love-Me Liberals 
Romanow: Sunrise Movement
Prashad: Venezuela’s future 
Giroux: Ghost of Fascism
Lord: Tipping Point?
Ives: Haiti
Feffer: After Trump
Solnit: Climate action 
Fisk: Algeria as a necrocracy
Thew: Keep the momentum
Chen: Global Strike
Solomon: Taking Power
Early: NewsGuild?
Prashad: Solidarity is a Process
Rosen: "Deaths of Despair”
Berners-LeeL #ForTheWeb?
Falk: American Democracy
Iturriza: Venezuelan people
Lander: Preventing intervention
Galant: Unions Can Win
Sered: Until We Reckon
Weisbrot: Regime Change?
Pizzigati: Dorms Mimic Mansions
Will: Teacher Strikes 
Feffer: India/Pakistan
Berrigan: Climate-Change Generation
Rasmus: Deficit & Debt Bomb
Climate Striker: Take on capitalism
Aldrich: Teachers ‘ready to fight’
Stedile: Venezuela paramount
Samantha: Our Green New Deal
Fisk: Fear, pain, injustice 
Chomsky: Chomsky & Nader
Benjamin: Sanctions & Iran
Greenwald: Saving Press Freedom
Ellsberg: “No One More Patriotic”
Kelly: Judging U.S. War Crimes
Biddle: Big Tech Beatdown
Peralta: Ecuador’s Dilemma
Monbiot: Cars are killing us
Corbett: Wabtec Workers 
West: Bernie, Trump, & Racism
Cohen: Our bodies, our choice
Busk: Chile’s feminist movement
Street: As the World Burns
Fletcher: Trump’s Wall
Engelfried: Young activists 
Sawant: Bernie’s Campaign
Bennis: Democratic Party Travesty
Varoufakis: Change Europe
Owliaei: Teachers Urge Divestment
Finkelstein: Time to Indict Israel
Cole: Costa Rica’s Green Program
Boggs: War That Never Ends
Cole: Decarbonization Program
Pilger: The prisoner says no 
Boggs: The War That Never Ends
Speth: Turned a Corner?
Borges: “Difficult to defeat us”
Weiner: Oakland Teachers
Shiva: Fight Back
Roy: Kashmir Flashpoint 
Prashad: ‘The coup is over’
Akuno: Eco-Socialism or Death
Senters: GM is Closing My Plant
Street: Cohen’s Overlooked Warning
Swanson: Draft Registration 
Rasmus: Financial Imperialism
Jensen: Resistance and Renewal
Ordower: Climate Resistance
Rosenberg: Pharma Profit Partyl
Prashad: People Resilient
Prins: Survival of the Richest
Brecher: Green New Deal Can Work
Sanders: Treating Workers Fairly
Street: Slandering Green New Deal
Nieuwhof: Workers reject 
Fanning: Teenage War Resister
Montecinos: Chilean Dockworkers 
Monbiot: Young climate strikers
Winslow: ‘Winning Is Possible’
Cook: Britain’s Labour party
Brusky: Arts Organizing 
Pizzigati: ‘Helicopter Parents’ 
Lander: Not Humanitarian Aid
Pilger: War on Venezuela
Feffer: Green New Deal
Frayne: Work less, play more
Podur: Stealing Venezuela’s economy
Rasmus: Big Economic Questions 
Singer: ‘Changing the rules’
Krall: Transformative GND
Dobson: Venezuelan Military 
Prashad: Haiti and Venezuela
Jones: W.V. Teachers Strike Again
Lerner: Seek Affordable Housing
Kipfer: What Color is Your Vest?
Bonner: Elliott Abrams 
Falk: Troublesome Possibilities
Street: Actual National Emergencies
Wallerstein: How to Fight 
Flanders: Cooperatives 
Klare: War With China?
Baker: “Free Trade” 
Ellner: Anti-Maduro Narrative
Sarkar: Green Labor?
Read: School climate strikes
Monbiot: Children striking back
Prashad: U.S. in Venezuela?
Mochaidean: West Virginia Struggle
Klein: Battle Lines
Kelly: Peace in Afghanistan
Cohen: Unions See an Opening
Román: Denver Teachers Strike
Solomon: Bernie 2020 
Flowers: Vision For Green New Deal
Martinez: Youth Movements 
Bernat: Catalonia
Prashad: Pox Americana
Wood: The Battle for Venezuela
Fletcher: Northam controversy
Brooks: Nurses Strike
Ellner: Regime Change
Greenwald: Surveillance State
Jorden: ICE “New Normal”
Rasmus: Economy on the Brink
Falk: Practicing Fascism
Hudson: Venezuela's economy
Buell: Labor Strikes 
Hoxie: Rnding the Age of Billionaires
Pizzigati: Egalitarian Gains

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