
Striking For The Future of Education: Interview with a Los Angeles Teacher

More than 30,000 educators in the country’s second-biggest school district of Los Angeles are poised to strike Monday, January 12 for the first time since 1989. In the aftermath of the inspiring wave of teacher strikes and actions in 2018, LA teachers are preparing to fight not just for their own jobs, but to defend a vision of democratic and equitable public education against the attack from neoliberal corporate privatizers.

Class War in Social Democratic Sweden

Two activists with the SAC syndicalist union in Sweden write on the “Peace Obligation” proposal which would effectively outlaw strikes and workplaces actions outside of narrow conditions. The piece explains both the political context for the proposal – crafted jointly by employers and major unions and backed by the Social Democratic Party – as well as the the resistance led by a coalition of independent unions and activists.

“Yellow vests” – The struggle continues

“May the Force be with Us”

Abolishing ICE by funding it

In spite of promises to "Abolish ICE," Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others voted to fund it on their very first day in office.

Theses on the 2018 proletarian struggles in the Near and Middle East and their prospects

An article summary
The following theses give an introductory summary to the article Iran: What after the repression of the Haft Tapeh workers and the steelworkers in Ahvaz? published in full length on the author’s Libcom blog.

More bad news from the World Bank

IMF+World Bank = Hundreds Rich, Billions Poor

Following on from our recent post on the World Bank and climate change comes more bad news from the Bank. In the World Bank’s flagship 2019 World Development Report, entitled the Changing Nature of Work, the Bank argues for wide-ranging deregulation of labour; deemed necessary to prepare countries for the changing nature of work. The report sets out a nice cosy capitalist future under which firms will be relieved of the burden of contributing to social security, have the flexibility to pay wages as low as they think fit and have the power to fire people at will.

Signs of the times / Images from the future: Thoughts on the “yellow vests” and the revolt in France - Void Network

Almost two months after their emergence the yellow vests are still here! The movement started attracting international attention and more extensive coverage after the events that took place on Saturday 1/12. This was expectable, since no matter what our political judgment may turn out to be, we are faced with a nationwide revolt, which has not simply prompted thoughts for a state of emergency, but led to its informal implementation, through the extensive police measures imposed during the 8/12 demonstrations.

Todas Contra Bolsonaro! Todas contra Bolsonaro e a nova direita!

No dia primeiro de janeiro de 2019, Jair Bolsonaro assumirá a presidência do Brasil. Sua candidatura, seu governo e seus aliados representam o que há de pior em qualquer sociedade: o autoritarismo, o sexismo, o racismo, a homofobia e a xenofobia. O capitalismo aliado a práticas com fortes tendências fascistas!

All Out Against Bolsonaro! An Appeal from Brazil

A call from Brazilian anarchists: On January 1, 2019, Jair Bolsonaro will assume the presidency of Brazil. His candidacy, his government, and his allies represent the worst in any society: authoritarianism, sexism, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia. Capitalism combined with strong fascist tendencies! We are calling on everyone to resist.

Gilets Jaunes on the streets for social justice

Despite the French national flags being waved by the protesters, local libertarian communist Riton said he had no worries about the political direction the Gilets Jaunes were taking.