
Grenfell Tower – the smoke & the mirrors

There is an ever-growing stream of media commentary on the Grenfell fire, increasing daily as the public enquiry unfolds. There are some elements in the media with the goal of obscuring or excusing the plain facts as part of a pre-emptive defence manoeuvre to protect those most implicated in what caused the fire and the 72 deaths. That they feel the need to use such distortions to defend the Grenfell landlords and those who ordered and oversaw the Grenfell refurbishment that fitted the lethal cladding only increases the suggestion of a general doubt on all sides about their innocence.

Iran: What after the repression of the Haft Tapeh workers and the steelworkers in Ahvaz?

Iran: Manifestation against the arrest of steel workers

The proletarians in the Middle East have not yet realized it, but the struggle to defend their living situation and against the imperialist war is developing towards a revolution in which the overthrow of the Shah regime was only child's play.

Workers' power at Heathrow airport - a Report

A friend works as a maintenance engineer at Heathrow airport. You can read about working conditions and organising efforts below - a shorter version will be distributed to Heathrow workers in WorkersWildWest no.9. If you want to get involved in our modest organising efforts in and around Heathrow, drop us a line:

Bosses' Political Faction Fights – Not Our Problem!

Pantomimes usually start in December and end early in the New Year. The Brexit version at the Westminster Palais looks set for an extended run.

The "Gilets jaunes" seen from my workplace

"We want cash while we wait for communism."


1918 — 1968 — 2018

As 2018 draws to a close, a twofold picture emerges. On one side, the accelerating capitalist crisis. Escalating global turmoil and imperialist manoeuvres bring untold misery to Yemen, Syria and the Ukraine. The ruling class, struggling to find a solution to the economic crisis, causes political chaos and confusion in Britain and the United States. On the other side – new mass struggles of the working class in Iran, Iraq, China, Nicaragua, Jordan and France. This happened before.

The Yellow Vests Movement: the Crisis is Deepening

The article which follows is a translation of a contribution from a close sympathiser of the ICT in France.

Paris is on Fire

We are publishing this translation from Russian of the Internationalist Communists of Krasnoyarsk. We should warn readers that the latter is machine translated and we have not been able to verify its accuracy. The article has since been overtaken by events (e.g. at time of writing this 4 people have now died) and the opinions are those of the Russian comrades.

Caravan Migrants Trapped on the Frontiers of Capitalism

Increasing militarism and hostility to migrants are interconnected aspects of the crisis of capitalism.

The Class Party in the Light of the Struggles in Iran

The struggle can hardly prosper if it becomes isolated in Iran. The Iranian workers’ need for a useful political organization, to develop consciousness and guide struggles, is what we all need. Not in the future but now.

Against Racism, Against Capitalism

The leaflet below was given out by the Italian affiliate of the ICT, Il Partito Comunista Internazionalista, in the anti-racist demonstration in Rome on 10 November.

Russia: the number of strikes is growing

Whilst all bourgeois eyes are fixed on the G20 summit in Buenos Aires or the Ukraine-Russia conflict in the Sea of Azov the class war goes on around the planet. We have already published on the strikes currently convulsing Iran more than once and now we have received the following report and comment on a revival of strikes in Russia from a sympathiser there.

The Yellow Vests’ protests cause traffic jams in west-London warehouses

A friend of ours works in a small warehouse in west-London that organises shipments between the UK and the British Virgin Islands. Recently conveyor parts deliveries were delayed by road blockades in France, organised by people who protest against the diesel tax increase. But not only that, they were also delayed by the cumbersome sub-contractor system within the logistics chain. The chains are weak, let’s lose them! Here is his story...

Iran: Workers' Strikes and Protests Continue

Today the slogan of Bread, Jobs, Freedom, Soviet Organisation is to everyone's surprise, if not disbelief, resonating everywhere. The support of other workers, teachers, office workers has ignited hope in the hearts of millions of workers and toilers. Against the regime’s drumbeat for imperialist war, our slogan is “no war but class war”. As the class struggle intensifies, the balance of power in Iran is being questioned for the first time since 1979.

WorkersWildWest no.8 - A local working class newspaper from west-London

A local working class newspaper: spreading work-place and struggle reports and propagating revolution. Get involved in local distribution or set up your own papers. Comments welcome - stick it to the man!

Inequality and poverty – the latest UN report on UK poverty illustrates the need for the end of class society

The figures set out in the latest UN report on UK pauperisation, shocking enough in their own right, form the latest link in a chain of extremes which is the reality of global inequality, a tendency which has rocketed since the 2008 financial crash.

The Capitalist Nature of The Soviet Famines

Showing how the famines in Ukraine and elsewhere in the USSR in the early 1930s were the result of capitalism, rather than "communism".

The Significance of the German Revolution

Reflections on the CWO/ICT Public Meeting in London (November 17 2018).

Shocking new development: Angela Nagle's Left Case against Open Borders is shithouse

The Hellenic Prince

A criticism of Angela Nagle's recent essay, 'The Left Case against Open Borders'. Touches on globalism, ethics and electoralism.