Property prices falling too fast for economy to absorb, warns investment bank Morgan Stanley.

Property price falls too fast to 'absorb'

Residential property prices are falling too fast for the broader economy to absorb and could force the RBA to cut rates to prevent a consumer slowdown, job losses and weakening dollar, according to Morgan Stanley.

Can Hayne solve the culture conundrum?

Legal action against the banks for past misdeeds will grab the royal commission headlines, but the question of changing culture across the industry is arguably Commissioner Hayne's most important.

The 'healthy' burger king is back

Grill'd founder Simon Crowe is pushing for growth that he hopes can boost the revenue of his empire from above $370 million towards $1 billion.

Royal commission dulls banking ad spend

Australian bank spending on advertising has become the latest scalp of the Hayne royal commission, but a campaign to rebuild public trust could see the financial services sector advertise more this year.

The end of the first trading month of the year brought a surge in superlatives.

Risk rally beats back bears

What's winning in markets? Pretty much everything. If January's pace was maintained, oil would reach $US400 a barrel.


The AFR View

Labor's dividend whack unfair and inefficient

On a generous view, shadow treasurer Chris Bowen is showing refreshing political honesty in telling self-funded retirees that they are perfectly entitled to vote against Labor if they don't like its franking credits crackdown.

From left, Julie Bishop, Julia Banks and Dr Kerryn Phelps all agree climate change is a major factor in the upcoming ...

Liberal MPs agitate for climate change action

Senior Liberals say they have been assured the government will have a climate policy for the election, saying it is not too late to reverse some of the damage caused by dumping Malcolm Turnbull.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Friday.

Credit squeeze tipped to ease after final report

Labor said the credit squeeze would ease after the release of the findings of the banking royal commission on Monday while Prime Minister stepped up his commitment not to harm lending in the government's response.

Personal Finance
